The Church should respect tough questions

Oh jeeeezus now we're in it....

Wow, your backstory is even more boring and stupid than I thought it would be. What did you major in in college and do for a living?
Economics undergrad...psychology grad.

I have had many different jobs...including a stint on Wall Street in a brokerage firm...second largest on the Street, Bache at that time.

Whatever it was it must have been pretty simple. are simple. I'm making a fool out of you...with your help.

Thanks for that.
I'm honestly going to try to answer your stupid fucked up question without using words you didn't select:

Do I see the LIKELIHOOD of "no god" to be greater than "at least one god". No. I seem them as EQUAL. Equal to zero.

Didn't think that one out very carefully, did ya?

You are suggesting that there is no likelihood of any gods existing...and there also is no likelihood that there are no gods.

Wanna think that over a bit more...and get serious?

Didn't think that one out very carefully, did ya?

You are suggesting that there is no likelihood of any gods existing...and there also is no likelihood that there are no gods.

Per my estimation, yes.

I knew you thought it was some sorta "gotcha" question but trust me, the way I answered is fine.

I fail to believe in one god and I fail to believe in multiple gods. Ergo in my estimation the likelihood = 0 (zero)

You asked which is more likely and I responded with neither.

Wanna think that over a bit more...and get serious?

What is not serious? I'm not joking here. You seem to have some diseased version of this going on in your head and you think there's something deeeeeep and meaningful about it.

Why does this question amp you up so? What do you think it means?
Not a "gotcha" at all.

But it is a question you want to avoid for some reason.

I did not avoid it.

I answered it. The fact that you don't LIKE the answer does not make the question unanswered.

You asked which is more likely. I said neither. Both are equal. Both are equal to zero.

What more do you fucking want, you geriatic fuckwit?
Per my estimation, yes.

I knew you thought it was some sorta "gotcha" question but trust me, the way I answered is fine.

I fail to believe in one god and I fail to believe in multiple gods. Ergo in my estimation the likelihood = 0 (zero)

You asked which is more likely and I responded with neither.

What is not serious? I'm not joking here. You seem to have some diseased version of this going on in your head and you think there's something deeeeeep and meaningful about it.

Why does this question amp you up so? What do you think it means?
C'mon, Boy. Show some ethics.

You have indicated that you think the chances of there being no gods as ZERO. You also think that the chances of there being at least one god as ZERO.

It has to be one or the other.

They cannot both be ZERO.

You fucked up.

Be a man...and acknowledge it.
I did not avoid it.

I answered it. The fact that you don't LIKE the answer does not make the question unanswered.

You asked which is more likely. I said neither. Both are equal. Both are equal to zero.

What more do you fucking want, you geriatic fuckwit?
The answer of Zero for both makes no sense.

Wake up.
And you didn't really do well with basic math? That's got to have been a tough row to hoe.

Yup. I can add and subtract like lightening, but basic math easy as algebra is a tough nut for me. Hope that makes you laugh. We gotta keep up the win/win situation.

Ah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha. Seriously funny.
Great. You think my answer was funny.

Want to tell me why?
Spirituality is the belief or practice of religion or the belief in a transcendental reality and higher truth beyond what we can experience in the physical world.

Awe and wonderment at the beauty of the universe is as spiritual as it gets. Sans the suupernatual.
Where did I say I believe that? You're coming unhinged.

So then make something from material not presently in existence. Make an amoeba from stuff not currency in existence. That's should be pretty easy right?
Here’s where you fuck up. Making some assumption about non-existence.

There are many theories about the origin of the universe and of life. However, of all the possible explanations, the myths of a supernatural god creation is dead.fucking.last. That’s why they call yours creation MYTHS.

Awe and wonderment at the beauty of the universe is as spiritual as it gets. Sans the suupernatual.

Here’s where you fuck up. Making some assumption about non-existence.

There are many theories about the origin of the universe and of life. However, of all the possible explanations, the myths of a supernatural god creation is dead.fucking.last. That’s why they call yours creation MYTHS.
Someones angry.

Just make something from material not presently in existence. Will you do it or not? No need to get pissy with me.
The answer of Zero for both makes no sense.

Wake up.

I said they were equal. AND that both likelihoods are equal to zero for me.

You asked "which is more likely". I said neither. I consider them EQUAL LIKELIHOOD. Can you understand that?

If you ask "which is more likely" and they are equal, neither is more likely.

This is really simple English stuff. I would think you could understand it, unless this is a bad day for you.

Awe and wonderment at the beauty of the universe is as spiritual as it gets. Sans the suupernatual.

Here’s where you fuck up. Making some assumption about non-existence.

There are many theories about the origin of the universe and of life. However, of all the possible explanations, the myths of a supernatural god creation is dead.fucking.last. That’s why they call yours creation MYTHS.

Webster's Dictionary - Spirituality:

of, relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit : INCORPOREAL; spiritual needs

: of or relating to sacred matters

: ecclesiastical rather than lay or temporal

: concerned with religious values

: related or joined in spirit

: of or relating to supernatural beings or phenomena

Here's where you fuck up.
Supernatural, by definition, just means not explainable by scientific investigation. Lots of things cannot be explained by science or empirical observation.

Being angry at the God of Abraham and the myths of the bible does not make one makes one anti-christian.

If you want to hijack the language of religion and agnoticism to describe atheism, that's fine.

But I have never heard of "religious" atheist, whose atheism is a path to spiritualty
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No I didn't. I said going afoul of leftist dogma results in excommunication. If you're a "good" leftist you get to keep your job and or your business. Refuse to bake a cake for a tranny freak and you end up excommunicated in hell or the atheistic leftist version of hell. In court or better yet out of business. The landscape is littered with the corpses of people who didn't the leftist inquisition

Your religion is far t0o judgmental. And that is why it probably appeals to judgemental people.
Because it's pure bullshit. LOL.
You asked me a question...I answered it.

I was truthful.

Now you are saying it was pure bullshit.

You do not know me at all...nothing about what I have or have not done.

Why are you considering my answer to be pure bullshit?
Your religion is far t0o judgmental. And that is why it probably appeals to judgemental people.
Yeah you don't have to worry about being judgemental when you're an atheist, right? You're so much better then those "judgemental" people, am i right? Lets save time, of course I'm right.
I said they were equal. AND that both likelihoods are equal to zero for me.

You asked "which is more likely". I said neither. I consider them EQUAL LIKELIHOOD. Can you understand that?

If you ask "which is more likely" and they are equal, neither is more likely.

This is really simple English stuff. I would think you could understand it, unless this is a bad day for you.
You said they were zero.

Stop with the nonsense...and be a man.

If you suppose there is zero chance of a god existing...and zero chance of no gods... is an absurdity.


Acknowledge you are full of shit...rather than charging others with being so.
You said they were zero.

I said they were EQUAL and that both equal zero.

If you suppose there is zero chance of a god existing...and zero chance of no gods...

There is zero likelihood of one god existing. There is zero likelihood of multiple gods existing.

Acknowledge you are full of shit...rather than charging others with being so.

What the literal fuck is up with your stupid question? AND WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT AN ANSWER?
Yeah uou don't have to worry about being judgemental when you're an atheist, right?
I'm not an atheist, and if you haven't noticed I have a track record to composing retorts to both holy rollers and atheists if I think either of them are are incorrect or too judgmental.