Taxes were cut, where are the jobs?

oh excuse my typo retard

the same type of bills

you know exactly what i meant, but of course you have to snipe and dodge the actual discussion that both of them also signed pork laden bills, which is what i said this morning and you ran away from it. you bitch about bush and pork, yet applaud clinton and obama pork.

everything you've said about bush being fiscally irresponsible, obama has done that and more. except for the initiation of the two wars.

Yeah - minor l'il exception there.

The pork bills under Bush are legendary; there actually isn't much comparison.

I don't think Obama has been fiscally responsible - though I agree w/ the stimulus.

As for Clinton, you don't have a leg to stand on. As his Presidency progressed, he became one of the most fiscally responsible Presidents that we have had in the modern era.

Educate yourself. Your ignorant hackery is trite.
you whine i'm talking about you in "every thread"....what is retarded about that statement is that in the two threads i mentioned you:

1. it was in reference to an argument you made in this very thread. shocking someone would do that.

2. you had already brought me up in the other thread and i mocked you because you and darla (you both brought me up before i even mentioned you) were wrong.

funny how it is ok for you and darla to talk about me, even when i don't post in a thread, but holy crap, if yurt mentions you in reference to a statement you made in a that very thread....yurt is bad.

you're a joke. you don't even see how bad you are.

I mean, you have to realize this - the above IS a meltdown.

You tell Darla she's having a meltown when she writes one innocuous sentence. The above is unhinged; portrait of a poster who is truly losing it...
Yeah - minor l'il exception there.

The pork bills under Bush are legendary; there actually isn't much comparison.

I don't think Obama has been fiscally responsible - though I agree w/ the stimulus.

As for Clinton, you don't have a leg to stand on. As his Presidency progressed, he became one of the most fiscally responsible Presidents that we have had in the modern era.

Educate yourself. Your ignorant hackery is trite.

good for you, you finally call out obama and pork. are you saying clinton didn't pass pork laden bills? the comparison is apt. you just have extreme BDS.

i would be interested to see your actual cites on the comparisons.
How typical of Yurtsie. It's important to "call out Obama" on a thread about Bush's tax cuts. LOL.

Hey, Yurt - weren't you just admonishing a poster yesterday for bringing up Romney on a thread about Obama?

What a hypocrite. What a hack.
How typical of Yurtsie. It's important to "call out Obama" on a thread about Bush's tax cuts. LOL.

Hey, Yurt - weren't you just admonishing a poster yesterday for bringing up Romney on a thread about Obama?

What a hypocrite. What a hack.

oddly, you and other liberals bashed for doing that. so fair game now.

further....when you claim that it was bush's pork laden bills that partly made him fiscally responsible, it only makes sense to ask an obama apologist like you whether you feel that way about other presidents. you made it out as if bush was alone in pork signing. you made it out as if his pork bills ruined the economy. yet, until you get called out, you never say boo about obama or any other dem pork bill.

just trying to gauge how intellectually honest you are regarding pork. also trying to gauge how intelligent you are as you only bitch about things when the person has an R after their name. pork is a problem and it is not just a bush problem, not matter how hard to try to make it so. sorry if pointing that out hurts you. truth hurts, hopefully you can learn from it.
Wow - what a convoluted, pathetic spin. It's a tangled web we weave, as they say, Yurtsie.

Translation of your above post: "I love Bush. Please leave the man I love alone."
Is a "tax cut" that has been in place for a decade still a "tax cut"? or is it the "tax rate" I guess that depends on whom one wants to blame for the increase.
Is a "tax cut" that has been in place for a decade still a "tax cut"? or is it the "tax rate" I guess that depends on whom one wants to blame for the increase.

good question. one of semantics.

in reality, it is whatever congress wants it to be called. and thanks to scotus, congress has unlimited power with regards to tax.
no surprise onceler runs from the actual discussion and takes refuge in his sniping blind


You haven't figured out OneCell's retarded little game yet? He has no clue on anything we are discussing here, he just comes here and mindlessly let's his stupidity spew, and we try to have a rational conversation, but he continues to spew ever more stupid things, until we become so frustrated we can't stand it anymore, and we finally snap... THEN he does the happy dance and wets his pants a little, because that's the biggest thrill in this little retard's life. He made you "blow a fuse" and that was ALL his goal here was, since he has no fucking idea of what we're talking about and doesn't really care.
Hey, there...what is this "CBO" thing, anyway? How do they do stuff?

Onceler, can you explain what a "report" is? If a company get stimulus money and retains jobs as a does that make them "jobs saved"?

Help us, Onceler. We don't understand...
Hey, there...what is this "CBO" thing, anyway? How do they do stuff?

Onceler, can you explain what a "report" is? If a company get stimulus money and retains jobs as a does that make them "jobs saved"?

Help us, Onceler. We don't understand...

Yes, and as we can see, even when I played dumb and allowed you to pontificate, you still couldn't give us an intelligent response. You muttered some simplistic shit about... "da reports da reports... dey had da reports!"
Yes, and as we can see, even when I played dumb and allowed you to pontificate, you still couldn't give us an intelligent response. You muttered some simplistic shit about... "da reports da reports... dey had da reports!"

Oh - you played dumb, alright.

But that is uncanny - the last part sounds almost exactly like me. Except that I detailed how the CBO collects the data with great clarity. Small difference.

And I get it; you're anti-report, anti-data. It fits your overall m.o.
Oh - you played dumb, alright.

But that is uncanny - the last part sounds almost exactly like me. Except that I detailed how the CBO collects the data with great clarity. Small difference.

And I get it; you're anti-report, anti-data. It fits your overall m.o.

No you didn't, and anyone who wants to scroll back through two pages of you having a petty tit-for-tat with yurt, can read it for themselves. I asked a simple question about how they derived this "saved jobs" number, and you really had no idea. Reports! Data! CBO said so! That's ALL you could offer! You're STILL not offering an answer to the question, you are dodging it, and pretending as if you have answered it.
No you didn't, and anyone who wants to scroll back through two pages of you having a petty tit-for-tat with yurt, can read it for themselves. I asked a simple question about how they derived this "saved jobs" number, and you really had no idea. Reports! Data! CBO said so! That's ALL you could offer! You're STILL not offering an answer to the question, you are dodging it, and pretending as if you have answered it.

onceler to a tee
Only Rebel could try to discredit reports & data (a.k.a. "facts"), and pretend the CBO is some hyper-partisan agency that works for Obama.

Nice goin', Dix.
You haven't figured out OneCell's retarded little game yet? He has no clue on anything we are discussing here, he just comes here and mindlessly let's his stupidity spew, and we try to have a rational conversation, but he continues to spew ever more stupid things, until we become so frustrated we can't stand it anymore, and we finally snap... THEN he does the happy dance and wets his pants a little, because that's the biggest thrill in this little retard's life. He made you "blow a fuse" and that was ALL his goal here was, since he has no fucking idea of what we're talking about and doesn't really care.

actually i have. if you notice, i don't go on and on like i used to. i've pretty much given up on him, let him play his game so he proves the fool he is, then let him hang.

you'll also notice i constantly try to bring him back on topic, but to no avail.
onceler to a tee

Are you discrediting the CBO and their methodology, as well?

That would be interesting. I'd love to hear you flesh that out a bit. Do you, like Dix, think that everyone who reported to the CBO re: jobs just lied?