Taxes were cut, where are the jobs?

Let's be clear Gen. Turdmunch, the economy began to tank when AIG failed and the housing market began to collapse. THAT was a result of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd's scheme to mandate low-income loans to people who couldn't afford them. We may have overcome that, the economic indicators showed we weren't in any trouble we couldn't have crawled out of, but then, Obama won the nomination and appeared to be on his way to the White House. And at that point, capitalists started moving their money to securities, because rich people ain't stupid. The more Obama talked about rich people paying their fair share, the more capitalist investors moved money into securities and stopped taking risks. For 4 years, this man has preached his Keynesian policy, and decried corporations and capitalism, and the money people have continued to keep their money safely tucked away. They are not going to bring it out to spend until there is a pro-capitalist in the White House.

Great hackery, here.

Are you sure you can't find a way to work in Jimmy Carter, Robert Byrd & Ellen Degeneres?
It's from simple reporting. That's how a lot of data is collected, in many fields.

And no one is saying things are great, Dix. You sound really unhinged right now.

WTF? I asked you how they came up with the data on "jobs saved" and you say "reporting!"

Can you be a little more specific, please?

Reporting of WHAT?

Reporting by WHOM?

Did EVERYONE participate, or how did they select WHOM?

I need some more details on this! Just saying it was "reported" that Obama "saved" jobs, is absolutely baseless and meaningless.
I've told you a gazillion times, but you're too blinded with infatuation to listen.

Bush was absent on the economy - a negligent President, a la Coolidge. His admin believed that deficit spending didn't matter; he dragged the country into an 8+ year conflict that cost a fortune; he never met a pork-laden energy or transportation bill that he didn't sign enthusiastically. He completely abandoned the balanced budget efforts of the '90's. He was the most fiscally irresponsible President in my lifetime.

Do you need more? You don't have a leg to stand on, because you just started paying attention to politics 3-4 years ago, and have very little understanding of economics. Bush was an economic disaster, Yurt.

Bush unemployment record for 8 years.....4.5 - 5.2% AVERAGE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE

Hackery won't change that fact.
WTF? I asked you how they came up with the data on "jobs saved" and you say "reporting!"

Can you be a little more specific, please?

Reporting of WHAT?

Reporting by WHOM?

Did EVERYONE participate, or how did they select WHOM?

I need some more details on this! Just saying it was "reported" that Obama "saved" jobs, is absolutely baseless and meaningless.

Goddam, are you dopey. Why are you partaking in this conversation if you don't know something as basic as this? It's hilarious too, because you've made all kinds of shoot-from-the-hip-claims as to how they arrived at the #'s. It's simple, and I've stated it a few times on this thread.

Everyone who got stimulus money has to report where it went, and what jobs it either saved or created, to the CBO. It's that simple.

Now, please - feel free to discredit that, and tell us how they are all liberals who are making up data.
Let's be clear Gen. Turdmunch, the economy began to tank when AIG failed and the housing market began to collapse. THAT was a result of Barney Frank and Chris Dodd's scheme to mandate low-income loans to people who couldn't afford them. We may have overcome that, the economic indicators showed we weren't in any trouble we couldn't have crawled out of, but then, Obama won the nomination and appeared to be on his way to the White House. And at that point, capitalists started moving their money to securities, because rich people ain't stupid. The more Obama talked about rich people paying their fair share, the more capitalist investors moved money into securities and stopped taking risks. For 4 years, this man has preached his Keynesian policy, and decried corporations and capitalism, and the money people have continued to keep their money safely tucked away. They are not going to bring it out to spend until there is a pro-capitalist in the White House.

This is the funniest shit I've read in a while from a person that claims to be knowledgeable about the economy. Truly.

"At that point, capitalists started moving their money to securities . . ." is fucking classic only to be outdone by ". . . the more capitalist investors moved money into securities and stopped taking risks."

That shit is smothered in awesomesauce.
Great hackery, here.

Are you sure you can't find a way to work in Jimmy Carter, Robert Byrd & Ellen Degeneres?

Well I don't know, did they have something to do with the Democrat's idea to make low-interest government backed loans to deadbeats?

I doubt Ellen did... but whatever.

There is no hackery, that's just the facts. For the record, I don't hold Bush unaccountable either, he signed off on it, he was in the White House, it's as much his own fault as anyone else, but I'll be damned if I pretend Democrats didn't have everything to do with the legislation, because President's don't make legislation, they just sign it.

In any event, we had a financial meltdown which was the fault of POLITICIANS. Your particular guy WON the election, on the promise he could "drive the car out of the ditch." Instead, he bottomed it out through the woods into a ravine, and is heading for the cliff. We're going in the opposite direction of "better" right now, and we have been for nearly 4 years. You can continue to put on a happy face, and pretend that everything is lovely out here, but it ain't.... and that ain't flying with the people. Go check one of your polls or studies and see!
This is the funniest shit I've read in a while from a person that claims to be knowledgeable about the economy. Truly.

"At that point, capitalists started moving their money to securities . . ." is fucking classic only to be outdone by ". . . the more capitalist investors moved money into securities and stopped taking risks."

That shit is smothered in awesomesauce.

Glad you liked it "Andy."

Too bad all you could do to refute me was hurl a few adhoms and try to be cute.
Well I don't know, did they have something to do with the Democrat's idea to make low-interest government backed loans to deadbeats?

I doubt Ellen did... but whatever.

