The animals of Islam...

Oh no! I can't back up my claim?

I went off topic?

I'm living "in the past"?

Damocles! Oh Damocles! These are grounds for a ban. I have upset Yurt, pierced his robust hide with my off-topic nature and heinous personal attack.

Perhaps if you slap me on the hand with a ruler or something Yurt will be happy and gay once more.

You couldn't make this shit up. :D
You are sentenced to go about hatless for a week. And for good measure so is your dog.
Oh no! I can't back up my claim?

I went off topic?

I'm living "in the past"?

Damocles! Oh Damocles! These are grounds for a ban. I have upset Yurt, pierced his robust hide with my off-topic nature and heinous personal attack.

Perhaps if you slap me on the hand with a ruler or something Yurt will be happy and gay once more.

You couldn't make this shit up. :D

Spurt must have the last word, even if it's "I'm bored with this". It's part of what makes him so whiny.
You are sentenced to go about hatless for a week. And for good measure so is your dog.

I shall accept my punishment with good grace and so, reluctantly, will the dog.


See Yurt. Look what you forced my dog to do. You monster.
yep, what i thought, no desire to debate the issues

have fun with your temper tantrum...i am sure your gang, like snarla, will absolutely fall for you changing the topic away from you being wrong on the issue of this thread....and then you can all gang up on me....


see...even though you started the day with piss in your weetabix, you have ended up with friends like snarla who stroke your ego and make you feel good!
yep, what i thought, no desire to debate the issues

have fun with your temper tantrum...i am sure your gang, like snarla, will absolutely fall for you changing the topic away from you being wrong on the issue of this thread....and then you can all gang up on me....


see...even though you started the day with piss in your weetabix, you have ended up with friends like snarla who stroke your ego and make you feel good!

"temper tantrum"?

I've just posted a picture of a dog eating a hat.

I must be absolutely fuming.
By the way, Dix, I love this comment:

"LOL... So you pay your annual membership dues, and that is the extent of your efforts to fight and oppose oppression?"

And then the follow-up, where you proudly assert that you're personally "willing to deploy the U.S. military."

Wow - what sacrifice! What bravery! I stand in awe of your willingness to put others in harm's way...

And BINGO, there it is! You aren't willing to put anyone in harms way to combat oppression of women, gays, minorities or to ensure religious tolerance and freedom. The extent of your principles are found at the end of the pen you sign your membership dues check with, and that's about it. You'll "speak out" against discrimination here, oh you'll raise t-total hell about it, but you refuse to get your hands dirty, you refuse to do what needs to be done to fight it, or allow those trained to fight it to do their jobs. If it comes to actual fighting, it is better if we don't get involved. And not only are you opposed to actually fighting oppression, you are willing to castigate others who are willing, call them names and attack them for standing up for the very principles you TALK about having. What does that make you? A phony and a fraud! A sham, a mockery, a weak and impotent piece of human debris, not worthy of respect, and destined to be a useful idiot for the thugs of the world.
Can you hear yourself?

Do you really think you're 'brave' and 'principled,' because you're 'willing' to put OTHERS in harm's way?

That might be certifiable, Dix. Seriously...have you ever seen a shrink?
And BINGO, there it is! You aren't willing to put anyone in harms way to combat oppression of women, gays, minorities or to ensure religious tolerance and freedom. The extent of your principles are found at the end of the pen you sign your membership dues check with, and that's about it. You'll "speak out" against discrimination here, oh you'll raise t-total hell about it, but you refuse to get your hands dirty, you refuse to do what needs to be done to fight it, or allow those trained to fight it to do their jobs. If it comes to actual fighting, it is better if we don't get involved. And not only are you opposed to actually fighting oppression, you are willing to castigate others who are willing, call them names and attack them for standing up for the very principles you TALK about having. What does that make you? A phony and a fraud! A sham, a mockery, a weak and impotent piece of human debris, not worthy of respect, and destined to be a useful idiot for the thugs of the world.

How very Lord Farquaad of you Dixie. Well, I've always thought you were a cartoon character.
Can you hear yourself?

Do you really think you're 'brave' and 'principled,' because you're 'willing' to put OTHERS in harm's way?

That might be certifiable, Dix. Seriously...have you ever seen a shrink?

