The animals of Islam...

By the way, Dix, I love this comment:

"LOL... So you pay your annual membership dues, and that is the extent of your efforts to fight and oppose oppression?"

And then the follow-up, where you proudly assert that you're personally "willing to deploy the U.S. military."

Wow - what sacrifice! What bravery! I stand in awe of your willingness to put others in harm's way...

I'm a member of Amnesty International, and strongly oppose oppression throughout the world. I have spent a lot of time on the oppression of women & the practice of genital mutilation in particular. So spare me the lectures on how I want to "leave them alone" and have a "double standard."

However, you still haven't explained what you mean by "intervene." Exactly what do you have in mind when it comes to "intervening" with oppressive regimes?

You're so hot.

I want to address the other shit on this thread but I am on a conference call, will be back.
Depends on your definition of a Muslim country.

They are not an "Islamic State" but the majority of Lebanese, resident in Lebanon, are apparently Muslim.

so then a majority makes a country?

the idiot who claimed it is a muslim country also claimed to have been would think they would know if they actually had been there.
so then a majority makes a country?

the idiot who claimed it is a muslim country also claimed to have been would think they would know if they actually had been there.

In some people's definition, yes.

The US is sometimes described as a Christian country but it isn't a Christian state (or at least it's not supposed to be)
In some people's definition, yes.

The US is sometimes described as a Christian country but it isn't a Christian state (or at least it's not supposed to be)

well, the person who claimed it was a muslim country retracted his words when called on it. for someone who claimed to have been there and met muslims and so forth, they should have known better.

if you want to continue wondering whether there are some people out there who call it a muslim country, go for it. it does not however change that lebanon is not considered a muslim country in the context of this thread.

i mean seriously, shall we take this all the way to its logical conclusion, that some people will call america a white country, some people consider africa a black continent...and on and on...
well, the person who claimed it was a muslim country retracted his words when called on it. for someone who claimed to have been there and met muslims and so forth, they should have known better.

if you want to continue wondering whether there are some people out there who call it a muslim country, go for it. it does not however change that lebanon is not considered a muslim country in the context of this thread.

i mean seriously, shall we take this all the way to its logical conclusion, that some people will call america a white country, some people consider africa a black continent...and on and on...

Do what you want. I really don't care about your pointless feud with MM.

I just like pointing out that you're wrong.
Do what you want. I really don't care about your pointless feud with MM.

I just like pointing out that you're wrong.

how am i wrong? if you bothered to read norman paperman's post you would see that lebanon clearly has set itself up as a non muslim country.

this has nothing at all to do with any fued....just because someone points out that someone else is wrong and an idiot makes it a feud? whatever charver, you don't want to debate you just want to start shit.
Here is what I don't get... and I won't go as far as bravo and say most Muslims advocate hate and violence, but why is it, the very same pinheads we see getting all outraged at christian displays in public buildings, or mention of God in schools, have no problem with countries of Islam which mandate strict adherence to Muslim philosophies and teaching of the religion in schools? The same pinheads who will become extremely outraged at anything that can be remotely deemed 'sexist' or 'racist' here, are okay with these Muslim nations practicing abhorrent sexism and racism in their routine following of fundamental Islam. How can pinheads be so devoutly intolerant of Christians, yet so seemingly tolerant of Muslims?

At first I thought, maybe it's because that is happening over there, and not here, so the pinheads just think it's none of our business what they do, and that is the principle they stand on. But they are the same toward Muslims here, they will vehemently defend a Muslim's 'religious rights' in every way, while seeking to deny the very same respect to Christians. It's almost as if, they have taken sides with whatever may oppose Christianity, no matter if that is some extremist abhorrent form of radical Islam. It doesn't really make sense, but it is the only thing I can logically rationalize to explain their behavior.

This is an ignorant post even for you. Firstly your use of the phrase "the liberals" is imbecilic. I personally find all organized religion to be oppressive of women, as do many people.

Secondly and most importantly, what you are talking about is cultural imperialism. The idea of western feminists attempting to tell Muslim women what feminism should mean to them is absurd, and not helpful. Muslim women are quite capable of forming their own intellectual basis for their own freedom.
how am i wrong? if you bothered to read norman paperman's post you would see that lebanon clearly has set itself up as a non muslim country.

this has nothing at all to do with any fued....just because someone points out that someone else is wrong and an idiot makes it a feud? whatever charver, you don't want to debate you just want to start shit.

I want to start shit?

Says the bloke who came here with his dickhead mate in tow in order to bitch like a pair of village fishwives about something on another board.
I want to start shit?

Says the bloke who came here with his dickhead mate in tow in order to bitch like a pair of village fishwives about something on another board.

Best description of spurt ever. I was just thinking, jesus christ what a f'ing whiner.
I want to start shit?

