The bible

There are quite a few dentist that are meat butchers. No, I don't go to them.

Trying to compare your 'experts' with someone skilled in a craft is a false equivalence fallacy. A piece of paper does not make a good dentist.

So if somebody gave you the choice of a dentist or a meat butcher to do a root canal on you, you'd pick the dentist, aka the expert.
also you can't get through an ivy league theological school if you believe in Christianity......

Two of the scholars I take video courses from are Philip Carey PhD a practicing Protestant and a graduate of Yale Divinity school, and Luke Timothy Johnson, PhD a practicing Catholic, former Benedictine monk, and graduate of Yale university with a Yale doctorate in New Testament studies
Two of the scholars I take video courses from are Philip Carey PhD a practicing Protestant and a graduate of Yale Divinity school, and Luke Timothy Johnson, PhD a practicing Catholic, former Benedictine monk, and graduate of Yale university with a Yale doctorate in New Testament studies

but you say they don't believe in the they believe in the divinity of Jesus?......
LOLOL. I can't tell you how much I LOVE seeing a semi-literate moron who probably barely scraped through a GED telling everyone what Ivy Leagues lack.

Trolling. 'Expert' worship.

I don't hire anyone claiming any of these schools. They are too arrogant. They won't do the work. They think they are 'elite' and better than anyone else.
So if somebody gave you the choice of a dentist or a meat butcher to do a root canal on you, you'd pick the dentist, aka the expert.

There are quite a few dentist that are meat butchers. No, I don't go to them.

Trying to compare your 'experts' with someone skilled in a craft is a false equivalence fallacy. A piece of paper does not make a good dentist.
Two of the scholars I take video courses from are Philip Carey PhD a practicing Protestant and a graduate of Yale Divinity school, and Luke Timothy Johnson, PhD a practicing Catholic, former Benedictine monk, and graduate of Yale university with a Yale doctorate in New Testament studies

Big hairy deal.
Void question. Try to be more specific.

YOU made the claim that there was evidence both for and against the existence of gods. Ergo YOU ARE THE ONE WHO MADE THE ERROR.

Look, I personally don't care because all the "evidence FOR God's existence" you're going to puke up is standard issue junk that is easily dismissed or debunked. That's because you aren't that bright but you also know that it might be very easy to be shown up for the joke you are if you actually ANSWERED a question. So you don't.

That's called being "mendacious". It's not one of those things God is keen on. (But you clearly have never read the Bible so it's not a surprise you wouldn't know that)
Trolling. 'Expert' worship.

I suspect you are another one of those GED grads. The only difference is you carved out a space for yourself by randomly decreeing "fallacies" when there are no such fallacies on display. You simply don't know enough to realize you are an idiot.

I don't hire anyone claiming any of these schools.

Sorry, but no one believe YOU hire anyone.

They are too arrogant.

Well, YOU definitely know arrogance.

They won't do the work. They think they are 'elite' and better than anyone else.

They are much better at their jobs than you are. Well, I shouldn't say that, I'm sure you are quite adequate as a school janitor moping up vomit and the occasional shit.

That's your speed.
but you say they don't believe in the they believe in the divinity of Jesus?......

"An anonymous Christian wrote the earliest surviving account of Jesus’s ministry and death, a work that we now call the Gospel of Mark. The author of this book does not identify himself. Only later in the 2nd century would Christians guess that the author was named Mark and was a companion of Peter. While the author remains unknown, we refer to him as Mark for convenience."

--> Professor David Brakke, Masters of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School, and PhD in religious studies from Yale University
"An anonymous Christian wrote the earliest surviving account of Jesus’s ministry and death, a work that we now call the Gospel of Mark. The author of this book does not identify himself. Only later in the 2nd century would Christians guess that the author was named Mark and was a companion of Peter. While the author remains unknown, we refer to him as Mark for convenience."

--> Professor David Brakke, Masters of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School, and PhD in religious studies from Yale University

does this one believe in God?.......look, I wouldn't hire a guy to fix my car if he denied the existence of automobiles and I pay no attention to arguments of Christian theology from anyone who denies the Bible is the word of with it......

lol.....Brakke is a gnostic.....
Eat shit, Jerkoff.

My reality is that I do not know if any gods exist or not.

The truth is that either there are no gods...or at least one god exists.


There is no shit being flung there.

Hey moron, I love how you try to argue with me by restating my opinion as yours. Stop being an idiot.
YOU made the claim that there was evidence both for and against the existence of gods.
There is.
There is no error.
Look, I personally don't care
Yes you do. Don't lie.
because all the "evidence FOR God's existence" you're going to puke up is standard issue junk that is easily dismissed or debunked.
Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
That's because you aren't that bright but you also know that it might be very easy to be shown up for the joke you are if you actually ANSWERED a question.
So you don't.
You are asking a void question. You need to be more specific.
That's called being "mendacious". It's not one of those things God is keen on. (But you clearly have never read the Bible so it's not a surprise you wouldn't know that)
That's called "making shit up". That is YOU doing this. You don't know the Bible. Don't try to hide behind what you deny.