The Church should respect tough questions

You lost me after the "I think..." I knew you were kidding at that point.

Yawn. Boooooring. You are boring me now. Be more entertaining. Tell me more about your "philosophy" classes. How about your math classes. Apparently you learned math before the invention of the transitive property.
I've seen that kind of chart dozens upon dozens of times during the many decades I have discussed this topic with people who call themselves atheists...and come away thinking they remind me of the Libertarian Chart whih is designed so damn near everyone will end up thinking they are libertarians.

I do not "believe" that any gods exist, but I am not an atheist.

I also do not "believe" there are no gods, but I am not a theist.

The chart is...(substitute here whatever you will) bullshit.

I say again: If you actually did put much thought, consideration, and examination into would have determined that you do not "believe" there are any gods AND you would have determined that you do not "believe" there are no gods...which is to say you would have arrived at agnosticism...not atheism.

Atheists have decided to hijack agnosticism (the so-called weak atheists)...I suspect because they want to increase the intelligence level of atheism.
We arrive at the belief that a deity doesn't exist in different ways, I think, Frank.

The reason that I'm an atheist instead of an agnostic is because
it is to me seriously illogical that a perfect, omnipotent deity
would willfully create such an incredibly imperfect universe.

It is to me seriously illogical that a perfect omniscient deity
would create sentient creatures
that the deity knows in advance were going to commit grievous transgressions.

It is especially illogical to me that the allegedly created creatures
would actually worship an omnipotent, omniscient deity
who knew in advance how much those creatures would suffer.

If they fear the deity, why would they purport to love the deity?
Why would they even suggest that in addition to being omnipotent and omniscient,
the deity was all-loving as well?

To me, the existence of a deity is more than unlikely enough for me
to see myself as an atheist rather than an agnostic.

Should I be agnostic about
Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy as well?
Yawn. Boooooring. You are boring me now. Be more entertaining. Tell me more about your "philosophy" classes. How about your math classes. Apparently you learned math before the invention of the transitive property.
Okay...and here is something you can work with.

Math is definitely not my strong suit...or at least the kind of math needed for college work. I never took algebra in high school, because college was the last thing in my mind. But I took lots of courses while in the Air Force (Maryland extention courses taught by Oxford dons)...and managed to accumulate over a year of credits. So I enrolled in college when I was discharged.

My math deficiency caused me some enrollment problems, but my advisor managed to get me to substitute some philosophy and psychology courses to make up the deficiency. Since my undergrad major was Economics, I had to take Economic Statistics...the advisor also reuired that I take Math statistics (a related but different course)...and I had a minor in psychology, so I had to take a third statistics course in psychological statistics (also related, but different.)

That is my college math. Not impressive...even to me.

Transative property came did a whole bunch of other stuff that I was able to deal with, alsthough I had to devise ways to do so.

I was the first person from my family to go to college...and when I mentioned to my father that I was going to do so, his response was, "What the hell ya gonna do that for?" was a bit of a lift for me.

Some people were more lucky...and got the motivation from family that helps.

I did it on my own.

Any questions?
We arrive at the belief that a deity doesn't exist in different ways, I think, Frank.

The reason that I'm an atheist instead of an agnostic is because
it is to me seriously illogical that a perfect, omnipotent deity
would willfully create such an incredibly imperfect universe.

It is to me seriously illogical that a perfect omniscient deity
would create sentient creatures
that the deity knows in advance were going to commit grievous transgressions.

It is especially illogical to me that the allegedly created creatures
would actually worship an omnipotent, omniscient deity
who knew in advance how much those creatures would suffer.

If they fear the deity, why would they purport to love the deity?
Why would they even suggest that in addition to being omnipotent and omniscient,
the deity was all-loving as well?

To me, the existence of a deity is more than unlikely enough for me
to see myself as an atheist rather than an agnostic.

Should I be agnostic about
Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy as well?
Be agnostic about anything you want, Nifty.

You are an atheist because you see the likelihood of "no god" to be greater than the likelihood of "at least one god exists."

Not sure about O. He doesn't answer that question. He diverts to the likelihood of "one GOD" versus "many gods."
Okay...and here is something you can work with.

Math is definitely not my strong suit.

Oh jeeeezus now we're in it....

Wow, your backstory is even more boring and stupid than I thought it would be. What did you major in in college and do for a living?

Whatever it was it must have been pretty simple.
Be agnostic about anything you want, Nifty.

You are an atheist because you see the likelihood of "no god" to be greater than the likelihood of "at least one god exists."

Not sure about O. He doesn't answer that question. He diverts to the likelihood of "one GOD" versus "many gods."

I love how you think your "question" is some sorta gotcha.
You are an atheist because you see the likelihood of "no god" to be greater than the likelihood of "at least one god exists."

I'm honestly going to try to answer your stupid fucked up question without using words you didn't select:

Do I see the LIKELIHOOD of "no god" to be greater than "at least one god". No. I seem them as EQUAL. Equal to zero.