Taxes were cut, where are the jobs?

Um, no - you seem to have confused the CBO with both.

You're getting trounced right now, btw. Do you want to even try to do better....or just keep embarassing yourself with bad one-liners?

your conclusion I am getting trounced carries equal weight with your conclusion the stimulus bill created jobs.....both are idle speculation and disregarded accordingly.....
your conclusion I am getting trounced carries equal weight with your conclusion the stimulus bill created jobs.....both are idle speculation and disregarded accordingly.....


So, the Congressional Budget Office engaged in "idle speculation"?

No - you're definitely getting trounced.
I don't trust their cost projections as much as their research on actual results, but it's apples & oranges. Even the CBO acknowledges that projections can be fairly unreliable at times because of so many variables involved.

But with the jobs, they have reports from people who got the money, and listed jobs that were saved or created.

Hey...what the heck is this CBO thing? El Rushbo (a.k.a. "the truth") never says anything about it...

Ok then tell me what the CBO uses as its evidence of a "saved" job....I don't know of any empirical metric that is reliable in determining whether or not a person that was working before the stimulus spending, and remains working after the stimulus had their job 'saved'....In that case everyone working would be a 'saved job' no? So then Obama can claim that he saved every job in America....What a crock.
Ok then tell me what the CBO uses as its evidence of a "saved" job....I don't know of any empirical metric that is reliable in determining whether or not a person that was working before the stimulus spending, and remains working after the stimulus had their job 'saved'....In that case everyone working would be a 'saved job' no? So then Obama can claim that he saved every job in America....What a crock.

Company X got stimulus money. As a result, Company X was able to retain a division that they were going to eliminate due to lack of funds. Company X reports to the CBO that the stimulus money enable them to save Y # of jobs as a result.

It really coudn't be more simple. And I'm tired of educating you on this; put in your own work.
For the 1st part - yeah, like those leaders. What's your point? That's a lame "they do it too."

And good golly - I never would have thunk you for a koolaid-guzzling Bush apologist. 8 years of insane fiscal irresponsibility, costly wars, and almost complete negligence to repeated warning signs...and the crash did not happen because of Bush's policies?

Nice one. What a credibility nosedive you just took....

1) The most fiscally irresponsible years were the ones in which the Dems ran Congress and controlled the purse strings
2) Bush apologist? You use that lame pathetic attack too often. I am not apologizing for Bush. But the housing/financial crisis did not occur because of the wars, it did not occur because of the governments deficit spending. As I stated and you ignored, Bush and Congress certainly could have done more. As I stated and you ignored, Bush FAILED in that regard... as did the Reid Senate and Pelosi House. What part of the Bush failed did you not comprehend?
3) So quit apologizing for Clinton policies and Obama's inept leadership
Ok then tell me what the CBO uses as its evidence of a "saved" job....I don't know of any empirical metric that is reliable in determining whether or not a person that was working before the stimulus spending, and remains working after the stimulus had their job 'saved'....In that case everyone working would be a 'saved job' no? So then Obama can claim that he saved every job in America....What a crock.

This is the kind of shit they pull all the time! With Bush, the jobs were calculated by taking the number of jobs actually created, and subtracting an average of new workers coming into the workforce. With Obama, we have to count jobs "saved" which can be ANY number you dream up, and there is never a mention of subtracting out the new workers coming into the workforce, it's as if those people don't exist with Obama as president. EVEN with all this incredible double standard, Bush STILL created twice as many jobs than Obama, for half the cost.
This is the kind of shit they pull all the time! With Bush, the jobs were calculated by taking the number of jobs actually created, and subtracting an average of new workers coming into the workforce. With Obama, we have to count jobs "saved" which can be ANY number you dream up, and there is never a mention of subtracting out the new workers coming into the workforce, it's as if those people don't exist with Obama as president. EVEN with all this incredible double standard, Bush STILL created twice as many jobs than Obama, for half the cost.

That isn't how they figured saved jobs.
Because they're scared if OBama is reelected he's going to raise the corporate tax rates

Had you stopped there, you would be partially correct. Yes, they understand the insane deficits of the past 6 years are going to result in higher taxation. The corps obviously care how much is going to be attached to their taxes. The uncertainty of world growth is also causing them pause in terms of new hires etc...

But 1.7 trillion is about 10% of the total valuation of the companies. Keeping 10% on hand as an emergency fund in uncertain times is not a terrible idea.
How is the why question relevant to the fact that you're claim about corporations not sitting on cash is just plain wrong?

I am sorry that I have confused you. I did not mean to imply that they would never have any cash on hand. They, like individuals will tend to have emergency cash positions. The worse the economic conditions, the more cash they will tend to keep to tide them over during the rougher periods.

Again, sorry to have confused you.