Taxes were cut, where are the jobs?

You mean like when I told you how the CBO derives it's data, and then you discredited that?

It was discredited because it deserved to be such...Come on...A method of counting jobs based on what the people receiving money from the government, say is their number. While I showed you that even something as stupid as a raise was counted as a job, there is more...Like the scam of having a highway construction stop sign holder working for a company taking stimulus funds who was employed before a specific project, but gets counted as a new job working for the same company because they start a new project...What a farce Sheriff Joe!

Usually, when responding, I try to ask myself...what would Rush say?

I don't see it in the level of retort. Sorry. But the point is you can be as silly as you want, that doesn't mean that what you say is anywhere near the real deal.
You didn't tell anyone that, liar. You said they had 'reports' and 'data' but you never expounded further.

Now you are just bowing up and LYING through your shit-stained teeth about it. Pa-thetic!

LOL - they get reports on jobs created and saved from the recipients of the money. What more do you need in the way of details? Your claim at the beginning of the thread (did you forget?) was that they fabricated the #'s out of thin air.

Now, you can continue to say that the stimulus recipients are lying & committing fraud - but please don't allege that I didn't detail the methodology for you. I did. You just don't want to believe it.
Honestly, that's nice wishful thinking, but it just isn't reality. We're tied into Europe, and China, and just about every other region on the planet inextricably at this point. That's why it's called a "global economy."

Where do you think all of the investors you refer to reside?

Yes, we are tied to these countries because we no longer produce things here. If we eliminated corporate tax, every major corporation in the world, would be knocking our doors down to build and expand here, and we would have jobs galore... so many so, that we could name our own price for pay, because there wouldn't be enough people to fill the positions. We would again be the world's leader in production, and it simply would not matter what was happening elsewhere.

US investors live in the US, is that what you are asking?
Yes, we are tied to these countries because we no longer produce things here. If we eliminated corporate tax, every major corporation in the world, would be knocking our doors down to build and expand here, and we would have jobs galore... so many so, that we could name our own price for pay, because there wouldn't be enough people to fill the positions. We would again be the world's leader in production, and it simply would not matter what was happening elsewhere.

US investors live in the US, is that what you are asking?

No - I was asking where you think all of those foreign investors who are going to revitalize our economy live.

As for your fantasy above, won't happen until we're able to get away with paying workers $2 an hour or less.

You really do live in a dreamland.
LOL - they get reports on jobs created and saved from the recipients of the money. What more do you need in the way of details? Your claim at the beginning of the thread (did you forget?) was that they fabricated the #'s out of thin air.

Now, you can continue to say that the stimulus recipients are lying & committing fraud - but please don't allege that I didn't detail the methodology for you. I did. You just don't want to believe it.

You still aren't explaining how they determine when a job is "saved" and how that is confirmed by the government. I am still waiting.
No - I was asking where you think all of those foreign investors who are going to revitalize our economy live.

As for your fantasy above, won't happen until we're able to get away with paying workers $2 an hour or less.

You really do live in a dreamland.

Well, foreign investors live all over the world, OneCell! Not just in Europe. And those who do live in Europe, aren't confined solely to European investment, so what difference does that make? Even MORE the reason we'd mop up, if things are shitty in Europe and booming here, why wouldn't an investor turn to the US? Stupidity? Ignorance? Dumbassedness?

Yeah, it's a fantasy only because we'll never convince enough liberals to let go of the throat of capitalism long enough to do that... but you asked, and I answered.

And it WOULD work.

But again... IF Obama gets re-elected, you can take that whole entire option off the table forever, because we are certain to lose world reserve currency status under another 4 years of this administration, which means, all world investment will be done with the Russian or Chinese currency, which we'll have to buy with our dollars, if we want to invest. You can expect to see all prices of consumer goods go through the roof... Americans don't know what this looks like, and I pray they don't find out, but IF Obama wins re-election, I am afraid that's on the horizon in the near future.
Well, first of all you are parroting left wing MediaMatters talking points and conflating issues. Of course, I am here to help and will be happy to explain it to you. Let's travel back in our way back machine shall we?

