The Donald Trump List

Trump has more deference in court than any other citizen would get. You say the things Trump does about Engeron and his clerk and see what would happen to you. You would have prison bars to look through. Trump should too. What Trump is doing will make other defendants think they can do what that goofy shit is doing. Trump erodes the American system more every day in every way.

Stating an opinion is not a crime, Sock (unless you are in Canada or the UK!).
Speaker Pelosi Guaranteed a Riotous Breach of the Capitol. Why?

Why wouldn’t Pelosi want to be sure that “Democracy was secure” so that Vice President Mike Pence could certify the Electoral College vote? Making sure that the Capitol was safe and sound would mean that Joe Biden’s presidency would be assured. After all, the election of 2020 was “the most secure in American history,” so why wouldn’t you want that obvious fact certified and rubber-stamped by Congress?

The only obvious answer to why Pelosi wanted to guarantee a riotous breach of the Capitol was what she knew would be the actual results of the Electoral College vote if the process were allowed to run its course. Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, among others, were all set to formally challenging election results in several swing states, meaning hours upon hours of presenting the case in both the House and Senate for fraud, error and illegality, broadcast live across the nation. And despite what many have debated, there was tangible potential for V.P. Pence to delay the certification of the states being challenged for a couple of weeks to look into the evidence of significant vote-tampering and fraud.
I cant understand why you get off by stalking him.

LMFAO. Can I make that imbecile come to this site? Can I make that imbecile read my messages? Can I make that imbecile respond to my messages? Can I make that imbecile put me on their ignore list? That person reads and responds to my posts of their own free will. Only an idiot could consider that stalking. I have also never told anyone not to kill themself. BTW there are people i respond to all the time that rarely if ever respond to me. They arent whining they just ignore me. And if I'm breaking any forum rules the mods are certainly capable of letting me know and/or banning me but here I am. You must be one of those pretend sleazy defense attorneys. No matter how despicable the person is you defend that bullshit. No wonder you're a leftist.
It doesn't work quite that way. There is an impeachment process for a rogue governor, involving the State legislators. The State Attorney General can bring additional charges. What you are suggesting is itself insurrection.
I am not suggesting insurrection. I am asserting due process, and that We the People need to put that process into effect as opposed to not doing anything. When the governor is eventually tried, the trial will be called "The People vs. Gov. So-and-so."

You are simply describing The Oligarchy and the Democrats.
In a sense. What I am describing is the face of this particular tyranny. A different tyrannical government would take on a different appearance.

So they have. We the People have NOT failed...yet. You've been listening to Hawk too long. Changes are coming, though, and civil war is likely.
You should know by now that my views are my own. I don't listen to anyone's opinions until I have solidified mine. Who is Hawk? I'll look him (or her) up eventually but if you want to give me a little background, I'd appreciate it. I believe that changes are coming. There are vicious retributory undercurrents occurring right now within the government, with the pendulum swinging the other way, but we'll have to see whether the steam roller can stop the wrecking ball. Stay tuned for more to come. I would not be surprised if we were to witness Civil War II. One stolen election is all it takes to justify such, and we both know there has been an ocean of malfeasance in addition to the stolen election.

No one was 'sent home'.
I hope you are sitting down because I have some bad news for you. When the DNC finally gave up on trying to snare Trump, all rioters who had been bused in to loot and pillage were placed back on their buses and sent home.

CHAZ fell apart in the same way any democracy dissolving into oligarchy or dictatorship.
The DNC knew it would. They had no electrical, water, gas, etc. Nonetheless, the people who were there to ensure CHAZ was initially established were bused in. Upon establishment, they were free to leave. It was a coordinated effort and the authorities were told to stand down and let it happen.

Once one faction took control, the violence and murders finally forced the police to step in and clean it up. What allowed that is that many had already left CHAZ due to the violence.
The police entered when the DNC saw that CHAZ wasn't going to work on Trump and thus told the police to stop standing down. The police entered one morning and were done by evening, having arrested about 70 people. The show was O-VAH.

The police are not an army, IBD. They are not geared for such an insurrection.




No, the dollar is collapsing...the end result of any fiat currency and a government that cannot get it's spending under control.
Very astute. Yes. It's just that We the People have watched in silence for decades as spending spun wildly out of control. Then We the People refused to act all the while revenues grew increasingly insufficient for Congress' frenetic spending, and Congress' response was not to somehow curtail spending but to binge on massive borrowing to maintain the spending that fed their addiction. We the People sheepishly capitulated when Congress finally had to treat the People's wealth as its own wealth in order to merely pay the interest on the massive borrowing incurred to maintain the obscene spending. We the People let Congress bring us to the state we're in. We the People did have the power to stop it. Hey, use it or lose it.

