Taxes were cut, where are the jobs?

Bush's highway bill of '05 - the largest in U.S. history. $286 billion, setting a new record by earmarking $24 billion for a whopping 6,376 pet projects. 1,700+ pages, not made public until just before the vote.

still no link? why is it you can't link your claims? when i google largest US pork bill....that bill does not come up.
still no link? why is it you can't link your claims? when i google largest US pork bill....that bill does not come up.

See that? You don't even know that bill. You probably know very little about Bush's Presidency.

For someone who makes so many definitive assertions, you simply don't know a heck of a lot.
See that? You don't even know that bill. You probably know very little about Bush's Presidency.

For someone who makes so many definitive assertions, you simply don't know a heck of a lot.

dude...i googled it and did not find a link to support your claim. you have said that if someone googles the claim and can't find it, then the person should supply it.

so supply it onceler.
Typical neocon/teabagger myopia!

Pay attention: in 2000 the USA had a balanced budget! Zero deficit! This is why you had a 4.0 unemployment rate....THANKS TO BILL CLINTON!

Then the Shrub comes in, let's Wall St. and the banks run wild and starts a bogus invasion occupation OFF THE BOOKS. SO THE SURPLUS THAT WE HAD WENT DOWN THE TOILET. The unemployment rate starts to RISE with the Shrub's tax cuts (aka reaganomics on steroids). And then the GOP fought for and GOT a 2 year extension on those tax cuts! So yeah, the unemployment rate rises THANKS TO THE CONTINUED FINANCIAL POLICIES OF THE SHRUB.

Some facts that neocon/teabagger flunkies stubbornly want to ignore.

Since you are apparently an economic genius, maybe you can explain to us what caused the unemployment rate to drop to 4.6% in 2006 and 2007? Was it all an accident?

Tax cuts are like abstinence, they work everytime they are tried
dude...i googled it and did not find a link to support your claim. you have said that if someone googles the claim and can't find it, then the person should supply it.

so supply it onceler.

I'm not here to educate someone who clearly slept through that time. Try googling "2005 highway bill," or any of the facts I put in that post. It's embarassing you don't know about it, having stated that Clinton signed the "same kind of bill".

Reminds me of last week, when you said you only had a "vague recollection" of the swiftboat vets. THE biggest issue in the '04 campaign, by a mile.

LOL - so ignorant.
I'm not here to educate someone who clearly slept through that time. Try googling "2005 highway bill," or any of the facts I put in that post. It's embarassing you don't know about it, having stated that Clinton signed the "same kind of bill".

Reminds me of last week, when you said you only had a "vague recollection" of the swiftboat vets. THE biggest issue in the '04 campaign, by a mile.

LOL - so ignorant.

i see. so when you claimed that if someone actually googled it and couldn't find it, that the person making the claim should supply the were lying because the person was dungheap (liberal) and the other poster was a right leaning poster.

you're too dishonest onceler. your double standards are pathetic.

as to the swift boat vets last're lying. i never said that. ever. you're worse than legion and maybe i should listen to others and put you on ignore.
i see. so when you claimed that if someone actually googled it and couldn't find it, that the person making the claim should supply the were lying because the person was dungheap (liberal) and the other poster was a right leaning poster.

you're too dishonest onceler. your double standards are pathetic.

as to the swift boat vets last're lying. i never said that. ever. you're worse than legion and maybe i should listen to others and put you on ignore.

A) You definitely said that about the swiftboat vets. You really are weird/pathological. Your denials about that kind of stuff are disturbing.
B) If you really can't google that bill, you need as much help w/ googling as you do w/ the truth. I just googled "Bush 2005 highway bill", and every link that came up on the 1st page was an article or commentary on that specific bill.

You're dopey, Yurt. And pathological.
lmao. so it is my fault onceler runs away from the tough questions? he didn't answer your question long before i came back on the thread. and btw...i had a legitimate question for him that he ran from as well.

please stop being such a retard.

not saying its your fault he ran away.....just saying that once you and onceler start repeating the same argument you've been having twice a day since early 2010 the rest of us might as well go find a different thread to post on......

and in case you don't know what I'm talking about, let me summarize it for you...
Yurt: I've already told you the answer to that
Onceler: no you haven't
Yurt: your an idiot for not knowing I told you that three posts ago
Onceler: you're lying, you didn't
Yurt: You always say that
Onceler:You always say I always say that
Yurt: Google it
Onceler: No, you google it
Yurt: You're an idiot
Onceler: No, you're an idiot....
Bush's highway bill of '05 - the largest in U.S. history. $286 billion, setting a new record by earmarking $24 billion for a whopping 6,376 pet projects. 1,700+ pages, not made public until just before the vote.