No, I generally don't "hear" myself when typing. Do you "hear" me when you're reading? I think I am brave and principled because I support my government taking whatever action is necessary to stop oppression and discrimination against women, gays, minorities, and religious persecution. You see, I am not in charge of sending troops into harms way, I never have been, and never will be. The most I can do is support what my government decides to do. You, on the other hand, do not support your government taking any action beyond talking. Your principles stop as soon as you've mailed off your check to Amnesty International (if you have even done that!) Beyond that, you aren't willing to support anything more, and you will vehemently speak out against anyone who does. It's the kind of two-faced, talk out of both sides of your mouth, liberal scum bucket you are!
I didn't support the Iraq War. Is that what you're referring to?

It's so interesting to hear you continue to assert how brave you're being by "allowing" others to fight for you.

"It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from the government.
- Thomas Paine

"A President is impeachable if he attempts to subvert the Constitution".
-- President James Madison

"Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President."
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public"
- President Theodore Roosevelt
republican tools are funnier than the comedy channel.
Dixie's claiming he supports the towel head wars for womans freedom. BHAHAHAH
No freedom here but lets give it to them over their.
revisionsist justifications at it's finest
I didn't support the Iraq War. Is that what you're referring to?

It's so interesting to hear you continue to assert how brave you're being by "allowing" others to fight for you.

"It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from the government.
- Thomas Paine

"A President is impeachable if he attempts to subvert the Constitution".
-- President James Madison

"Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President."
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public"
- President Theodore Roosevelt

I am not talking about the Iraq war, this thread is about radical Islam, and Iraq was secular. I also don't give a shit what you think of my principles, that is the thing about people who believe in what they stand for, they will maintain their position regardless of what others think. You believe you can hurl enough insults at me, to make me abandon my principles and be like you, and I refuse to do so. I also don't need to hear random quotes from former patriots, of which you have absolutely NOTHING in common with.

Here's the deal, liberals have a double standard. For whatever reason, we can't really determine, they simply lack the fortitude to stand up for their principles and fight. It's much easier to abandon your principles and attack those who are fighting for your principles. I have revealed the truth about you, and you don't like it, so you throw insults at me, which is the extent of how you know how to fight. Hell, I may even make you write a check if you get mad enough! The thing you're simply NOT going to do, is stand up and fight for womens rights, the rights of homosexuals, and the rights of all humans to not be persecuted for their religious beliefs or lack thereof.
republican tools are funnier than the comedy channel.
Dixie's claiming he supports the towel head wars for womans freedom. BHAHAHAH
No freedom here but lets give it to them over their.
revisionsist justifications at it's finest

Yeah, and you are funnier than Michael Richards and Mel Gibson at a Black Jew Convention!

I think if you read what I have posted, I stated very clearly, I am for women's rights here, there and everywhere. Revisionist? How is that revised? It's how I have felt my entire life! My parents were both very strong principled individuals, and they instilled that into me, it's a part of who I am. I can't really do much about people who lived 150 years ago, or policies of previous generations. You want to hang those on me, for the same reason Onzie wants to be a moral coward. You don't want to fight... but unlike Onzie, you don't even have the decency to claim you have principles. Your bigotry and prejudice shows in everything you post, even though you try really hard to hide it. I find it extremely ironic and amusing that you pulled your nose out of a history book long enough to accuse me of "revisionist justification!"
I am not talking about the Iraq war, this thread is about radical Islam, and Iraq was secular. I also don't give a shit what you think of my principles, that is the thing about people who believe in what they stand for, they will maintain their position regardless of what others think. You believe you can hurl enough insults at me, to make me abandon my principles and be like you, and I refuse to do so. I also don't need to hear random quotes from former patriots, of which you have absolutely NOTHING in common with.

Here's the deal, liberals have a double standard. For whatever reason, we can't really determine, they simply lack the fortitude to stand up for their principles and fight. It's much easier to abandon your principles and attack those who are fighting for your principles. I have revealed the truth about you, and you don't like it, so you throw insults at me, which is the extent of how you know how to fight. Hell, I may even make you write a check if you get mad enough! The thing you're simply NOT going to do, is stand up and fight for womens rights, the rights of homosexuals, and the rights of all humans to not be persecuted for their religious beliefs or lack thereof.

Hurling insults? You mean like "liberal scum bucket", or "impotent piece of human debris?"

You have revealed no truth about me. You know very little about my efforts regarding FGM. You also greatly mischaracterize many liberals, who are on the front lines when it comes to the rights of homosexuals & women & others throughout the world, and who actually put their lives on the line for those rights (rather than bravely putting the lives of others on the line).

