Taxes were cut, where are the jobs?

Which is why his plan to put money into the pockets of the actual job creators, will be the plan that is pushed this year.

There is no such thing as 'trickle down' job creation.

The only job creators, are those who create demand.

LMAO... Sounds like we're going to extend the Bush Tax Cuts again! YEA!
his plan to put money into the pockets of the actual job creators...

Hang on... wasn't that his plan 4 years ago? Isn't that what the Keynesian policies were all about?

Why do you believe that presidents can fail to do what they promised, demonstrate their ideas totally do not work, and the people will re-elect them to second terms? Can you explain that to me? Because history tells a completely different story in the world I live in.
Nobody was being forced to make bad loans.

Not true...In the 70s we saw much of the same tactics that Occupy uses today, only much more violent than today's progressive anarchists, they cowed banks into making shady deals, and bad loans. Then you have the CRA which Clinton put on steroids, and had a major effect on the housing collapse.

There were myriad players who were all complicit in the scam.

True...Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, ACORN, George Soros, Progressive members of congress like Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, Franklin Raines, etc. etc. etc....

The question is, who made the most money? The cream always rises to the top.

I would say that would be Obama, coming in at $787 billion.
Which is why his plan to put money into the pockets of the actual job creators, will be the plan that is pushed this year.

when Obama says, "if you make me president for the next four years I promise to.....", shouldn't we remind him that if he thinks its a good thing to do he should do it right now, because he IS the president?...........
I'm against predatory investing...

Okay, so here is a liberal idea I think maybe I can get behind, because it sounds really good. I hate predators, and it's awful that someone would be so predatory as to profit on investing at the expense of people who aren't as smart or don't know how to be predatory. So let's see how this can work out... We can make it a law that whenever you purchase stocks, the price has to be stable, and not increasing or decreasing, because either way, it could be predatory. If the price is low and you buy, one could say you were preying on those who were selling, taking advantage of them. And if it were rising, well... you're also preying on who is selling, because the stock will be worth more tomorrow. So we can only purchase stocks when they are stable. We can sell stocks, only when they are worth less than we paid for them, because if we profit, then it's preying on whoever we purchased them from. But wait, if the stock is worth less than we paid, couldn't we be preying on some innocent sap who doesn't realize the value is declining? I think we have to only sell stocks if the price is stable as well! This is the ONLY way to protect ourselves against predatory investing! It MUST be done!

Which is why his plan to put money into the pockets of the actual job creators, will be the plan that is pushed this year.

There is no such thing as 'trickle down' job creation.

The only job creators, are those who create demand.

really... who created the demand for the ipod? smart phone? PC? Laptops? etc...?
I am bummed about that; however, I am also relieved that it's not in the teens.

You know what's going on; don't be a hack. The U.S. gov't can do very little at this point to change things. It's up to Europe & the world.
You are such a tool. Sometimes I seriously wonder whether you're a plant for the DNC.
Ah calls it lacks ah sees it. ;)

Well, just for kicks, back it up. You seem to have had an issue w/ my statement.

Tell me, what policy or policies could the U.S. implement to minimize the effects of a European collapse?

Take your time. I have a feeling this has "fun" written all over it.
Tell me, what policy or policies could the U.S. implement to minimize the effects of a European collapse?

Ooo... can I answer? Please? Please?

Abolish corporate and capital gains taxes entirely!

That would do it! ...Oh, and maybe start paying off our national debt.

You see, if we abolished corporate and cap gains tax, there would be an enormous amount of interest from foreign investors, in American companies, and to hell with Europe. Cap gains, same thing, only you would bring back all the money investors have sent overseas, and again... screw Europe!

Of course, this plan is only viable if Obama is not re-elected. Because if he gets another 4 years, we can expect the world reserve currency to no longer be the US Dollar, and when that happens, all bets are off. Our economy will become dependent on the economy of whomever assumes that role, probably China or Russia. I have no plan for how to improve their economies.
Ooo... can I answer? Please? Please?

Abolish corporate and capital gains taxes entirely!

That would do it! ...Oh, and maybe start paying off our national debt.

You see, if we abolished corporate and cap gains tax, there would be an enormous amount of interest from foreign investors, in American companies, and to hell with Europe. Cap gains, same thing, only you would bring back all the money investors have sent overseas, and again... screw Europe!

Of course, this plan is only viable if Obama is not re-elected. Because if he gets another 4 years, we can expect the world reserve currency to no longer be the US Dollar, and when that happens, all bets are off. Our economy will become dependent on the economy of whomever assumes that role, probably China or Russia. I have no plan for how to improve their economies.

That wouldn't change a thing if Europe collapses.

Not a thing.

But, I enjoy listening to your theories on the economy almost as much as I enjoy your rants on evolution. So, there's that.
That wouldn't change a thing if Europe collapses.

Not a thing.

But, I enjoy listening to your theories on the economy almost as much as I enjoy your rants on evolution. So, there's that.

Just wondering if anyone else sees that Onceler devises a question that he demands a detailed answer to, not to debate the point, but rather to mock it once it is offered....How is that acceptable?
Just wondering if anyone else sees that Onceler devises a question that he demands a detailed answer to, not to debate the point, but rather to mock it once it is offered....How is that acceptable?

You mean like when I told you how the CBO derives it's data, and then you discredited that?

Usually, when responding, I try to ask myself...what would Rush say?
You mean like when I told you how the CBO derives it's data, and then you discredited that?

Usually, when responding, I try to ask myself...what would Rush say?

You didn't tell anyone that, liar. You said they had 'reports' and 'data' but you never expounded further.

Now you are just bowing up and LYING through your shit-stained teeth about it. Pa-thetic!
I disagree, it would make Europe completely irrelevant.

Honestly, that's nice wishful thinking, but it just isn't reality. We're tied into Europe, and China, and just about every other region on the planet inextricably at this point. That's why it's called a "global economy."

Where do you think all of the investors you refer to reside?