The same thing is happening to every nation on fiat currency, particularly China, Japan, the EU, and of course, the US.
I'll take the Swiss franc.

This is not correct. More and more States are increasingly supportive of the right of self defense and the right to own and carry guns. Even the Supreme Court is starting to recognize the 2nd amendment better.
I'll remain hopeful.

No one is forcing 'Quantum Computing' since it doesn't exist.
Yes, quantum computing is most certainly being forced on us, in the following way: Someone in the government fell for the scam and convinced other government leaders that quantum computing is everything Swan cracks it up to be. This transformed into "enemy quantum computers" are America's top cyber threat ... not #3 or #8 ... the #1 security concern and funding priority. Now, all government agencies have had their priority set for them, i.e. to make their networks "quantum resistant." This means that government agencies need to harden their networks against imaginary hypercomputers that have unbelievable capabilities that defy Relativity. This, in turn, forces agencies to admit that they don't have nearly enough money in their budgets to meet the incredible requirements being imposed on them. They will therefore tell Congress that they need vast sums more money in the name of national security, and Congress won't really even discuss the matter; you and I will simply have to pay a lot more in taxes ... for our own protection.

No one is forcing cryptocurrency.
The DNC wants to convert to a cryptocurrency that masks their robbery of our wealth, and that makes it so much easier for the DNC to flow our wealth to special donors without any sort of paper trail. Don't be surprised when you hear the DNC trying to push its legitimization in the same way they pushed mail-in voting.

No, they were National Guard troops. They were NOT FBI.
They were FBI in a law enforcement (police) role.
The "Trump can't get a fair trial" is simply the new version of "the Election was rigged" lie.
The election was stolen and you can't allow Trump to get a fair trial.

Just as the election was proven to be the safest and least impacted by fraud in recorded history
The election was stolen. I fully anticipated it and I watched it happen. You don't get to declare that I somehow did not observe what I observed.

