The difference between philosophy and religion.

You are a scumbag liar.

You haven't read Augustine, Confucius, Boethius, Zhuangzi, Bhagavadgita, etc. so you don't have the knowledge or background to hold court on world religions.

I mean, that's the standard you applied to me and the Aristotle canon.

Your attendance at Sunday School for kiddies is not sufficient background
Some internet morons say religion has nothing to do with philosophy

Standford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Saint Augustine

Augustine was perhaps the greatest Christian philosopher of Antiquity and certainly the one who exerted the deepest and most lasting influence.

The impact of his views on sin, grace, freedom and sexuality on Western culture can hardly be overrated. These views, deeply at variance with the ancient philosophical and cultural tradition, provoked however fierce criticism in Augustine’s lifetime and have, again, been vigorously opposed in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries from various (e.g., humanist, liberal, feminist) standpoints.

Philosophers keep however being fascinated by his often innovative ideas on language, on skepticism and knowledge, on will and the emotions, on freedom and determinism and on the structure of the human mind and, last but not least, by his way of doing philosophy.
Some internet nitwits claim religion & philosophy have nothing to do with each other

Standford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy


Daoism stands alongside Confucianism as one of the two great religious/philosophical systems of China. Traditionally traced to the mythical Laozi “Old Philosopher,” Philosophical Daoism owes more to “philosopher Zhuang” (Zhuangzi). Daoist metaethics vaguely favored different first-order normative theories (anarchism, pluralism, laissez faire government). The meta-ethical focus and the related less demanding first order ethics mostly distinguishes “Daoists” from other thinkers of the period.
Moral of the story: one shouldn't presume to hold court on world religions if one has virtually no knowledge of them outside of some adventures in kiddie Sunday School
What kind of idiot thinks religion has nothing to do with philosophy?

Standford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Buddhist Philosophy

Perhaps no other classical philosophical tradition, East or West, offers a more complex and counter-intuitive account of mind and mental phenomena than Buddhism. While Buddhists share with other Indian philosophers the view that the domain of the mental encompasses a set of interrelated faculties and processes, they do not associate mental phenomena with the activity of a substantial, independent, and enduring self or agent. Rather, Buddhist theories of mind center on the doctrine of not-self[1] (Pāli anatta, Skt.[2] anātma), which postulates that human beings are reducible to the physical and psychological constituents and processes which comprise them.
They must not teach this in kiddie Sunday School

Standford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Maimonides - Jewish Philosophy

Moses ben Maimon [known to English speaking audiences as Maimonides and Hebrew speaking as Rambam] (1138–1204) is the greatest Jewish philosopher of the medieval period and is still widely read today. The Mishneh Torah, his 14-volume compendium of Jewish law, established him as the leading rabbinic authority of his time and quite possibly of all time. His philosophic masterpiece, the Guide of the Perplexed, is a sustained treatment of Jewish thought and practice that seeks to resolve the conflict between religious knowledge and secular. Although heavily influenced by the Neo-Platonized Aristotelianism that had taken root in Islamic circles, it departs from prevailing modes of Aristotelian thought by emphasizing the limits of human knowledge and the questionable foundations of significant parts of astronomy and metaphysics. fame as,Spinoza, Leibniz, and Newton.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Jain Philosophy

Jainism is properly the name of one of the religious traditions that have their origin in the Indian subcontinent.

Table of Contents:
Jain Metaphysics
Jain Epistemology and Logic
Jain Ethics
Some internet idiots claim philosophy & religion have nothing to do with each other

Standford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Zhu Xi - Neoconfucian Philosophy

Zhu Xi, the preeminent Neo-Confucian (daoxue) master generally ranked as second only to Confucius (551–479 BCE) in influence and as rivaling Zhuangzi (fourth century BCE) in philosophic acumen.Zhu Xi worked out a philosophically compelling synthesis of the ideas of the Northern Song (960–1126 CE) masters.

Table of Contents:
2 Philosophy of Human Nature and Approach to Self-Cultivation
3 Ethical Philosophy
3.1 Investigating Things for Ethical Discernment and Practice
3.2 Moral Cosmic Synthesis
4. Natural Philosophy
4.1 Investigating Things for Natural Knowledge and Action
4.2 Philosophic Synthesis
Some moron actually claimed religion & philosophy have nothing to do with each other

Standford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Transcendentalist Philosophy

Transcendentalism is an American literary, philosophical, religious, and political movement of the early nineteenth century, centered around Ralph Waldo Emerson. Other important transcendentalists were Henry David Thoreau, Margaret Fuller, Lydia Maria Child, Amos Bronson Alcott, Frederic Henry Hedge, Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, and Theodore Parker.
Standford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Buddhist Philosophy

Perhaps no other classical philosophical tradition, East or West, offers a more complex and counter-intuitive account of mind and mental phenomena than Buddhism. While Buddhists share with other Indian philosophers the view that the domain of the mental encompasses a set of interrelated faculties and processes, they do not associate mental phenomena with the activity of a substantial, independent, and enduring self or agent. Rather, Buddhist theories of mind center on the doctrine of not-self[1] (Pāli anatta, Skt.[2] anātma), which postulates that human beings are reducible to the physical and psychological constituents and processes which comprise them.

I oppose fundamentalist religion and bible thumping

I oppose militant communist forms of atheism.

But what I oppose most of all is ignorance.

Like the kind of ignorance you get with someone holding court on world religions when basically their only knowledge of world religions is from attending Sunday school for kiddies at some obscure bible thumper church.