Taxes were cut, where are the jobs?

I just showed your stupid ass where Obama's 2009 highway bill was larger than Bush' "insane fiscally irresponsible" bill, and you call that "hackery?" If Bush's bill caused the crash, what the fuck did Obama's EVEN LARGER bill do? IDIOT!

Try googling "2005 highway bill," ~Onceler

I tried it... I found a 2009 highway bill by Obama that was LARGER THAN BUSH'S!

Looks as if you don't know much about your president, do you, OneCell?

You sound all angry, and confused.

Again - I said Obama is a pretty fiscally irresponsible President. But we were discussing the crash, and Obama's fiscal irresponsibility didn't cause that. And I never contended that Bush's highway bill "caused" the crash. His highway bill, along w/ his energy bill, along with 2 wildly expensive wars, along with a philosophy that "deficit spending doesn't matter," along with a hugely irresponsible tax cut at the time - those all contributed greatly to the crash, yes.

I hope you can get over your confusion on this, and see things w/ some clarity. And please don't be angry anymore; it's sad to see.
You sound all angry, and confused.

Again - I said Obama is a pretty fiscally irresponsible President. But we were discussing the crash, and Obama's fiscal irresponsibility didn't cause that. And I never contended that Bush's highway bill "caused" the crash. His highway bill, along w/ his energy bill, along with 2 wildly expensive wars, along with a philosophy that "deficit spending doesn't matter," along with a hugely irresponsible tax cut at the time - those all contributed greatly to the crash, yes.

I hope you can get over your confusion on this, and see things w/ some clarity. And please don't be angry anymore; it's sad to see.

Again... add up every single penny that Bush spent, and TRIPLE it... then you have where Obama is currently at. You can rattle off a list of things Bush squandered money on, but I can reel off a list that is twice as long for Obama, with twice as much squandering. You have completely lost any credibility to criticize Bush spending, because your guy threw away the book and wrote a whole new one!

Lots of things 'contributed' to the crash, make no mistake. But MANY of those things were the result of a Democrat congress along with a "Compassionate Conservative" signing everything into law. Regardless of WHAT caused the crash, Barack Obama campaigned on the promise to restore the economy, and he has FAILED in every aspect. Trying to now point the finger of blame solely at BUSH, is political hackery at it's finest, so don't be calling ME a hack!
Again... add up every single penny that Bush spent, and TRIPLE it... then you have where Obama is currently at. You can rattle off a list of things Bush squandered money on, but I can reel off a list that is twice as long for Obama, with twice as much squandering. You have completely lost any credibility to criticize Bush spending, because your guy threw away the book and wrote a whole new one!

Lots of things 'contributed' to the crash, make no mistake. But MANY of those things were the result of a Democrat congress along with a "Compassionate Conservative" signing everything into law. Regardless of WHAT caused the crash, Barack Obama campaigned on the promise to restore the economy, and he has FAILED in every aspect. Trying to now point the finger of blame solely at BUSH, is political hackery at it's finest, so don't be calling ME a hack!

You're a hack.

Obama had nothing to do with the crash. Bush did. It sort of ends there.

But, Bush did look good in jeans.
You're a hack.

Obama had nothing to do with the crash. Bush did. It sort of ends there.

But, Bush did look good in jeans.

No it doesn't "end there" unfortunately. We had an election in 2008, and the man who won, said he could fix things... he hasn't. So we're going to have another election in November, at which time, he will be held accountable. You trying to rewrite history and pretend Bush is to blame for all our ills, is hackery, and it's not going to work. But you really should save yourself much embarrassment in the future by not criticizing Bush's spending.. if THAT is what causes recessions, then we'll need a new word to call what Obama has created... an abyss?

Oh... and the infamous "Bush in Blue Jeans" rears its ugly head again.... For those of you unfamiliar, I made a comment once that I like the way Bush is comfortable doing an interview on his ranch in blue jeans. From THAT, dishonest little fuckwits like OneCell, derived my "love of Bush in jeans" meme, and it has been carried on ever since. Just so everyone is aware of what he's talking about here.
And what did the rate JUMP TO IN 2008, genius? 5.8? and the following year? I mean, you demonsrate the very myopia I spoke off...or are you truly that fucking stupid to believe that the effect of Bush tax cuts ended on Obama's inauguration?

Tax cuts for the rich started under Reagan, my insipidly stubborn neocon/teabagger friend. Save for a stop-gap under Clinton, it has YET to "work". You and your fellow flunkies just won't acknowledge the FACTS...hell, even Daddy Bush admitted that "voodoo economics" wasn't cutting it.

YOu got your tax cut extension along with a stonewalling GOP.....your way didn't work. deal with it.

If your contention is correct and the tax cuts caused increased unemployment, then why did the unemployment rate go down in 2005, 2006 and 2007 after it had gone up in 2001, 2002 and 2003? Seems to me based on your economic logic, it should have just gone up and up and up.

And let's extend this little thought experiment a little further shall we? If these tax cuts are so ruinous to our economic security, why did OWEdummy extend them? Why did he allow them to be extended for two years? And please spare us the "blame the GOP" routine. He had two years of a 100% compliant democrat Congress. He could have passed anything he wanted to.

It is amazing how willfully ignorant you left wingers allow yourselves to be in defense of B. Hussein Yobabymama
Just like you never sent Darla that note? LOL. You don't know what you do, or say.