6,376?.....that's not even a speck of dust on the biggest pork barrel...
Members of Congress requested almost 40,000 earmarks worth more than $100 billion directed to their home districts and states for the current fiscal year, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis to be released Tuesday.
not saying its your fault he ran away.....just saying that once you and onceler start repeating the same argument you've been having twice a day since early 2010 the rest of us might as well go find a different thread to post on......

and in case you don't know what I'm talking about, let me summarize it for you...
Yurt: I've already told you the answer to that
Onceler: no you haven't
Yurt: your an idiot for not knowing I told you that three posts ago
Onceler: you're lying, you didn't
Yurt: You always say that
Onceler:You always say I always say that
Yurt: Google it
Onceler: No, you google it
Yurt: You're an idiot
Onceler: No, you're an idiot....


but in this case, not true. you cut out the cites i wanted from him to back up his assertions.

stop being a baby PMP
A) You definitely said that about the swiftboat vets. You really are weird/pathological. Your denials about that kind of stuff are disturbing.
B) If you really can't google that bill, you need as much help w/ googling as you do w/ the truth. I just googled "Bush 2005 highway bill", and every link that came up on the 1st page was an article or commentary on that specific bill.

You're dopey, Yurt. And pathological.

A) cite it onceler. i never said it. ever.

B) thanks for admitting you're a liar and have double standards. if you actually googled it and found links....i wonder why is it, you can't copy a single link to prove your claim. LOL. everyone else copies links.

you're dumb and dishonest.
I'm not here to educate someone who clearly slept through that time. Try googling "2005 highway bill," or any of the facts I put in that post. It's embarassing you don't know about it, having stated that Clinton signed the "same kind of bill".

Reminds me of last week, when you said you only had a "vague recollection" of the swiftboat vets. THE biggest issue in the '04 campaign, by a mile.

LOL - so ignorant.

Congress Approves Big Highway Bill - CBS News 11, 2009 – Congress on Friday passed sweeping highway and mass transit legislation that will send nearly $300 billion to the states to build and fix roads, ...

Oh wait... that's 2009, so this must be OBAMA's "highway bill!" But, but, but... it says it was nearly $300 billion, and that can't be true because Bush's bill was only $286 billion, and it was "the largest in history." ....OH MY GOSH.... How can this be, OneCell?
Congress Approves Big Highway Bill - CBS News 11, 2009 – Congress on Friday passed sweeping highway and mass transit legislation that will send nearly $300 billion to the states to build and fix roads, ...

Oh wait... that's 2009, so this must be OBAMA's "highway bill!" But, but, but... it says it was nearly $300 billion, and that can't be true because Bush's bill was only $286 billion, and it was "the largest in history." ....OH MY GOSH.... How can this be, OneCell?

The ODS is strong in you guys.

Did you forget how this conversation started? Bet ya did. We were talking about what caused the crash of '08.

But it always comes back to Obama w/ you idjits. Like I said - he is not a fiscally responsible Prez, and I ain't voting for him.

Unfortunately for you, he's not a part of the conversation. The crux was what caused the crash. Oh, that's right Dix - your contention DOES involve Obama, because -with all of your economic expertise - you claim the mere prospect of Obama getting elected caused an otherwise healthy economy to experience its worst crash in decades.

I've gotta say - it's really fun discussing this stuff w/ you hacks...
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Typical neocon/teabagger myopia!

Pay attention: in 2000 the USA had a balanced budget! Zero deficit! This is why you had a 4.0 unemployment rate....THANKS TO BILL CLINTON!

Then the Shrub comes in, let's Wall St. and the banks run wild and starts a bogus invasion occupation OFF THE BOOKS. SO THE SURPLUS THAT WE HAD WENT DOWN THE TOILET. The unemployment rate starts to RISE with the Shrub's tax cuts (aka reaganomics on steroids). And then the GOP fought for and GOT a 2 year extension on those tax cuts! So yeah, the unemployment rate rises THANKS TO THE CONTINUED FINANCIAL POLICIES OF THE SHRUB.

Some facts that neocon/teabagger flunkies stubbornly want to ignore.

Since you are apparently an economic genius, maybe you can explain to us what caused the unemployment rate to drop to 4.6% in 2006 and 2007? Was it all an accident?

Tax cuts are like abstinence, they work everytime they are tried

And what did the rate JUMP TO IN 2008, genius? 5.8? and the following year? I mean, you demonsrate the very myopia I spoke off...or are you truly that fucking stupid to believe that the effect of Bush tax cuts ended on Obama's inauguration?

Tax cuts for the rich started under Reagan, my insipidly stubborn neocon/teabagger friend. Save for a stop-gap under Clinton, it has YET to "work". You and your fellow flunkies just won't acknowledge the FACTS...hell, even Daddy Bush admitted that "voodoo economics" wasn't cutting it.

YOu got your tax cut extension along with a stonewalling GOP.....your way didn't work. deal with it.
A) cite it onceler. i never said it. ever.

