The Donald Trump List

Uh. May I remind you of some valid points outlined in the Constitution of the United States here?

* to provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; This is referring to Congress, but it also refers to the President:
* The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; in other words Trump, as President is commander in chief of the Militia of the several States (the National Guard, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, etc.).
All valid points. Spot on. Nonetheless, The President is only the Commander-in-Chief of a militia (a State's National Guard) when he has officially "activated" it, at which point those in that militia fall under the US military and cannot then invade any State without permission from the governor. Until the President activates a militia, the State's governor remains their Commander-in-Chief. If a governor requests assistance from a President, the President will obviously be the Commander-in-Chief of the military troops he sends, however the governor of the State will establish a liaison who will provide the "instructions" of what is to be done, and through whom everything will be coordinated, leaving the governor in charge of all operations within his State.

This does NOT prevent Congress or the President from acting to quell insurrection and violence, but only REQUIRES them if a State (or city) asks for it (not necessarily a governor).
Excellent point, as always. What was occurring, however, did not qualify as "insurrection." The rioting, vandalism, violence, looting, etc. was all criminal activity under the purview of law enforcement. Of course, you and I both know that it was a Democrat trap that the DNC was just waiting to spring on Trump. The Democrats arranged for BLM and ANTIFA to commit their violent crimes in various cities, looking to lure Trump to rush in recklessly so they could scream "It has finally happened, fascist dictator Trump, drunk on power, is finally launching his coup d'état on the United States and trying to install himself as Emperor for Life!" All the rioting and looting and violence was occurring in Democrat-controlled States, with Democrats in charge who had only one job, i.e. sound the alarm and cry bloody murder if Trump sends one military boot into your State. This is why the DNC took great care to push the criminal activity of BLM and ANTIFA to the limit of what is to be handled by law enforcement without breaching the "insurrection" barrier, and to specifically not request any help from the President ... and just sit back and see if Trump takes the bait.

Trump did not. Once it was clear that Trump wasn't going to get lured into the trap, the violence, nay, BLM and ANTIFA, faded away and the show was O-VAH!
Can you show us the cancelled check?
One cancelled check, coming up!

Since she committed no crimes, that was easy to do.
Hillary committed treason. She deliberately exfiltrated ultra-sensitive, Top Secret documents from a classified State Department server onto an unclassified computer in her own home, for the purpose of selling that information to foreigners for big $$ to enrich herself personally and to play independent power broker apart from the State Department.

Hillary sold the information needed to successfully attack the consulate in Benghazi, and then ordered all assistance to stand down while the attack was occurring, to ensure the attack that she arranged was successful.

Hillary deleted emails in violation of Federal records management laws and against Federal subpoena for those emails. This is automatic, mandatory jail time under the law.

She was investigated a dozen times and they ended up with nothing.
Hillary was investigated by the tyrannical FBI's two-tiered justice system, and absolved of treason and every other crime that would land any of us serious jail time automatically.
All valid points. Spot on. Nonetheless, The President is only the Commander-in-Chief of a militia (a State's National Guard) when he has officially "activated" it, at which point those in that militia fall under the US military and cannot then invade any State without permission from the governor. Until the President activates a militia, the State's governor remains their Commander-in-Chief. If a governor requests assistance from a President, the President will obviously be the Commander-in-Chief of the military troops he sends, however the governor of the State will establish a liaison who will provide the "instructions" of what is to be done, and through whom everything will be coordinated, leaving the governor in charge of all operations within his State.
Under THIS argument, then, the governors that refused and did nothing themselves to quell the violence are themselves are directly responsible for condoning criminal activity. That itself is a crime and an impeachable offense. If a legislature refuses to bring such charges, that State has effectively collapsed as a State of the United States, effectively leaving the Union.
Excellent point, as always. What was occurring, however, did not qualify as "insurrection." The rioting, vandalism, violence, looting, etc. was all criminal activity under the purview of law enforcement. Of course, you and I both know that it was a Democrat trap that the DNC was just waiting to spring on Trump. The Democrats arranged for BLM and ANTIFA to commit their violent crimes in various cities, looking to lure Trump to rush in recklessly so they could scream "It has finally happened, fascist dictator Trump, drunk on power, is finally launching his coup d'état on the United States and trying to install himself as Emperor for Life!" All the rioting and looting and violence was occurring in Democrat-controlled States, with Democrats in charge who had only one job, i.e. sound the alarm and cry bloody murder if Trump sends one military boot into your State. This is why the DNC took great care to push the criminal activity of BLM and ANTIFA to the limit of what is to be handled by law enforcement without breaching the "insurrection" barrier, and to specifically not request any help from the President ... and just sit back and see if Trump takes the bait.
But it WAS insurrection. It's goal was to attack the government and the police. Formations like CHAZ formed to declare themselves independent governments.
Trump did not. Once it was clear that Trump wasn't going to get lured into the trap, the violence, nay, BLM and ANTIFA, faded away and the show was O-VAH!
Except the violence continues to this day although more in the form of open crime. The show is obviously not over.

BTW, Trump DID send a 'military boot' into States (even though they did not request it) because Trump DID defend federal buildings and installations, which he is authorized to do under the Constitution. He needs no permission from the State.

Now, to be fair, it was exactly that sort of thing at Fort Sumter that opened the War of Secession. It could be argued, however, that Fort Sumter was not in the United States at the time.
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Under THIS argument, then, the governors that refused and did nothing themselves to quell the violence are themselves are directly responsible for condoning criminal activity. That itself is a crime and an impeachable offense. If a legislature refuses to bring such charges, that State has effectively collapsed as a State of the United States, effectively leaving the Union.
Correct. It is the responsibility of the residents of any State who has a criminal governor to put that governor in prison. We the People failed to carry out our responsibilities.

