The Church should respect tough questions

You asked me a question...I answered it.

If you call a laughable lie an answer, yes.

I was truthful.

In your dreams.

Now you are saying it was pure bullshit.

Because it manifestly is.

You do not know me at all...nothing about what I have or have not done.

You post like someone who is suited to do only simple tasks.

Why are you considering my answer to be pure bullshit?

Because you post like you have severe brain damage.
I'm not an atheist, and if you haven't noticed I have a track record to composing retorts to both holy rollers and atheists if I think either of them are are incorrect or too judgmental.
I really don't care I'm just fascinated that someone who bemoans how judgemental other people are is quite judgemental themselves. It's amazing stuff
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You said they were zero.

Stop with the nonsense...and be a man.

If you suppose there is zero chance of a god existing...and zero chance of no gods... is an absurdity.


Acknowledge you are full of shit...rather than charging others with being so.

The likelihood that no god exists is greater than the likelihood that at least one god or even many gods exist.

The likelihood of god's existence is zero.

Webster's Dictionary - Spirituality:

of, relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit : INCORPOREAL; spiritual needs

: of or relating to sacred matters

: ecclesiastical rather than lay or temporal

: concerned with religious values

: related or joined in spirit

: of or relating to supernatural beings or phenomena

Here's where you fuck up.
Supernatural, by definition, just means not explainable by scientific investigation. Lots of things cannot be explained by science or empirical observation.

Being angry at the God of Abraham and the myths of the bible does not make one makes one anti-christian.

If you want to hijack the language of religion and agnoticism to describe atheism, that's fine.

But I have never heard of "religious" atheist, whose atheism is a path to spiritualty
Wow, you copied and pasted SEVERAL definitions. Good on you. My spirit, my consciousness, my psyche, my senses of the wonders of the natural universe are spiritual, indeed. Sans any deity. Tyson, Sagan, Einstein - all in wonderment of the universe without the need for a deity.

Because science has not yet found answers for everything in the universe does not make them beyond the realm of the natural universe.

Angry at the god of Abraham? Angry at a myth? Hardly. Anti-Christian? Naw, just amazed at the gullibility and ignorance of its members when it comes to their myths.

If, by “religious” you mean “devoted”, there are many religious atheists. Atheism, unlike theism, isn’t a path to anywhere. It just is. The spiritual side of someone resides in themselves, unreliant on a manmade deity.
I said they were EQUAL and that both equal zero.

There is zero likelihood of one god existing. There is zero likelihood of multiple gods existing.

What the literal fuck is up with your stupid question? AND WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT AN ANSWER?

When I chose you as a debate partner, I was of the opinion that you were a good one...a challenging one. Some of your responses lead me to consider you a reasonably civil, intelligent, formidable opponent.

Things have changed. You are now showing traits that mostly come from immature people...people without substance...people unlikely ever to concede mistakes.

I said I thought you were late 30's early 40's. I now think I was seriously wrong in that estimate. You may be just out of school.

Share that with me. How old are you...and just a thought or two about life experience.
So there is no God? It has nothing to do with likelihood. No God. Period. End of story.

Unlike you, I don't fancy myself to be godlike. I know my limitations. It is ALWAYS a matter of "Likelihood".

I fail to see sufficient evidence for God so I fail to believe in God. That is NOT the same thing as claiming there is no God. I cannot make the latter claim precisely because I could be in error. God could be "hiding" or He could simply have failed to provide sufficient evidence to convince me to believe.
When I chose you as a debate partner, I was of the opinion that you were a good one...a challenging one. Some of your responses lead me to consider you a reasonably civil, intelligent, formidable opponent.

Things have changed. You are now showing traits that mostly come from immature people...people without substance...people unlikely ever to concede mistakes.

I said I thought you were late 30's early 40's. I now think I was seriously wrong in that estimate. You may be just out of school.

Share that with me. How old are you...and just a thought or two about life experience.

I have answered you question.

If you ask me which is more likely: that no god exists or that some gods exist I will say that the likelihood is that no gods exist.

If you ask me which is more likely: that one god exists or that many gods exist I will say that the likelihood is equal. Both are zero.

If you ask me which is more likely: that no god exists of that many gods exist I will say the likelihood is that no gods exist.

If you ask me which is more likely: that one god exists or that some gods exist I will say that they are equal, both are zero.

How many different ways do you need this answered?
I have answered you question.

If you ask me which is more likely: that no god exists or that some gods exist I will say that the likelihood is that no gods exist.

If you ask me which is more likely: that one god exists or that many gods exist I will say that the likelihood is equal. Both are zero.

If you ask me which is more likely: that no god exists of that many gods exist I will say the likelihood is that no gods exist.

If you ask me which is more likely: that one god exists or that some gods exist I will say that they are equal, both are zero.