Says the bloke who came here with his dickhead mate in tow in order to bitch like a pair of village fishwives about something on another board.

thanks for proving me right....this has nothing to do with the topic but everything to do with some feud you're obsessed about. if this had anything to do with the topic you would not have brought that up...especially after i have put him on ignore and challenged him to stop the BS and debate. i haven't brought up anything on that board for sometime, is YOU who have brought up. nice job champ!

how am i wrong charver? you said you like show i am wrong, how so....

charver, its clear you just want to start shit and not actually debate but continue to bring up the past....why is it you didn't call norman paperman out for his saying the same thing, that lebanon is not a muslim country? why aren't you saying he is wrong?
thanks for proving me right....this has nothing to do with the topic but everything to do with some feud you're obsessed about. if this had anything to do with the topic you would not have brought that up...especially after i have put him on ignore and challenged him to stop the BS and debate. i haven't brought up anything on that board for sometime, is YOU who have brought up. nice job champ!

how am i wrong charver? you said you like show i am wrong, how so....

charver, its clear you just want to start shit and not actually debate but continue to bring up the past....why is it you didn't call norman paperman out for his saying the same thing, that lebanon is not a muslim country? why aren't you saying he is wrong?

I'm obsessed?


I'm struggling to think of a post where you don't bring your feud up.

I didn't quote Norm because yours was the furthest post from the top (also i don't disagree with anything he said looking back on his post)
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I'm obsessed?


I'm struggling to think of a post where you don't bring your feud up.

I didn't quote Norm because yours was the furthest post from the top.

you're only struggling because you're lying....fact is charver, no one has talked about that feud for sometime and in fact YOU are the one who brought it up in this thread....there are numerous posts that far outweigh the posts talking about some feud, but you're so obsessed about it YOU keep talking about it.

i find it humerous you can't explain why i am wrong on lebanon, see, you didn't want to debate, you wanted to bitch and moan because its monday morning and someone pissed in your cheerios

care to talk about the topic now, or are you going to continue your obsession about some feud and the past?
you're only struggling because you're lying....fact is charver, no one has talked about that feud for sometime and in fact YOU are the one who brought it up in this thread....there are numerous posts that far outweigh the posts talking about some feud, but you're so obsessed about it YOU keep talking about it.

i find it humerous you can't explain why i am wrong on lebanon, see, you didn't want to debate, you wanted to bitch and moan because its monday morning and someone pissed in your cheerios

care to talk about the topic now, or are you going to continue your obsession about some feud and the past?

Look mate, if you can't understand or follow a thread i see no need to educate you in that direction.

I do love the righteous denial though. Like most people here, i couldn't care less about it but i do love that you make so much of an effort.
Actually, I'll just save you some time, Yurt, and make your next post for you.

charver you are a proven liar and i demand...DEMAND an apology. Why can't you debate me in a proper manner and stop LYING about me you LIAR
Look mate, if you can't understand or follow a thread i see no need to educate you in that direction.

I do love the righteous denial though. Like most people here, i couldn't care less about it but i do love that you make so much of an effort.

lol, you're the one who goes off topic but i can't follow a thread...

you won't even show how i was wrong, i love it! you get backed into a corner and you change the subject about a feud and personally insult me...weak, real weak....

and btw, the first time you replied to my post, norman paperman's post was copied into my post, so you saw his post and instead of debating the issues you doggedly go on a personal attack mode with me.

lol, you're the one who goes off topic but i can't follow a thread...

you won't even show how i was wrong, i love it! you get backed into a corner and you change the subject about a feud and personally insult me...weak, real weak....

and btw, the first time you replied to my post, norman paperman's post was copied into my post, so you saw his post and instead of debating the issues you doggedly go on a personal attack mode with me.



lol, my next're wrong again charver

it's clear you can't debate the issue so you are desperately striking out and personally attacking me.

anyways, i'm bored with this nonsense, if you want to debate the issues i'll debate, but it is senseless for me to keep showing you that you are the one who went off topic and you are the one obsessively living in the past.

you can't show me how i am wrong, no problem, i know i am right, and doesn't matter what you have to say as you can't back up your claim.
lol, my next're wrong again charver

it's clear you can't debate the issue so you are desperately striking out and personally attacking me.

anyways, i'm bored with this nonsense, if you want to debate the issues i'll debate, but it is senseless for me to keep showing you that you are the one who went off topic and you are the one obsessively living in the past.

you can't show me how i am wrong, no problem, i know i am right, and doesn't matter what you have to say as you can't back up your claim.

Oh no! I can't back up my claim?

I went off topic?

I'm living "in the past"?

Damocles! Oh Damocles! These are grounds for a ban. I have upset Yurt, pierced his robust hide with my off-topic nature and heinous personal attack.

Perhaps if you slap me on the hand with a ruler or something Yurt will be happy and gay once more.

You couldn't make this shit up. :D