Your arguments on this thread are entertaining, though. No, I do not see our military as a tool that we should use around the world to overthrow governments & police the streets of oppressed countries. That seems to be your I reading that incorrectly?

How do you think a political party would do with that in their platform?

You have a weird notion of our milltary, and the men & women who serve in it. Your posts back up a belief I have that many conservatives could care less about them, though they make a big show of "supporting the troops!"
Hurling insults? You mean like "liberal scum bucket", or "impotent piece of human debris?"

No, those aren't insults, they are truths. Deal!

You have revealed no truth about me. You know very little about my efforts regarding FGM.

Don't care about your "efforts" because that is about all you know how to do, "make an effort" by writing a check or "make an effort" by pontificating your liberal idiocy all over the place. As far as actually FIGHTING something and defeating it, you know nothing, because you are an impotent piece of human debris and a liberal scum bucket.

You also greatly mischaracterize many liberals, who are on the front lines when it comes to the rights of homosexuals & women & others throughout the world, and who actually put their lives on the line for those rights (rather than bravely putting the lives of others on the line).

LMAO... No, liberals don't put their lives on the line for a damn thing. When it comes to the rights of women, homosexuals, and others, you've all made your position very clear, you do not condone any use of military force to effect a change, you prefer more talk and check writing. In fact, you will go out of your way to attack those who want to use the military to combat the atrocities. This has been proven, it's not an opinion.

Your arguments on this thread are entertaining, though. No, I do not see our military as a tool that we should use around the world to overthrow governments & police the streets of oppressed countries. That seems to be your I reading that incorrectly?

Yes, you are reading it incorrectly because you have to convey an "extremist" message from me, in order to refute what I have actually said. I merely pointed out that liberals SAY they are for something, but when it comes to actually taking serious action against it, real and meaningful action, really fighting for these things, they are nowhere to be found, and tend to fight against any such action. I simply asked why that is? You can't really answer me, and I don't blame you! The answer is, you are all moral cowards! You talk a good talk, you can write checks with the best of them... but when it comes to getting your hands dirty, and actually taking a stand, you fold like a cheap K-mart tent!

How do you think a political party would do with that in their platform?

With what in their platform? Your total misinterpretation of what I said? Probably not very well, because it's not very popular. Is this how you base your principles? On what is popular for a political party? That explains a hell of a lot! No fucking wonder you are so gutless! You see, when you stand for principled convictions, you are often not popular, you often get attacked and ridiculed, but when your principles are well founded, that doesn't matter. Popularity doesn't matter. I had rather stand for what is right, than to be popular. You had rather be popular.

You have a weird notion of our milltary, and the men & women who serve in it. Your posts back up a belief I have that many conservatives could care less about them, though they make a big show of "supporting the troops!"

For the record, I have two son-in-laws and a brother-in-law currently deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. There is not a day that goes by, I am not worried and concerned for their safety. Every time the news reports of soldiers dying over there, I cringe at the thought they may be involved. This is not easy on my family, and it's not an easy position for me to take personally. I would love to come here and be liked, I would love for pinheads to heap praises on me and revel at how much they admire me here, as much as I love attention, I would just eat that up... but my principles get in the way. I don't believe it is right to oppress women, or castigate gay people as "defective" or condemn people because of their religious beliefs. I support freedom and liberty for ALL, not just my own. Sometimes it's a tough position to take, but I am inspired by people like MLK, who weren't afraid to fight for what was right, despite what was popular at the time.
"Yes, you are reading it incorrectly because you have to convey an "extremist" message from me, in order to refute what I have actually said. I merely pointed out that liberals SAY they are for something, but when it comes to actually taking serious action against it, real and meaningful action, really fighting for these things, they are nowhere to be found, and tend to fight against any such action. "

Can you give me some examples? I opposed Iraq, which you admitted was a secular state. I supported Afghanistan.

You are speaking in very broad terms, and ignoring facts to the contrary. Liberals DO put themselves on the front lines, instead of sending others to fight for them. Volunteers put themselves in the middle of war zones to fight for their beliefs, and plenty have been killed trying to protect freedoms. The fact that you don't know about that speaks much more to your well-documented ignorance than anything else.

Dix, the American military is not there for your to be "willing" to send them places & overthrow governments, police the streets and generally work to ensure freedom for mankind throughout the world.