Fact: Bush came into office at the tail end of the dot com boom and the Clinton recession
Fact: 9-11 dealt a serious economic blow to the economy.

Here is a nice link for you to review. It shows the average annual unemployment rates.

But, since you might be scared of the link, I will post them for you as well

2000 4.0
2001 4.7
2002 5.8
2003 6.0
2004 5.5
2005 5.1
2006 4.6
2007 4.6
2008 5.8
2009 9.3
2010 9.6

Now some more facts for you.

FACT: First Bush tax cut 2001
FACT: Second Bush tax cut 2003

And looky at 2004 to 2007. The unemployment rate came down. Then in 2008 the financial meltdown occurred which had everything to do with the phony bubble in housing which started under Carter, got amplified under Clinton and was put on steroids by Greenspan/Bernanke when they flooded the market with cheap money by putting their printing presses in overdrive.

If you look at when the massive job layoffs occurred in 2008, it was three months after the Big Eared Fairy you worship was elected because businesses knew they were about to get fucked, so they unloaded workers.

All of those are indisputable facts. The education I just provided to you is free. What you choose to do with it is up to you.

Have a great day!
I guess it's time to sum up what we've learned on this thread:

According to the connies, everything bad that has happened to the current economy, and really, any economy at any time, is due to the following factors: Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Obama, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Ellen Degeneres, OWS, Ted Turner, Apple computers and the Ed Show.

Anything good that has ever happened to the economy is mainly due to Bush. And maybe his Dad, as well as Lee Atwater.

I think that about sums 'er up...
Well, first of all you are parroting left wing MediaMatters talking points and conflating issues. Of course, I am here to help and will be happy to explain it to you. Let's travel back in our way back machine shall we?

Fact: Bush came into office at the tail end of the dot com boom and the Clinton recession
Fact: 9-11 dealt a serious economic blow to the economy.

Here is a nice link for you to review. It shows the average annual unemployment rates.

But, since you might be scared of the link, I will post them for you as well

2000 4.0
2001 4.7
2002 5.8
2003 6.0
2004 5.5
2005 5.1
2006 4.6
2007 4.6
2008 5.8
2009 9.3
2010 9.6

Now some more facts for you.

FACT: First Bush tax cut 2001
FACT: Second Bush tax cut 2003

And looky at 2004 to 2007. The unemployment rate came down. Then in 2008 the financial meltdown occurred which had everything to do with the phony bubble in housing which started under Carter, got amplified under Clinton and was put on steroids by Greenspan/Bernanke when they flooded the market with cheap money by putting their printing presses in overdrive.

If you look at when the massive job layoffs occurred in 2008, it was three months after the Big Eared Fairy you worship was elected because businesses knew they were about to get fucked, so they unloaded workers.

All of those are indisputable facts. The education I just provided to you is free. What you choose to do with it is up to you.

Have a great day!

:hand: Awsome post FRS...:good4u:
We have been living with the Bush Tax Cuts for a while now, job losses since have been bad...

I thought tax cuts were designed to create jobs, what gives?

They other parts of the world via outsourcing.

What's truly pathetic are the neocon/teabagger flunkies on these boards who want everyone to believe that the Bush financial policies magically evaoporated in 2008, and EVERYTHING we experience today was started on Obama's watch.....forget the FACT that the final implementation of the Shrub's policies went into effect in 2009! And then the GOP railed and wailed for the 2 year extension of the Bush tax cuts....which they got! Then they lock stepped fought against EVERY effort by the Obama administration to improve the economy!

But hey, since when has the whole truth ever stood in the way of the daily propaganda piece from Drudge for our local right wing runts?
Well, first of all you are parroting left wing MediaMatters talking points and conflating issues. Of course, I am here to help and will be happy to explain it to you. Let's travel back in our way back machine shall we?

Fact: Bush came into office at the tail end of the dot com boom and the Clinton recession
Fact: 9-11 dealt a serious economic blow to the economy.

Here is a nice link for you to review. It shows the average annual unemployment rates.

