The Church should respect tough questions

Jesus Christ, pal. That’s what your silly creation myth says exactly.

Did you know that matter can be created from energy?
That's right. That's why if you could create something from material not presently in existence in would have to re evaluate my position.

You mean energy already in existence?
Not only should the Church respect tough questions,
but they should always remember
to phrase their answer like a question!

I can't help it when it comes to religion.
Your atheism is perfectly respectable because you are not reluctant to say there is no reality apart from subatomic particles, and our lives have no grander purpose or meaning as far as the universe as a whole is concerned.
Spirituality is the belief or practice of religion or the belief in a transcendental reality and higher truth beyond what we can experience in the physical world.

That's not any different substantively from some Eastern religions or New Age spiritual beliefs.
That's right. That's why if you could create something from material not presently in existence in would have to re evaluate my position.

You mean energy already in existence?
And your position is that a mythical god created man in his own image and the rest of the universe in a few days?

Yeah, the energy present at the beginning.
why do so many people who deny the existence of deity (atheists) pretend they simply fail to believe in God (agnostics) it because they are too weak in their faith to actually proclaim what they believe or are they really agnostics who don't understand what "atheist" means......
I really do not think you understand the issue. You think anyone who disagrees with you is wrong.
Spirituality is the belief or practice of religion or the belief in a transcendental reality and higher truth beyond what we can experience in the physical world.
It's been suggested atheism is a religion just like leftism
If you actually did put much thought, consideration, and examination into would have arrived at agnosticism...not atheism.

This has been explained to you now several times. There are resources available to explain it to you.

Here's a handy chart. IT's simple with bright colors so you will be able to understand it.

And your position is that a mythical god created man in his own image and the rest of the universe in a few days?

Yeah, the energy present at the beginning.
Where did I say I believe that? You're coming unhinged.

So then make something from material not presently in existence. Make an amoeba from stuff not currency in existence. That's should be pretty easy right?
This has been explained to you now several times. There are resources available to explain it to you.

Here's a handy chart. IT's simple with bright colors so you will be able to understand it.

Got get your atheist denominations right huh? Like southern Baptist vs southern reformed Baptist. Get it right.
Authoritarians think their religion is the only religion. This is a very dangerous and destructive belief.
It's been suggested atheism is a religion just like leftism
The only people who have said leftism is a religion are hyperpartisan rightwing media personalities.

I don't think Jesus ever discussed partisan politics.
The only people who have said leftism is a religion are hyperpartisan rightwing media personalities.

I don't think Jesus ever discussed partisan politics.
Not need for all that. A connected brain stem reveals that going awry of leftist dogma results in excommunication. If you haven't seen it then you're blind or your brain stem is severed.

Give to Caesar what is due Caesar isna just as close as he got
Not need for all that. A connected brain stem reveals that going awry of leftist dogma results in excommunication. If you haven't seen it then you're blind or your brain stem is severed.

Give to Caesar what is due Caesar isna just as close as he got
Your implications that anyone of a liberal political persuasion is going to hell does remarkable damage to your credibility as a poster of good faith on this thread
And Paul. He made it a religion ABOUT Jesus instead of a religion OF Jesus.

Oh DEFINITELY Paul. He singlehandedly seems to be the guy responsible for spreading it throughout the Roman world. But the Roman infrastructure, trade and movement of people made that possible in no small way.
Your implications that anyone of a liberal political persuasion is going to hell does remarkablr damage to your credibility as a poster of good faith on this thread
Where did I imply that? Copy and paste my words. The level of my credibility as perceived by others is not in my control so I don't spend much time worrying about that.
The same way someone knows an automobile, which is far less complicated than DNA, doesn't just randomly happen.

Hmmm, so you have taken an example where you KNOW 100% that it was manufactured/designed. You can't say the same about DNA. In fact I can point you to complex molecules that form spontaneously every single day without "God" making it happen.

That's the problem with Intelligent Design, you really have no way to compare a manufactured DNA to one that was designed by an invisible being outside of space and time. You are arguing from a position of incredulity. You are AMAZED at DNA (the chemistry of which isn't all that crazy hard to understand) and so you think it MUST be designed. Not because you can point to any indicator of design other than your inability to comprehend how YOU would make DNA.