You're a real wuss, btw, if you think that anything you are doing is "brave." What have you done personally to help protect freedoms in the world?
"Yes, you are reading it incorrectly because you have to convey an "extremist" message from me, in order to refute what I have actually said. I merely pointed out that liberals SAY they are for something, but when it comes to actually taking serious action against it, real and meaningful action, really fighting for these things, they are nowhere to be found, and tend to fight against any such action. "

Can you give me some examples? I opposed Iraq, which you admitted was a secular state. I supported Afghanistan.

Yes, you opposed Iraq, but Saddam was brutally oppressing his people, and you were okay with him doing that. You saw that as a better option than fighting against it. Iran is another example, you would oppose any military intervention there, for the same reasons you opposed Iraq. The only reason you can justify any support for Afghanistan is out of a sense of revenge for 9/11, it has nothing to do with the liberation of 25 million Afghanistan people. When it comes to American liberation of people, you see it as unwarranted American intervention, and you protest it. Regardless of the fact that we are doing it to defend the very principles you claim are important to you.

You are speaking in very broad terms, and ignoring facts to the contrary. Liberals DO put themselves on the front lines, instead of sending others to fight for them. Volunteers put themselves in the middle of war zones to fight for their beliefs, and plenty have been killed trying to protect freedoms. The fact that you don't know about that speaks much more to your well-documented ignorance than anything else.

Nope. Liberals generally don't put themselves in harms way. If they do, they are generally on the wrong side... like Johnny Bin Walker... Sean Penn... etc. When it comes to taking up arms and fighting, liberals are the last to be found, unless they are the ones standing in the way of it. For some reason, their principles seem to kick in when it comes to war, no matter what the reasons are, war trumps everything to a liberal. Let regimes oppress people, let dictators brutally slaughter and commit genocide on his subjects, just don't fight a war to stop it! That's the Liberal Creed!

Dix, the American military is not there for your to be "willing" to send them places & overthrow governments, police the streets and generally work to ensure freedom for mankind throughout the world.

Again, I don't have the authority to send the military anywhere. However, I can indeed support my government when they take a moral stand to fight against oppression and tyranny. And yes... it's pretty much OUR job to ensure freedom for mankind throughout the world, if we are true to our principles. It's not all the time popular, some people will not like that, but it's our job because no one else can do it.

You're a real wuss, btw, if you think that anything you are doing is "brave." What have you done personally to help protect freedoms in the world?

Wait a second, where do you get "HELP PROTECT FREEDOMS?" This would assume people have freedoms and we are lending assistance to protect them. Not that there is anything wrong with doing that, but it has nothing to do with FIGHTING FOR freedom. We are talking about people who don't have freedom, in some cases, have never known freedom, and have no means of obtaining freedom on their own. You've made your principled position clear, you think we should ignore this and mind our own business, it's not worth us fighting for, we have our freedoms and that is all that matters.

I'll tell you what I've NOT done, I haven't played an obstructionist role, I haven't stood in the way of the US fighting for freedom abroad. I have supported every single effort the US has made to liberate people, including the actions of William Jefferson Clinton in Bosnia. Yes, as much as I loathed Clinton, as much as it would have helped my political party to oppose Clinton, my principles stood in the way, and I had to support what he did in Bosnia. I guess that underlines the difference between you and I, as you've pretty much admitted this is a "political popularity" thing for you.
Yes dixie. Because our interventionism is not noble. It's to open up markets for multinational corporations.

The best thing we could do for humanity is to stop incentivizing prison labor by stopping buying from dictatatorship nations who dehumanize their own citizens.
You haven't done shit. Glad you admitted that.

I opposed Iraq because inspections were working, Bush was lying and it was an unnecessary war. Being an American does not mean blindly following everything your leaders tell you; in fact, being an American is antithesis to that. I wonder how the 4 million refugees & hundreds of thousands of innocent dead Iraqis feel about your brave efforts to secure their liberties?

As for "liberals don't generally put themselves in harm's way," you kind of sound retarded when you say that. To start with, you are doing a great disservice to liberal members of our military. Second, you are really ignoring so many volunteer efforts on foreign soil throughout history. It's clear you don't know about these, and are doing your usual thing of confidently asserting your righteousness regarding something about which you have no clue, but that's par for the course.

Also, you switched your argument, since you were originally castigating me for not being "willing" to send others to fight Islamo-facism, which would seem to exclude the initial Iraq invasion. Now, you're doing your other usual thing of hopping all over the place, trying to argue one thing while using something you argued against only a few posts before. You're flailing, and pathetic, and realize somewhere beneath the insanity that your whole strawman of "liberals don't fight for their principles" is just that.

As always, I am SO glad I am not you. You're truly certifiable.