The bible

So you think that a God that would impress on men to record his wishes would not protect those wishes until they were available to the masses?

I've thought of that. Same should apply to the men of the cloth!

But, I actually attended church for about 18 years, and I have heard a lot of things quoted as gospel by some preachers that was not quite Gospel!

Sorry, I was born in a Baptist family and went to a Baptist Church- where anytime you found 4 baptists gathering, there would always be a 5th!

OK a 750 MIL now for you youngsters!:laugh:
I've thought of that. Same should apply to the men of the cloth!

But, I actually attended church for about 18 years, and I have heard a lot of things quoted as gospel by some preachers that was not quite Gospel!

Sorry, I was born in a Baptist family and went to a Baptist Church- where anytime you found 4 baptists gathering, there would always be a 5th!

OK a 750 MIL now for you youngsters!:laugh:
But Baptists don't follow the Bible do they?

When you go fishing you never take just one Baptist with you. You have to take two so they won't drink all your beer.
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But Baptists don't follow the Bible do they?

When you go fishing you never take just one Baptist with you. You have to take two so they won't drink all your beer.

/yawn.....try to find someone on wiki who actually knows theology.....common knowledge is for common people........are you ready to challenge someone who knows more about it than you do?......

1. I'm certain I know more about theology than you. In my youth, I was planning to become an Orthodox priest. It was my earnest exploration into biblical criticism that led me to atheism.

2. Theology is irrelevant to this discussion. You don't need to know the intricacies of Harry Potter to know that magic doesn't exist, do you?
1. I'm certain I know more about theology than you. In my youth, I was planning to become an Orthodox priest. It was my earnest exploration into biblical criticism that led me to atheism.

2. Theology is irrelevant to this discussion. You don't need to know the intricacies of Harry Potter to know that magic doesn't exist, do you?
:thisisgettinggood: I don't think you know who you are talking to.
1. I'm certain I know more about theology than you. In my youth, I was planning to become an Orthodox priest. It was my earnest exploration into biblical criticism that led me to atheism.

2. Theology is irrelevant to this discussion. You don't need to know the intricacies of Harry Potter to know that magic doesn't exist, do you?
Since you think you know everything about the Bible perhaps you don't need to be in this thread at all.
That makes no sense. Wouldn't you want me to share my knowledge? Or perhaps you prefer to wallow in ignorance.
Or perhaps we could share our knowledge with you if you were not so close minded. For example you are sure you know more than PMP but his history is at least as versed in the scripture as yours. I have a pretty extensive history in religion myself so don't think your knowledge of the Bible is superior to others here because you are wrong.
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I heard that King James, Robert Barker and John Norton and 47 translators had thousands of ancient scrolls written in many different languages to rifle through, and many were damaged or not usable. They left many on the cutting room floor. Earlier translations were condemned by the State! So there was a political flair to the King James Version. There were some political narratives in play here!

I could tell a joke down here in Dallas, but before the joke reached you wherever you live, it would not even be the same joke. SO much for passing things down between generations by word of mouth.

It's actually amazing we have any copies or records from the ancient world.

We would basically have to throw almost everything we know about the ancient world out the window if we limited our sources to realtime accounts by first hand witnesses written on papyrus or parchment which somehow survived,two thousand years
1. I'm certain I know more about theology than you. In my youth, I was planning to become an Orthodox priest. It was my earnest exploration into biblical criticism that led me to atheism.

2. Theology is irrelevant to this discussion. You don't need to know the intricacies of Harry Potter to know that magic doesn't exist, do you?

So you chose not to preach the virtues of Islam Mohammed pedophilia in America with Christianity or just make money from it ?
How bout that

Good ole boys organized Islamidiotoctacy Mohammed pedophilia will be giving thanks tomorrow with that supreme swastika up Uranus kangaroo court of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballots arsonists national Christian Nation religion of "man is God".
you seem to prefer bragging about your knowledge instead of sharing it......I suggest you either trot it out or shut the fuck up.....

Ok. Let's start with Philo of Alexandria. He was a first-century Jewish mystic who wrote extensively about Jerusalem. He wrote about all sorts of mundane political events in the city. He wrote about Herod and about Pontius Pilate. He writes about his desire to find the Jewish messiah, and how many people in his day were claiming to be the messiah.

Yet not once does he mention Jesus. If the Bible is to be believed, Jesus spent three years wandering Israel, performing miracles for crowds of people. According to Matthew, once Jesus died the corpses of the prophets rose from their tombs and roamed the streets of Jerusalem. Yet Philo mentions none of it. Why? Why would he spend pages discussing mundane events in Jerusalem yet forget to mention that Jerusalem was invaded by zombies for a day?

Logic dictates that he never mentioned it because it never happened.
I've thought of that. Same should apply to the men of the cloth!

But, I actually attended church for about 18 years, and I have heard a lot of things quoted as gospel by some preachers that was not quite Gospel!

Sorry, I was born in a Baptist family and went to a Baptist Church- where anytime you found 4 baptists gathering, there would always be a 5th!

OK a 750 MIL now for you youngsters!:laugh:
Some men of the cloth have no relationship with God. For example the pedophilia problem in the Catholic Church.
Ok. Let's start with Philo of Alexandria. He was a first-century Jewish mystic who wrote extensively about Jerusalem. He wrote about all sorts of mundane political events in the city. He wrote about Herod and about Pontius Pilate. He writes about his desire to find the Jewish messiah, and how many people in his day were claiming to be the messiah.

Yet not once does he mention Jesus. If the Bible is to be believed, Jesus spent three years wandering Israel, performing miracles for crowds of people. According to Matthew, once Jesus died the corpses of the prophets rose from their tombs and roamed the streets of Jerusalem. Yet Philo mentions none of it. Why? Why would he spend pages discussing mundane events in Jerusalem yet forget to mention that Jerusalem was invaded by zombies for a day?

Logic dictates that he never mentioned it because it never happened.
Why would a JEW who rejected Christ give credit to Christ. The Jews wanted to ignore Christ and his power. Much like how our news media tends to ignore news that they don't think fits their narrative today. A great example just admitted Hunter's laptop is genuine after over 750 days of ignoring it. A Jew wouldn't recognize things that threatened his personal power as a Jew. Christ's message threatened to dissolve Jewish religion.
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