In that respect i give Trump credit as he makes the systems bend to him,
False. Trump is responsive to the voters, that's why he won the election in a record landslide, and why the DNC absolutely had no other choice but to steal the election.
I am not suggesting insurrection. I am asserting due process,
You didn't, but I agree. Due process, according to the laws of that State.
and that We the People need to put that process into effect as opposed to not doing anything.
Not how it works.
When the governor is eventually tried, the trial will be called "The People vs. Gov. So-and-so."
As a formality. The prosecutor is hired (elected) by the people, so it's The People vs <insert defendant here>.
In a sense. What I am describing is the face of this particular tyranny. A different tyrannical government would take on a different appearance.
So we agree here.
You should know by now that my views are my own.
Good. You certainly can't claim anybody else's views as your own! Only YOUR views are your own. So what you say here is obvious.
I don't listen to anyone's opinions until I have solidified mine.
Who is Hawk?
I'll look him (or her) up eventually but if you want to give me a little background, I'd appreciate it.
Sure. Hawk has taken a fatalistic view that there is absolutely no hope. He sometimes has valid opinions, but his fatalistic view basically means he has given up. I travel across America regularly. I know what many people think. There is definitely hope. They want to see the Constitution and the Republic restored.
I believe that changes are coming. There are vicious retributory undercurrents occurring right now within the government, with the pendulum swinging the other way, but we'll have to see whether the steam roller can stop the wrecking ball. Stay tuned for more to come. I would not be surprised if we were to witness Civil War II.
Civil War I. The so-called 'Civil War' wasn't a civil war. It was a war between two nations. I call it the War of Secession.
A civil war is a war within the same nation. There are no definite boundaries nor goals. There often is no clear set of leaders. The United States has never suffered a civil war. This will be the first.
One stolen election is all it takes to justify such, and we both know there has been an ocean of malfeasance in addition to the stolen election.
It takes more than one, but each convinces more and more people that the election system is fundamentally broken and there is no alternative but war.
I hope you are sitting down because I have some bad news for you. When the DNC finally gave up on trying to snare Trump, all rioters who had been bused in to loot and pillage were placed back on their buses and sent home.
No buses. The rioters are still here.
The DNC knew it would. They had no electrical, water, gas, etc.
They did.
Nonetheless, the people who were there to ensure CHAZ was initially established were bused in.
They were not. They arrived mostly from the local university and gay neighborhoods in Seattle.
Upon establishment, they were free to leave.
The were always free to leave, but chose to stay until the experiment in democracy fell apart and begin to dissolve into a brutal oligarchy moving to dictatorship.
It was a coordinated effort and the authorities were told to stand down and let it happen.
Blatantly wrong. The police were ATTACKED. The police station in that area was ATTACKED. They even tried to burn the police in their own police station!
The police entered when the DNC saw that CHAZ wasn't going to work on Trump and thus told the police to stop standing down.
No. The police entered when the numbers in CHAZ/CHOP were reduced enough to finally retake the area.
The police entered one morning and were done by evening, having arrested about 70 people.
The people they arrested were mostly the leaders of the brutal oligarchy that destroyed CHAZ to begin with.
The show was O-VAH.
That it was. Cleanup was astounding. The mess took a crew in hazmat suits and two full garbage trucks to clean up. Much of the graffiti remained, but is slowly being cleaned up by businesses in the area, now that they can return to work.
Very astute. Yes. It's just that We the People have watched in silence for decades as spending spun wildly out of control.
Then We the People refused to act all the while revenues grew increasingly insufficient for Congress' frenetic spending, and Congress' response was not to somehow curtail spending but to binge on massive borrowing to maintain the spending that fed their addiction. We the People sheepishly capitulated when Congress finally had to treat the People's wealth as its own wealth in order to merely pay the interest on the massive borrowing incurred to maintain the obscene spending. We the People let Congress bring us to the state we're in. We the People did have the power to stop it. Hey, use it or lose it.
The people have no choice. FDR saw to that!
I'll take the Swiss franc.
I'll remain hopeful.
Good. There IS hope, though Hawk doesn't see it, even though civil war may come.
Yes, quantum computing is most certainly being forced on us, in the following way: Someone in the government fell for the scam and convinced other government leaders that quantum computing is everything Swan cracks it up to be. This transformed into "enemy quantum computers" are America's top cyber threat ... not #3 or #8 ... the #1 security concern and funding priority. Now, all government agencies have had their priority set for them, i.e. to make their networks "quantum resistant." This means that government agencies need to harden their networks against imaginary hypercomputers that have unbelievable capabilities that defy Relativity. This, in turn, forces agencies to admit that they don't have nearly enough money in their budgets to meet the incredible requirements being imposed on them. They will therefore tell Congress that they need vast sums more money in the name of national security, and Congress won't really even discuss the matter; you and I will simply have to pay a lot more in taxes ... for our own protection.
Since there is no such thing as a 'quantum computer', they can't force them on anyone. They can only spend money on a meaningless 'research' programs (where has THAT happened before? :D).
The DNC wants to convert to a cryptocurrency that masks their robbery of our wealth, and that makes it so much easier for the DNC to flow our wealth to special donors without any sort of paper trail. Don't be surprised when you hear the DNC trying to push its legitimization in the same way they pushed mail-in voting.
No one is pushing cryptocurrency.
They were FBI in a law enforcement (police) role.
No. They were National Guard.
Hawkeye10. Sure. Hawk has taken a fatalistic view that there is absolutely no hope. He sometimes has valid opinions, but his fatalistic view basically means he has given up. I travel across America regularly. I know what many people think. There is definitely hope. They want to see the Constitution and the Republic restored.
You can count me among those who want the Constitution reinstated.

Civil War I. The so-called 'Civil War' wasn't a civil war.
I understand your position and it is totally fair. The States had seceded.

I call it the War of Secession.
I prefer "War of Northern Aggression."

The police were ATTACKED. The police station in that area was ATTACKED. They even tried to burn the police in their own police station!
Yes. This was further motive for sending the additional FBI agents.

Good. There IS hope, though Hawk doesn't see it, even though civil war may come.
Then it would probably be a more effective use of bandwidth to focus on the hope with Hawkeye10 because the problem really is quite ominous.

Since there is no such thing as a 'quantum computer', they can't force them on anyone.
Sure, but there isn't any such thing as Global Warming either, and it is still being forced down our throats all the same ... by the government no less. Government agencies are preaching both Climate Change and Quantum Computing, all the while embedding the dogma into daily operational activities and organizational doctrine.