But, since you might be scared of the link, I will post them for you as well

2000 4.0
2001 4.7
2002 5.8
2003 6.0
2004 5.5
2005 5.1
2006 4.6
2007 4.6
2008 5.8
2009 9.3
2010 9.6

Now some more facts for you.

FACT: First Bush tax cut 2001
FACT: Second Bush tax cut 2003

And looky at 2004 to 2007. The unemployment rate came down. Then in 2008 the financial meltdown occurred which had everything to do with the phony bubble in housing which started under Carter, got amplified under Clinton and was put on steroids by Greenspan/Bernanke when they flooded the market with cheap money by putting their printing presses in overdrive.

If you look at when the massive job layoffs occurred in 2008, it was three months after the Big Eared Fairy you worship was elected because businesses knew they were about to get fucked, so they unloaded workers.

All of those are indisputable facts. The education I just provided to you is free. What you choose to do with it is up to you.

Have a great day!

Typical neocon/teabagger myopia!

Pay attention: in 2000 the USA had a balanced budget! Zero deficit! This is why you had a 4.0 unemployment rate....THANKS TO BILL CLINTON!

Then the Shrub comes in, let's Wall St. and the banks run wild and starts a bogus invasion occupation OFF THE BOOKS. SO THE SURPLUS THAT WE HAD WENT DOWN THE TOILET. The unemployment rate starts to RISE with the Shrub's tax cuts (aka reaganomics on steroids). And then the GOP fought for and GOT a 2 year extension on those tax cuts! So yeah, the unemployment rate rises THANKS TO THE CONTINUED FINANCIAL POLICIES OF THE SHRUB.

Some facts that neocon/teabagger flunkies stubbornly want to ignore.
Is this what qualifies as "actual discussion" for you?

What an intellectual wuss. You clamor for "debate," and when someone tries, you cop out. Because you have very little knowledge. As you acknowledge, you didn't pay attention to politics until recently.

How can you say that the bills Obama has signed are "every bit as pork laden?" As you admit, you have no idea what Bush's bills were like.


where did i admit i have no idea what bush's bills look like?

it cracks me up that you think you are so smart. you can say: bush signed more pork than everyone else. when asked to back that up, you tell the person to go look up themselves. when i post my claim, you're incredulous.

do your own homework. and when you want to actually debate something, let me know. i've given you dozens upon dozens of chances, even created threads for you to show off your mad skills and make me look foolish and each and every time, you run away. you're a coward.
except if you weren't titting him, he wouldn't be distracted to tatting you.....I asked him a legitimate question two pages ago and instead of answering it you and he were playing games.....

lmao. so it is my fault onceler runs away from the tough questions? he didn't answer your question long before i came back on the thread. and btw...i had a legitimate question for him that he ran from as well.

please stop being such a retard.
where did i admit i have no idea what bush's bills look like?

it cracks me up that you think you are so smart. you can say: bush signed more pork than everyone else. when asked to back that up, you tell the person to go look up themselves. when i post my claim, you're incredulous.

do your own homework. and when you want to actually debate something, let me know. i've given you dozens upon dozens of chances, even created threads for you to show off your mad skills and make me look foolish and each and every time, you run away. you're a coward.

I've trounced the living bejeesus out of you, every time. Sometimes I even feel kinda bad about it.

As to the bolded, when you say it, it's clear you're pulling it out of your arse, because you didn't pay much attention throughout the Bush years. It's like me saying Bush made the decision to go to Iraq, and you saying, "no, it wasn't Bush; it was Tom Daschle."
Bush's highway bill of '05 - the largest in U.S. history. $286 billion, setting a new record by earmarking $24 billion for a whopping 6,376 pet projects. 1,700+ pages, not made public until just before the vote.
I've trounced the living bejeesus out of you, every time. Sometimes I even feel kinda bad about it.

As to the bolded, when you say it, it's clear you're pulling it out of your arse, because you didn't pay much attention throughout the Bush years. It's like me saying Bush made the decision to go to Iraq, and you saying, "no, it wasn't Bush; it was Tom Daschle." are truly senile.