B) thanks for admitting you're a liar and have double standards. if you actually googled it and found links....i wonder why is it, you can't copy a single link to prove your claim. LOL. everyone else copies links.

you're dumb and dishonest.

Just like you never sent Darla that note? LOL. You don't know what you do, or say.

I wonder why is it, you can't simply type in the search that I said I used on google, and see for yourself? Too much work for you?
The ODS is strong in you guys.

Did you forget how this conversation started? Bet ya did. We were talking about what caused the crash of '08.

But it always comes back to Obama w/ you idjits. Like I said - he is not a fiscally responsible Prez, and I ain't voting for him.

Unfortunately for you, he's not a part of the conversation. The crux was what caused the crash. Oh, that's right Dix - your contention DOES involve Obama, because -with all of your economic expertise - you claim the mere prospect of Obama getting elected caused an otherwise healthy economy to experience its worst crash in decades.

I've gotta say - it's really fun discussing this stuff w/ you hacks...

First of all, we were not talking about what caused the crash, you were talking about Bush's record-setting highway bill, and challenged us to google it... I did... I found Obama's EVEN LARGER highway bill from 2009. I thought that was ironic, since you billed Bush's as "the largest in history" and figured maybe you had "been asleep" since 2009, and didn't realize Obama had broken Bush's record.

Second, it has never been my contention that the economic collapse was due to the prospect of Obama being elected. The downturn had already begun, things were not looking good, and very arguably, because of things DEMOCRATS had implemented, as j-mac pointed out. Much of Bush's presidency, we had a majority Democrat congress, and even when we didn't, the Democrats could prevent any supermajority vote, so you can't really hang this on Republicans, they didn't have the power to do a thing about it. Yeah, some of it was Bush's fault... the spending... the Pill Bill... signing off on the Dodd/Frank proposal to mandate low-income loans to first-time home buyers, etc. But ANYTHING that Bush did, has been trumped in spades by Obama, when it comes to excessive spending. The point I made about the prospects of Obama being elected, concerned capital investors. People who have the millions and billions to open new factories and build new facilities and create new jobs... Those people took to the shelter as soon as they realized we were about to have an anti-capitalist president, because they ain't stupid... and guess what? They will REMAIN in the shelters until a pro-capitalist president is elected, hopefully for us, in November.
First of all, we were not talking about what caused the crash, you were talking about Bush's record-setting highway bill, and challenged us to google it... I did... I found Obama's EVEN LARGER highway bill from 2009. I thought that was ironic, since you billed Bush's as "the largest in history" and figured maybe you had "been asleep" since 2009, and didn't realize Obama had broken Bush's record.

Second, it has never been my contention that the economic collapse was due to the prospect of Obama being elected. The downturn had already begun, things were not looking good, and very arguably, because of things DEMOCRATS had implemented, as j-mac pointed out. Much of Bush's presidency, we had a majority Democrat congress, and even when we didn't, the Democrats could prevent any supermajority vote, so you can't really hang this on Republicans, they didn't have the power to do a thing about it. Yeah, some of it was Bush's fault... the spending... the Pill Bill... signing off on the Dodd/Frank proposal to mandate low-income loans to first-time home buyers, etc. But ANYTHING that Bush did, has been trumped in spades by Obama, when it comes to excessive spending. The point I made about the prospects of Obama being elected, concerned capital investors. People who have the millions and billions to open new factories and build new facilities and create new jobs... Those people took to the shelter as soon as they realized we were about to have an anti-capitalist president, because they ain't stupid... and guess what? They will REMAIN in the shelters until a pro-capitalist president is elected, hopefully for us, in November.

Pure hackery - some of your worst.

And yes, Dix - we were talking about what caused the crash. That's why I brought up Bush's highway bill; it was the insane fiscal irresponsibility & negligence of that admin that laid the groundwork for what happened in '08.

You didn't even know what we were talking about. And I didn't "challenge" anyone to google anything. I figured anyone on a political message board, discussing economics, would know something as basic as that. Yurt didn't, so I told him to google it....
Pure hackery - some of your worst.

And yes, Dix - we were talking about what caused the crash. That's why I brought up Bush's highway bill; it was the insane fiscal irresponsibility & negligence of that admin that laid the groundwork for what happened in '08.

I just showed your stupid ass where Obama's 2009 highway bill was larger than Bush' "insane fiscally irresponsible" bill, and you call that "hackery?" If Bush's bill caused the crash, what the fuck did Obama's EVEN LARGER bill do? IDIOT!

You didn't even know what we were talking about. And I didn't "challenge" anyone to google anything. I figured anyone on a political message board, discussing economics, would know something as basic as that. Yurt didn't, so I told him to google it....

Try googling "2005 highway bill," ~Onceler

I tried it... I found a 2009 highway bill by Obama that was LARGER THAN BUSH'S!

Looks as if you don't know much about your president, do you, OneCell?