The Donald Trump List

I'm creating this thread for everybody to go to town listing off all the examples of how Donald Trump fell short in his official duties as President (as identified in the Constitution). Of course I'm not talking about Tweets or things he might have said at rallies or things he "thinks" ... I'm talking about bona fide actions as President under his official duties. Just unload here in this thread. Let's show the world just how far Donald Trump came up short.
Wow! A genius and an astute observer to the overall BIG PICTURE!! Just to think with your talents, you could easily qualify for the job of inseminating Turkeys for next years Thanksgiving Rush! Thanks for sharing! NEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXT!
So, your official response is that Trump didn't fall short in his official duties in any way.
* Trump did try to ban bump stocks (which is unconstitutional). That ban was thrown out by the court.
* He also was unable to get Congress to repeal ObamaCare. He DID pull it's teeth though, and it's dying from its own weight.
* He fell for the Democrat fear mongering hoax of Covid19 long enough to allow real damage to occur to the economy.
* He failed to restore order in cities where arson, rioting, and open crime were occurring.

Well said
I appreciate the following contributions, but I have to disqualify a couple:

Trump's inability to control Congress is not a shortcoming on Trump's part but a fundamental aspect of separation of powers. Everything about Obamacare falls on Congress.
Not quite. Trump DID manage to detooth Obamacare, and now it's dying under it's own weight. However, you are also correct. Congress created Obamacare, and only Congress can utterly destroy it (repeal it).
Trump was prohibited from "restoring order" in any cities, except for Washington DC, based on Constitutional limits to his authority.

The President can assist when and where requested by the governor. No governor requested Trump's assistance.
Uh. May I remind you of some valid points outlined in the Constitution of the United States here?

* to provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; This is referring to Congress, but it also refers to the President:
* The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; in other words Trump, as President is commander in chief of the Militia of the several States (the National Guard, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, etc.).

You are probably confused about:
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

This does NOT prevent Congress or the President from acting to quell insurrection and violence, but only REQUIRES them if a State (or city) asks for it (not necessarily a governor).

Now, if you want to lay the blame on Congress for failing to act, that's mostly fair, except the National Guard already exists and is already a militia of the several States.
Otherwise, thank you for the very candid review.

While Trump is by no means perfect (no one is!), he HAS been an excellent President and I would vote for him again.
I'll refrain from commenting on Biden here since he's not the topic of this thread.
Since she committed no crimes, that was easy to do. She was investigated a dozen times and they ended up with nothing.

Selling United States property for personal gain is a crime, dumbass.
Espionage is a crime, dumbass.
Destruction and tampering with evidence is a crime, dumbass.
Perjury is a crime, dumbass.

She was never 'investigated', except by DEMOCRATS, dumbass.