The Church should respect tough questions

If only you could prove that



There's plenty of evidence for God.

I agree, like someone telling me, "My atheism came after decades of thought, consideration and examination of my faith."

I've challenged atheist for years to do one thing and if they could do it I would instant abandon my belief in God. Atheist like to say,nice God is omniscient then he would know what it would take to to make them believe. We know that's a lie.
What is that one thing?
Thankfully that isn't folks like me. My atheism came after decades of thought, consideration and examination of my faith.

If you actually did put much thought, consideration, and examination into would have arrived at agnosticism...not atheism. It appears from some of your answers that you DID arrive at agnosticism, but you don't have the courage to use "agnostic."

Madalyn Murray O'Hair was wrong when she inferred that an agnostic is just an atheist without guts. For the most part, an atheist is an agnostic without guts. They are afraid of the opprobrium of atheists if they just acknowledge they do not know.
Again, that's not all atheists. Some atheists simply fail to believe in God.

It appeats that anyone who uses the word "atheist" as a self-descriptor does so because of "belief." They either "believe" there are no gods...or "believe" it is more likely there are no gods than that there is at least one.

The world of atheism is filled with "beliefs."
all dummies discussing nothing important.

what are the teachings of Jesus?

do they stand on their own merit as reasonable behaviors and thoughts?

these fools will never get to that.

fascists don't want actual discussions about morality.
Again, that's not all atheists. Some atheists simply fail to believe in God.
why do so many people who deny the existence of deity (atheists) pretend they simply fail to believe in God (agnostics) it because they are too weak in their faith to actually proclaim what they believe or are they really agnostics who don't understand what "atheist" means......
If you actually did put much thought, consideration, and examination into would have arrived at agnosticism...not atheism. It appears from some of your answers that you DID arrive at agnosticism, but you don't have the courage to use "agnostic."

Madalyn Murray O'Hair was wrong when she inferred that an agnostic is just an atheist without guts. For the most part, an atheist is an agnostic without guts. They are afraid of the opprobrium of atheists if they just acknowledge they do not know.

It appeats that anyone who uses the word "atheist" as a self-descriptor does so because of "belief." They either "believe" there are no gods...or "believe" it is more likely there are no gods than that there is at least one.

The world of atheism is filled with "beliefs."
as an atheist he gets go around being an asshole to others, and avoiding the real value of religion, and it's true fruits... pro-social (mostly) moral codes....
the problem isn't the questions.....the problem is the ridiculous answers from the militant atheists.......
Such as Yahweh was a storm god (among many gods) that became the god of Israel that became your god? That those gods were mythical, anthropomorphic gods created by man?

Those kinds of truth?
Such as Yahweh was a storm god (among many gods) that became the god of Israel that became your god? That those gods were mythical, anthropomorphic gods created by man?

Those kinds of truth?
is that what you thought was a question?.........those kinds of lies from militant atheists, yes?.....
I'd say in a certain sense, Christianity achieved it's goal in the end, no matter how many atheists and agnostics there are.

For many centuries in the West, there has been widespread consensus on the importance of Judeo-Christian ethics and the values of the New Testament, even when the religious language and context are stripped away. Similarly, in Asia Buddhism and Confucianism have so thoroughly permeated society, that people in East Asia practice Confucian values without even realizing where it came from.

Whatever one thinks about it, religious values have just permeated world societies in a way that German and French philosophy professors never have.
Christianity will always exist
Not only should the Church respect tough questions,
but they should always remember
to phrase their answer like a question!

I can't help it when it comes to religion.
Sure it is. I am exploring my understanding of my faith or lack thereof.

Are you against all turns of phrase or just this one?

It's a figure of speech. Nothing more. You're overreading intot it.

A rhetorical flourish if you will.

Exploring your lack of faith is not a "path to spirituality".

I've never heard an atheist describe their atheism as a "path to spirituality".

Spirituality and atheism are simply incompatible.
why do so many people who deny the existence of deity (atheists) pretend they simply fail to believe in God (agnostics)

Your definitions are incorrect. it because they are too weak in their faith to actually proclaim what they believe or are they really agnostics who don't understand what "atheist" means......

Or maybe some of us are honest with ourselves and recognize we could be wrong.

Something you missed in your "Christian Training". You would do well to remember that you, too, are fallen and imperfect.