How many different ways do you need this answered?
When I chose you as a debate partner, I was of the opinion that you were a good one...a challenging one. Some of your responses lead me to consider you a reasonably civil, intelligent, formidable opponent.

Things have changed. You are now showing traits that mostly come from immature people...people without substance...people unlikely ever to concede mistakes.

I said I thought you were late 30's early 40's. I now think I was seriously wrong in that estimate. You may be just out of school.

Share that with me. How old are you...and just a thought or two about life experience.
When I chose you as a debate partner,

I entered into the conversation with you in good faith. You refused to even attempt to understand what I wrote and continually insisted I was something that I clearly explained why I am not.

You don't like the explanation or you can't understand it. Doesn't matter.

Which is more likely: that one god exists or that no god exists? Answer: No god exists is the more likely option.
When I chose you as a debate partner, I was of the opinion that you were a good one...a challenging one. Some of your responses lead me to consider you a reasonably civil, intelligent, formidable opponent.

Things have changed. You are now showing traits that mostly come from immature people...people without substance...people unlikely ever to concede mistakes.

I said I thought you were late 30's early 40's. I now think I was seriously wrong in that estimate. You may be just out of school.

Share that with me. How old are you...and just a thought or two about life experience.
I have answered you question.

If you ask me which is more likely: that no god exists or that some gods exist I will say that the likelihood is that no gods exist.

If you ask me which is more likely: that one god exists or that many gods exist I will say that the likelihood is equal. Both are zero.

If you ask me which is more likely: that no god exists of that many gods exist I will say the likelihood is that no gods exist.

If you ask me which is more likely: that one god exists or that some gods exist I will say that they are equal, both are zero.

How many different ways do you need this answered?
I entered into the conversation with you in good faith. You refused to even attempt to understand what I wrote and continually insisted I was something that I clearly explained why I am not.

You don't like the explanation or you can't understand it. Doesn't matter.

Which is more likely: that one god exists or that no god exists? Answer: No god exists is the more likely option.
When I chose you as a debate partner, I was of the opinion that you were a good one...a challenging one. Some of your responses lead me to consider you a reasonably civil, intelligent, formidable opponent.

Things have changed. You are now showing traits that mostly come from immature people...people without substance...people unlikely ever to concede mistakes.

I said I thought you were late 30's early 40's. I now think I was seriously wrong in that estimate. You may be just out of school.

Share that with me. How old are you...and just a thought or two about life experience.
Be agnostic about anything you want, Nifty.

You are an atheist because you see the likelihood of "no god" to be greater than the likelihood of "at least one god exists."

Not sure about O. He doesn't answer that question. He diverts to the likelihood of "one GOD" versus "many gods."
When I chose you as a debate partner, I was of the opinion that you were a good one...a challenging one. Some of your responses lead me to consider you a reasonably civil, intelligent, formidable opponent.

Things have changed. You are now showing traits that mostly come from immature people...people without substance...people unlikely ever to concede mistakes.

I said I thought you were late 30's early 40's. I now think I was seriously wrong in that estimate. You may be just out of school.

Share that with me. How old are you...and just a thought or two about life experience.
I have answered you question.

If you ask me which is more likely: that no god exists or that some gods exist I will say that the likelihood is that no gods exist.

If you ask me which is more likely: that one god exists or that many gods exist I will say that the likelihood is equal. Both are zero.

If you ask me which is more likely: that no god exists of that many gods exist I will say the likelihood is that no gods exist.

If you ask me which is more likely: that one god exists or that some gods exist I will say that they are equal, both are zero.

How many different ways do you need this answered?
If you ask me which is more likely: that no god exists or that some gods exist I will say that the likelihood is that no gods exist.

If you ask me which is more likely: that one god exists or that many gods exist I will say that the likelihood is equal. Both are zero.

If you ask me which is more likely: that no god exists of that many gods exist I will say the likelihood is that no gods exist.

If you ask me which is more likely: that one god exists or that some gods exist I will say that they are equal, both are zero.
If you ask me which is more likely: that no god exists or that some gods exist I will say that the likelihood is that no gods exist.

If you ask me which is more likely: that one god exists or that many gods exist I will say that the likelihood is equal. Both are zero.

If you ask me which is more likely: that no god exists of that many gods exist I will say the likelihood is that no gods exist.

If you ask me which is more likely: that one god exists or that some gods exist I will say that they are equal, both are zero.
When I chose you as a debate partner, I was of the opinion that you were a good one...a challenging one. Some of your responses lead me to consider you a reasonably civil, intelligent, formidable opponent.

Things have changed. You are now showing traits that mostly come from immature people...people without substance...people unlikely ever to concede mistakes.

I said I thought you were late 30's early 40's. I now think I was seriously wrong in that estimate. You may be just out of school.

Share that with me. How old are you...and just a thought or two about life experience.