I wonder why is it, you can't simply type in the search that I said I used on google, and see for yourself? Too much work for you?

and darla actually tried to cite her link. because she was telling the truth.

you, on the other hand, are a liar and are lying now. that is why you don't even try to cite a link. forgetting an PM i wrote 5 months ago, is far different than forgetting a post last week. you aren't smart enough to recognize the difference.

you're a liar. i never said that. you're a waste of time.
First of all, we were not talking about what caused the crash, you were talking about Bush's record-setting highway bill, and challenged us to google it... I did... I found Obama's EVEN LARGER highway bill from 2009. I thought that was ironic, since you billed Bush's as "the largest in history" and figured maybe you had "been asleep" since 2009, and didn't realize Obama had broken Bush's record.

Second, it has never been my contention that the economic collapse was due to the prospect of Obama being elected. The downturn had already begun, things were not looking good, and very arguably, because of things DEMOCRATS had implemented, as j-mac pointed out. Much of Bush's presidency, we had a majority Democrat congress, and even when we didn't, the Democrats could prevent any supermajority vote, so you can't really hang this on Republicans, they didn't have the power to do a thing about it. Yeah, some of it was Bush's fault... the spending... the Pill Bill... signing off on the Dodd/Frank proposal to mandate low-income loans to first-time home buyers, etc. But ANYTHING that Bush did, has been trumped in spades by Obama, when it comes to excessive spending. The point I made about the prospects of Obama being elected, concerned capital investors. People who have the millions and billions to open new factories and build new facilities and create new jobs... Those people took to the shelter as soon as they realized we were about to have an anti-capitalist president, because they ain't stupid... and guess what? They will REMAIN in the shelters until a pro-capitalist president is elected, hopefully for us, in November.

that explains why onceler never links. he is either always wrong or lying.

thank you dixie.
that explains why onceler never links. he is either always wrong or lying.

thank you dixie.

I wasn't wrong or lying. Bush's highway bill was huge, and everything I posted about it was factual. Which, you'd learn something about if you knew how to google.

Lovin' how your "life preserver" on this is Dix, btw...
I wasn't wrong or lying. Bush's highway bill was huge, and everything I posted about it was factual. Which, you'd learn something about if you knew how to google.

Lovin' how your "life preserver" on this is Dix, btw...

you didn't just say it was huge claimed it was the largest ever.

poor onceler, caught in yet another lie. no wonder you never link. and i love the fact that it was dixie. because you get so angry with dixie. dixie proved you're a liar and i know it bugs you to no end.

you didn't just say it was huge claimed it was the largest ever.

poor onceler, caught in yet another lie. no wonder you never link. and i love the fact that it was dixie. because you get so angry with dixie. dixie proved you're a liar and i know it bugs you to no end.


And it was when it passed. Did you forget what we were discussing? I brought up Bush's fiscal irresponsibility as a reason for the crash, and you demanded I prove it. I cited that highway bill - at the time, the largest ever in history - along with his energy bill, his wars & other fiscal malfeasance. I proved it.

But, your ODS is so intense, somehow, the reason for the crash has to become all about him, and a thread about Bush's tax cuts has to be about "calling out Obama."

LOL - you can't even see how far gone you are. Loving Dixie for his "help" - like that doesn't scream "hack."
so you lied it that it is the largest in history.


you're so mad right now. it is so frickin hilarious how mad you are that dixie proved you lied again.
so you lied it that it is the largest in history.


you're so mad right now. it is so frickin hilarious how mad you are that dixie proved you lied again.

I lied it?

You know I'm right. So frantic that you're typing like a madman...
you lied. you said bush's bill was the largest ever and obama was not a comparison to bush's pork. you ran away from linking your claim, then dixie comes along and says that obama actually had a larger pork bill and you freak out. you get angry and start calling me a hack because dixie proved you're a liar.

you lied. you said bush's bill was the largest ever and obama was not a comparison to bush's pork. you ran away from linking your claim, then dixie comes along and says that obama actually had a larger pork bill and you freak out. you get angry and start calling me a hack because dixie proved you're a liar.


I didn't lie. At the time, it was the biggest ever. I was shoring up "Bush=fiscally irresponsible," because you & I were talking about the crash, and you wanted me to prove that.

But, with your ODS, it became about Obama somehow, and sort of a "they do it, too" thing, even though we were talking about the crash. It became, as it always does, about "calling out Obama."

And you say you're not a hack, and that you don't have ODS. LOL.
and onceler runs away from the facts again and snipes from the comfort of his peanut gallery

you should change your name to "snipinghack"

why don't you prove how bush alone ruined the economy onceler. why don't prove his tax cuts did not create jobs. grow up and prove your claims for once.

Here you go.

Somehow, this became all about Obama. LOL.
Pulled right from the Boston Globe article about it. At the time, it was.

You seem fairly desperate right now. Is the stuff I'm telling you about your ODS hitting home?

BUT NOT ANYMORE! And therein lies the rub. You are blaming the economic recession on "insane financial irresponsibility" and point to this highway bill, but Obama had an even LARGER highway bill in 2009.... While we were IN the recession! Do you think MORE "insane fiscal irresponsibility" is what we needed? Was THAT your argument, or what? Because, right now, you are looking like a total and complete imbecile on this subject. I don't blame you for running away, I'd run too!
BUT NOT ANYMORE! And therein lies the rub. You are blaming the economic recession on "insane financial irresponsibility" and point to this highway bill, but Obama had an even LARGER highway bill in 2009.... While we were IN the recession! Do you think MORE "insane fiscal irresponsibility" is what we needed? Was THAT your argument, or what? Because, right now, you are looking like a total and complete imbecile on this subject. I don't blame you for running away, I'd run too!

Um, no; we were talking about the crash, Dix.

You guys really have that derangement thing. Anything to make it about Obama. I mean, that's definitely something YOU have done from the get-go. I remember when the market started crashing in '08, you were starting threads about how it was Obama.