They can only spend money on a meaningless 'research' programs (where has THAT happened before? :D)
They are, in fact, spending money on both faiths in a myriad of ways, to include preparing for the impending cataclysmic disaster, which always translates into wasting vast sums of cash.

No one is pushing cryptocurrency.
Correct. I said to be on the lookout for efforts to legitimize the conversion of the dollar to a cryptocurrency for the reasons I mentioned. Unfortunately for the DNC, more than 90% of all cryptocurrencies that have ever existed were nothing but scams. There were a few good faith efforts to make an honest go of it, but they collapsed all the same. As such, I don't think there are any States that want anything to do with cryptocurrencies, and some are outright banning them.

Again, just keep your eyes and ears peeled for subtle efforts to put a positive spin on the idea of the US transitioning the dollar to the "crypto-dollar" or something similar.
You can count me among those who want the Constitution reinstated.
I understand your position and it is totally fair. The States had seceded.
I prefer "War of Northern Aggression."
Fine. A fitting name. We agree here, just prefer different names for that war.
Yes. This was further motive for sending the additional FBI agents.
No FBI agents. No National Guard either. Just police left to fend for themselves as best they could.
Then it would probably be a more effective use of bandwidth to focus on the hope with Hawkeye10 because the problem really is quite ominous.
I have tried. He really is quite fatalistic. Perhaps you will have better luck with him.
Sure, but there isn't any such thing as Global Warming either, and it is still being forced down our throats all the same ... by the government no less. Government agencies are preaching both Climate Change and Quantum Computing, all the while embedding the dogma into daily operational activities and organizational doctrine.
The Church of Global Warming can't be forced down anyone's throat. The government CAN and DOES implement fascist restrictions based on this religion though. The religion itself cannot be forced upon anyone. It's a religion, even if it's a state sponsored religion.

What 'quantum computing' is being forced on anyone? If you are going to say this, you should at least define what 'quantum computing' actually IS.
They are, in fact, spending money on both faiths in a myriad of ways, to include preparing for the impending cataclysmic disaster, which always translates into wasting vast sums of cash.
This is a basic reasoning of government or any government agency.

Because the success metric of government or a government agency is not profit, they must justify their continued existence by appearing to 'solve' a problem without actually solving it, even if they have to manufacture that 'problem'. What better way than some 'impending cataclysmic disaster'?
Correct. I said to be on the lookout for efforts to legitimize the conversion of the dollar to a cryptocurrency for the reasons I mentioned.
This is counterproductive to the Federal Reserve and the reason for it's existence and the fiat dollar it prints.
By putting the dollar on a blockchain system, the 'federal' government loses the 'free money' the Fed can create for them on demand.

BTW, just because a currency is in electronic form doesn't make a cryptocurrency (blockchain oriented).
Most dollars are in electronic form and have been for quite some time. Banks nowadays just fling bits around instead of moving mountains of paper.
Unfortunately for the DNC, more than 90% of all cryptocurrencies that have ever existed were nothing but scams.
If you mean an unsuccessful blockchain, that is true. There are, however, successful cryptocurrencies, including BitCoin. It's downsides generally outweigh it's benefits, but it is a successful cryptocurrency all the same.
There were a few good faith efforts to make an honest go of it, but they collapsed all the same.
Converting the dollar into a blockchain kills it's value to Congress. Congress wants 'free' money printed whenever they ask for it.
As such, I don't think there are any States that want anything to do with cryptocurrencies, and some are outright banning them.
They can try, but it's really not possible to make them disappear this way. You might as well try to ban the illegal drug trade. Ever since Pres. Johnson's 'war on drugs', damaging and destructive recreational drugs has become a bigger problem than ever, along with the organized crime that supports it.
Again, just keep your eyes and ears peeled for subtle efforts to put a positive spin on the idea of the US transitioning the dollar to the "crypto-dollar" or something similar.
Fine. Don't think it's going to happen though, for the reason I just described.
No one is scared of Trump. We just think he deserves to be in prison.

I'm scared of Trump.

I love America. I love freedom. I really love life.

Trump is a threat to all of that. I think Trump supporters think they would thrive if he became dictator, so they're not fearful about it. But they're not students of history.
I'm scared of Trump.

I love America. I love freedom. I really love life.

Trump is a threat to all of that. I think Trump supporters think they would thrive if he became dictator, so they're not fearful about it. But they're not students of history.

Trump wants you to be afraid. Don't fall for it.