The bible

Frank was Rome in firm control of Jerusalem in 33 AD. Christ said Jerusalem would be surrounded and destroyed DURING members in His audience lifetimes. Rome had been in stable control of Jerusalem for at least 100 years when he said this. Christ prophesied

1. Jerusalem would be surrounded by armies.

2. People would have time to flee AFTER Jerusalem was surrounded.

3. People in his audience would still be alive to witness this event.

4. Prophesied that Jerusalem which had existed for hundreds of years would be destroyed and its inhabitants would be put to the sword and led away captive.

5. Additionally he predicted the Temple would be destroyed and even the massive stones that made its wall would be torn down. The temple built by Nebuchadnezzar in 516 BCE so it had stood for 546 years when Christ made this prediction.

6. He predicted the massive stones of the Temple would be torn down stone by stone. [note: the wailing wall is a retainer wall and not the temple.]

Mat 24:5 As some of the disciples were remarking how the temple was adorned with beautiful stones and consecrated gifts, Jesus said, 6“As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”

According to Josephus when Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 Titus was instructed to spare the temple which had stood for 546 years. Jewish zealots retreated into the Temple and were attacking Roman soldiers the Roman soldiers fired flaming projectiles at them and set the Temple on fire. (It had a cedar covered in gold roof on it.) The huge carved stones that made the walls were torn down because the gold that covered the roof and other areas melted. The soldiers tore down the huge stone walls to recover the gold.

Frank your argument that Rome would be likely to destroy the temple , that Titus was told to preserve, which had stood for 550 years and destroy Jerusalem and put over a million people to death or enslave them iin the next 40 to 50 years is laughable.

Your reliance on the Bible as a reasonable source of moronic.

I did not argue that Rome would be likely to destroy the temple...nor say a single word about how many people were put to death or enslaved. You simply made that up.

You are a laughable moron.
Hosea was written between 760–720 BC In the Bible Christ has many names, Messiah, Savior, Christ, Jesus, The Word, and Israel.

Hosea 11:1 When Israel was a child, then I loved Him, and called my son out of Egypt.

Mat 2:4 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,
Mat 2:5

And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet,

Mat 2:15

And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son.

So 700 years before the Bible predicted Christ would be taken to Egypt . And 700 years later Jesus as a child was taken to Jerusalem.

So the Bible says. And you, fucking laughable moron that you are, accept that as an historic fact.

Oh, well!
Your reliance on the Bible as a reasonable source of moronic.

I did not argue that Rome would be likely to destroy the temple...nor say a single word about how many people were put to death or enslaved. You simply made that up.

You are a laughable moron.

He's not arguing that Rome would destroy the temple either. You seem to be confused.
Your reliance on the Bible as a reasonable source of moronic.

I did not argue that Rome would be likely to destroy the temple...nor say a single word about how many people were put to death or enslaved. You simply made that up.

You are a laughable moron.
Frank calm down and THINK. I never said you said the temple would be destroyed or that Jews would be enslaved. I did say Christ prophesied that the temple would be destroyed stone by stone. Even though Titus was told to spare the temple it still was destroyed stone by stone. And Christ said "They will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations." Again Christ's prophesy was spot on. Josephus said more than a million Jews were killed or enslaved. They were sold off into many countries .

Frank instead of casting insults try to explain how Christ ACCURATELY predicted 6 or 7 unique things that would happen in the next 40-50 years.
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Frank calm down and THINK. I never said you said the temple would be destroyed or that Jews would be enslaved.

Here are your words exactly: "Frank your argument that Rome would be likely to destroy the temple , that Titus was told to preserve, which had stood for 550 years and destroy Jerusalem and put over a million people to death or enslave them iin the next 40 to 50 years is laughable."

How can you say you never said it?

I did say Christ prophesied that the temple would be destroyed stone by stone. Even though Titus was told to spare the temple it still was destroyed stone by stone. And Christ said "They will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations." Again Christ's prophesy was spot on. Josephus said more than a million Jews were killed or enslaved. They were sold off into many countries .

Frank instead of casting insults try to explain how Christ ACCURATELY predicted 6 or 7 unique things that would happen in the next 40-50 years.

I do not know that Jesus accurately predicted that...AND NEITHER DO YOU. You are simply accepting the accounts given in the Bible...and blindly guessing that they are correct.

Wake up.

By the way, I apologize for the insults. But speaking to me as though I am ignorant of things I have studied for decades in rather insulting also...and I react to them poorly.
Prove they aren't historical facts Frank.

I do not have to. They MAY be historical...and they may be no better than the myths and legends of Greece and the Norse.

YOU are the one saying they are facts (historical facts.) YOU bear the burden of proof.
I do not have to. They MAY be historical...and they may be no better than the myths and legends of Greece and the Norse.

YOU are the one saying they are facts (historical facts.) YOU bear the burden of proof.

I'm not sure I understand this argument. Are you saying it isn't fact that the Romans destroyed the temple?......,to%20make%20a%20home%20elsewhere.
I do not have to. They MAY be historical...and they may be no better than the myths and legends of Greece and the Norse.

YOU are the one saying they are facts (historical facts.) YOU bear the burden of proof.
Just as it is your burden to disprove each of the facts that weren't fulfilled in Christ's prophecy
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Frank has no answer as to. Why the Temple that had stood for 550 years would be destroyed in the lifetimes of the people Christ spoke with
Here are your words exactly: "Frank your argument that Rome would be likely to destroy the temple , that Titus was told to preserve, which had stood for 550 years and destroy Jerusalem and put over a million people to death or enslave them iin the next 40 to 50 years is laughable."

How can you say you never said it?

I do not know that Jesus accurately predicted that...AND NEITHER DO YOU. You are simply accepting the accounts given in the Bible...and blindly guessing that they are correct.

Wake up.

By the way, I apologize for the insults. But speaking to me as though I am ignorant of things I have studied for decades in rather insulting also...and I react to them poorly.
Just so. You know in the religion forum I don’t try to insult people. We have the words of Jesus and wee have the History of the fulfilling of those words again how did Jesus know what he prophesied?

Frank what gave you the impression that I denied saying that??????
Ok I apologize for the misunderstanding I am texting while my wife and I are driving around doing holiday things. So I’m on an iPhone and my messages are short and sometimes confusing. What I meant from your theory of Rome wAs LIKELY to destroy Jerusalem you would also have to say it was likely they would destroy the temple completely taking it down to the ground and slaughter or enslave over a million people and AFTER it’s armies had already surrounded Jerusalem somehow the people that saw these armies would have time to escape. And on top of that the would happen in the life time of the people that we listening to him speak. I don’t know how you explain that. When Jesus spoke Rome was firmly in charge and the Temple had stood for 550 years
Just as it is your burden to disprove each of the facts that weren't fulfilled in Christ's prophecy

You obviously are ignorant of how debate works. That is probably because you are ignorant in general. No problem.

I do not have to prove anything. I am not making any assertions...other than that I do not know if the Bible is what you say it is.

Wake up.
Frank has no answer as to. Why the Temple that had stood for 550 years would be destroyed in the lifetimes of the people Christ spoke with

I have an answer and I have given it to you.

You are unable or unwilling to acknowledge that you are merely guessing that the Bible is a worthy reporter of history.
Just so. You know in the religion forum I don’t try to insult people. We have the words of Jesus and wee have the History of the fulfilling of those words again how did Jesus know what he prophesied?

Frank what gave you the impression that I denied saying that??????

Because in #306 above you wrote: "I never said you said the temple would be destroyed or that Jews would be enslaved."