There is no hackery, that's just the facts. For the record, I don't hold Bush unaccountable either, he signed off on it, he was in the White House, it's as much his own fault as anyone else, but I'll be damned if I pretend Democrats didn't have everything to do with the legislation, because President's don't make legislation, they just sign it.

In any event, we had a financial meltdown which was the fault of POLITICIANS. Your particular guy WON the election, on the promise he could "drive the car out of the ditch." Instead, he bottomed it out through the woods into a ravine, and is heading for the cliff. We're going in the opposite direction of "better" right now, and we have been for nearly 4 years. You can continue to put on a happy face, and pretend that everything is lovely out here, but it ain't.... and that ain't flying with the people. Go check one of your polls or studies and see!

Sorry, but the opposite direction would be negative GDP and job growth. We have had positive GDP and job growth.

Maybe you need help on what "opposite" means?
Goddam, are you dopey. Why are you partaking in this conversation if you don't know something as basic as this? It's hilarious too, because you've made all kinds of shoot-from-the-hip-claims as to how they arrived at the #'s. It's simple, and I've stated it a few times on this thread.

Everyone who got stimulus money has to report where it went, and what jobs it either saved or created, to the CBO. It's that simple.

Now, please - feel free to discredit that, and tell us how they are all liberals who are making up data.

No, I am not dopey, that is YOU.

I am trying to get information from you about this so-called "jobs saved" number... you seem to have trouble answering my questions.

Okay, let me see if I have this straight... The government says, hey everybody? We have this great big ol' pile of money here... You can come to us and get some if you will 'report' to us how many jobs you've saved? Is that how it worked? ...Just so I understand!
No, I am not dopey, that is YOU.

I am trying to get information from you about this so-called "jobs saved" number... you seem to have trouble answering my questions.

Okay, let me see if I have this straight... The government says, hey everybody? We have this great big ol' pile of money here... You can come to us and get some if you will 'report' to us how many jobs you've saved? Is that how it worked? ...Just so I understand!

I had no problem answering your questions. I described the exact process, which is in the CBO report (which you should probably read, if you would like to discuss in any kind of informed way).

And, as I predicted, you went immediately to discrediting their data.

So, I'm batting about 1,000 right now.
History in VIDEO.....


Investigations into Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reveal details of corruption
Shocking Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam
Explosive Video, Fannie Mae CEO calling Obama and the Dems the "Family" and "Conscience" of Fannie
Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis?
Poor predictable bravs.

Couldn't answer my simple question, eh?

Maybe you can find a way to work in Degeneres, as well...
I had no problem answering your questions. I described the exact process, which is in the CBO report (which you should probably read, if you would like to discuss in any kind of informed way).

And, as I predicted, you went immediately to discrediting their data.

So, I'm batting about 1,000 right now.

No, again, I am asking you questions and you are dodging me with silliness.

So the Government had the stimulus money available... right? And they did spend it to "save" jobs somewhere... correct?

I am trying to figure out how this transpired... Did they say... Come to us and show us the actual jobs you need to save first, and then we'll dole out stimulus money? Did they say... Here is the money, come take what you want, and please fill out the card on your way out the door, to tell us how many jobs you'll be saving today? Or did they say.... Corporation X, here is a check for $X million, since we like you and you donated to our campaign, and if it's not too much trouble, could you tell the CBO people that you saved about a gazillion jobs or something?

How exactly did this number come about?

That's what I am asking you.... now... do you have the brain cells to ANSWER?
No, again, I am asking you questions and you are dodging me with silliness.

So the Government had the stimulus money available... right? And they did spend it to "save" jobs somewhere... correct?

I am trying to figure out how this transpired... Did they say... Come to us and show us the actual jobs you need to save first, and then we'll dole out stimulus money? Did they say... Here is the money, come take what you want, and please fill out the card on your way out the door, to tell us how many jobs you'll be saving today? Or did they say.... Corporation X, here is a check for $X million, since we like you and you donated to our campaign, and if it's not too much trouble, could you tell the CBO people that you saved about a gazillion jobs or something?

How exactly did this number come about?

That's what I am asking you.... now... do you have the brain cells to ANSWER?

There were both allocations that were designated, and those that were awarded by application. Regardless, anyone who got the money had to report.

It's pretty simple.

Have you researched any of this on your own? Why am I educating you? The way you've been talking on the thread, it seems like you know all about how they made up the figures and pulled #'s out of the air. The fact that you don't know what the heck they did is pretty telling.

But it's also boring. I like having intelligent discussions, with people who understand the facts of a situation. You're clearly in the dark.
There were both allocations that were designated, and those that were awarded by application. Regardless, anyone who got the money had to report.

It's pretty simple.

Have you researched any of this on your own? Why am I educating you? The way you've been talking on the thread, it seems like you know all about how they made up the figures and pulled #'s out of the air. The fact that you don't know what the heck they did is pretty telling.

But it's also boring. I like having intelligent discussions, with people who understand the facts of a situation. You're clearly in the dark.

Ah, okay, so it's like I said at first... this number is basically a quid pro quot for stimulus money. In other words, we'll give you the money, you tell us you saved jobs. I got it now, thanks!
Ah, okay, so it's like I said at first... this number is basically a quid pro quot for stimulus money. In other words, we'll give you the money, you tell us you saved jobs. I got it now, thanks!

And, just like I said, no matter how they got the data, you'd try to discredit it.

Thank you, as well.
And, just like I said, no matter how they got the data, you'd try to discredit it.

Thank you, as well.

Well, come on man, you don't see a problem with that method? Really? Nothing even nearing false "reporting" would EVER happen with that.