The animals of Islam...

I can't believe you're trying to distract from your ignorance & hate by parsing "racism."

I'm happy to concede the point. Okay, then: you are a hate-filled bigot, and have little but blind prejudice to offer when it comes to Islam & its followers.

How's that?

Hardly "blind" prejudice....

...what I have is countless acts of crimes against humanity by Islams followers throughout the world....mass murder, maiming, beheading, enslavement, and terrorism.....not to mention ongoing threats against other peoples of the world with annihilation and acts of random murder and terrorism when the mood or the opportunity is given them.......
Blind prejudice? I think not....

When it stops I'll forgive and forget....but until then...

I remember the Danial Pearls of the world....I remember the Marine barracks, I remember the Embassy's....I remember the airliners....I remember the cruise ships....I remember the WTC, ....I could go on, but you get the point....
and're dismissed
Hardly "blind" prejudice....

...what I have is countless acts of crimes against humanity by Islams followers throughout the world....mass murder, maiming, beheading, enslavement, and terrorism.....not to mention ongoing threats against other peoples of the world with annihilation and acts of random murder and terrorism when the mood or the opportunity is given them.......
Blind prejudice? I think not....

When it stops I'll forgive and forget....but until then...

I remember the Danial Pearls of the world....I remember the Marine barracks, I remember the Embassy's....I remember the airliners....I remember the cruise ships....I remember the WTC, ....I could go on, but you get the point....
and're dismissed

And, in your estimation, the "majority" of Muslims took part in these actions?
Animals dont kill each others

not actually a zoologist, are ya?,9171,912086,00.html

In his classic work On Aggression, Nobel Laureate Konrad Lorenz argued that man is the only species that regularly kills its own kind. This concept, which contrasted the order and restraint in the animal world with the chaotic aggressiveness of man. reflected the mood of the time: the shadow-of-the-Bomb pessimism of the '50s and early '60s. But Lorenz was wrong; since 1963, when his book was published, naturalists have identified dozens of species that kill their own, including lions, hippos, bears, wolves, hyenas, herring gulls and more than 15 types of primates other than man.
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The real animals are the criminals hiding behind F16 and shooting at children...moron !
The real animals are the criminals hiding behind F16 and shooting at children...moron !

or animals like Tim McVeigh was... the point is: the majority of muslims are not islamic extremists and they do not shoot at children, or fly planes into our buildings.

perhaps you should not be so quick to call others morons, newbie.... you'll get more respect if you give it.
i've been to the ME and spent time with muslims and climbed and i can give you authoritative first hand accounts of how muslims think :cof1:

just kidding
or animals like Tim McVeigh was... the point is: the majority of muslims are not islamic extremists and they do not shoot at children, or fly planes into our buildings.

No..they just gather in the streets by the hundreds, occasionally thousands, to cheer and celibate the destruction, deaths and US casualties them something to laugh about in their otherwise bleak and useless existence they have made for themselves...

perhaps you should not be so quick to call others morons, newbie.... you'll get more respect if you give it.
or animals like Tim McVeigh was... the point is: the majority of muslims are not islamic extremists and they do not shoot at children, or fly planes into our buildings.

perhaps you should not be so quick to call others morons, newbie.... you'll get more respect if you give it.

Newbie has already shown him or herself to be an asswipe that will get no respect for that asinine post....must be a Bill Maher disciple ...heres to ya newbie...:321:(not you maineman)
Would I be a 'racist' if I spoke in derogatory terms about the "Catholic race" ?
Or maybe the "Baptist race".....? How about the "Buddhist Race"?

And you label me a tard? FU You're over

Genious, there is no such thing as a "secular Catholic" or a "secular Buddhist." The vast majority of Jews, however, are "secular Jews." They belong to the race and not to the religion. Kapish?
We didn't have a war on tim v type redneck terrorist! Why, because there causins the republicans could not kill there base.
Genious, there is no such thing as a "secular Catholic" or a "secular Buddhist." The vast majority of Jews, however, are "secular Jews." They belong to the race and not to the religion. Kapish?

The "Jewish race" that it 3D......???

the Jews are a race in your book....???

and I would guess you think there is a Swedish race, a Polish race and a German race too ?

Same meathead logic...
The "Jewish race" that it 3D......???

the Jews are a race in your book....???

and I would guess you think there is a Swedish race, a Polish race and a German race too ?

Same meathead logic...

Yeah, that'd be about right. At least you are conceeding that they are an ethnicity, seeing as how you compared them to such.
Why did I think this thread was going to be about pets in non-revealing clothing?

islam loves christianity and loves christians. islam loves judiasm and loves jews. islam allows both religions complete religious freedom.

allahu akbar!!!!!!

Islam, like Christianity, like Judahism has been corrupted.

There are bad apples in every bag, but you don't throw all the good ones out just because one has gone bad!

You wouldn't say all hospital workers are evil just because one guy goes home and shoots his wife and five kids!

It is the same thing with Muslims.
Genious, there is no such thing as a "secular Catholic" or a "secular Buddhist." The vast majority of Jews, however, are "secular Jews." They belong to the race and not to the religion. Kapish?

Nope, you are the one that is wrong. There are secular Israeli's and Americans and Russians, but there are no secualr Jews. It isn't a race, it is a religion, just like being a Catholic!


Jews are therefore not a race. Jews are members of a religion, Judaism. There was at one time a Hebrew nation that was an ethnic group, but since ancient times the scattering of Jews throughout the world and intermarriage and conversions have made the Hebrew origin less a genetic and more a spiritual tie. There is also a culture tied to the religion and its laws regarding diet, the Sabbath, and various rituals, along with cultural practices picked up in various locations that are "Jewish" by coincidence. But there is no "Jewish race."