The price of freedom is constant vigilance. The reason the DNC has been able to seize such tyrannical power is because We the People have not paid our vigilance dues in a long time. In fact, for over forty years, the DNC has been successfully selling the idea of just letting the government pay our dues for us, and to let the government remain vigilant for us. This message resonated with a lazy American public, and contrasted sharply with the abrasive, cumbersome and exhausting Republican position of incessant vigilance and eternal personal responsibility. The DNC got We the People hooked on the heavy narcotics of irresponsibility and replaced our children's "effort required" education with free grades that are handed out to all participants like it's the Special Olympics. It's tempting to blame the DNC, but they merely took advantage of We the People's preference/demand for convenience in all things and of our avoidance of having to expend effort on the minutia, e.g. maintaining individual freedoms, having everyone equal under the law, maintaining a solid currency, etc ...

We the People failed. In grand American style, we are, of course, looking for someone else to blame. Hey, Trump is just as good as anyone to blame for all of our shortcomings, and as long as the DNC is telling us to HATE Trump, we don't want the DNC to slap us with reprisals for any insolence or DISOBEDIENCE on our part ... so "blame Trump" it is. The DNC has so ordered.

But it WAS insurrection.
Nope. The police were told to stand down. Otherwise, the police would have handled each situation per standard law enforcement procedures. It was a trap, though. Notice, that it all simultaneously died down and became a distant memory. Don't confuse the engineered "in your face" shock of it all, that was designed to taunt Trump into coming marching in, with genuine insurrection that forces the governor to call for help. The governors were in on it, allowing the DNC to put on a very convincing performance, just not convincing enough to snare Trump. Since the governor's actually had control over the situation, there was no insurrection, only the superficial appearance thereof. Again, when the trap didn't work, the governors halted operations and sent everybody home.

Formations like CHAZ formed to declare themselves independent governments.
This, too, was allowed to happen and the police were told to stand down. Of course, that didn't pan out and everything reverted back to the way it was. The show was O-VAH and today people don't even remember CHAZ. In November alone I had to direct three people to look it up because they had no idea what CHAZ is/was or what even happened.

Except the violence continues to this day although more in the form of open crime. The show is obviously not over.
Agreed. The FBI/Justice Department's dual-tiered justice system continues. Nobody has taken any serious steps to prevent stolen elections. The dollar is being bled. Self defense is becomining increasingly criminalized, being only acceptable if one remains unarmed and otherwise defenseless. Taxes across the board are automatically increased without any discussion. By becoming tyrannical, when the government in power falls victim to a scam, such as COVID, Global Warming, Quantum Computing, cryptocurrency, etc ... the government forces it upon We the People, and We the People can't extricate the scam from the government.

BTW, Trump DID send a 'military boot' into States (even though they did not request it) because Trump DID defend federal buildings and installations, which he is authorized to do under the Constitution. He needs no permission from the State.
Not exactly. Trump sent additional FBI agents to act as police for those buildings and monuments. There were no military personnel involved. The federal agents were sent to Chicago, Albuquerque, Portland and a few other places.
You are terrified of Trump to the point that you can't afford for him to have a fair trial.

The "Trump can't get a fair trial" is simply the new version of "the Election was rigged" lie.

Just as the election was proven to be the safest and least impacted by fraud in recorded history due to Trump crying prior about it being rigged and the system bending over backwards to be even more diligent too is the legal system now bending over, more than it would for any other defendant to ensure he gets a fair trial beyond what any other person would get.

In that respect i give Trump credit as he makes the systems bend to him, but sadly when it bends the result is still not what he wants.
Yeah it's narcissism. I guess I'm not suppose to respond when people post stupid shit in an open forum. What gets me is that dimwit actually has the nerve to start an thread on how to have a conversation. It's almost as if these idiots think the rest of us can't see how they behave.

I cant understand why you get off by stalking him.
The "Trump can't get a fair trial" is simply the new version of "the Election was rigged" lie.

Just as the election was proven to be the safest and least impacted by fraud in recorded history due to Trump crying prior about it being rigged and the system bending over backwards to be even more diligent too is the legal system now bending over, more than it would for any other defendant to ensure he gets a fair trial beyond what any other person would get.

In that respect i give Trump credit as he makes the systems bend to him, but sadly when it bends the result is still not what he wants.

Trump has more deference in court than any other citizen would get. You say the things Trump does about Engeron and his clerk and see what would happen to you. You would have prison bars to look through. Trump should too. What Trump is doing will make other defendants think they can do what that goofy shit is doing. Trump erodes the American system more every day in every way.
Correct. It is the responsibility of the residents of any State who has a criminal governor to put that governor in prison. We the People failed to carry out our responsibilities.
It doesn't work quite that way. There is an impeachment process for a rogue governor, involving the State legislators. The State Attorney General can bring additional charges. What you are suggesting is itself insurrection.
The price of freedom is constant vigilance. The reason the DNC has been able to seize such tyrannical power is because We the People have not paid our vigilance dues in a long time. In fact, for over forty years, the DNC has been successfully selling the idea of just letting the government pay our dues for us, and to let the government remain vigilant for us. This message resonated with a lazy American public, and contrasted sharply with the abrasive, cumbersome and exhausting Republican position of incessant vigilance and eternal personal responsibility. The DNC got We the People hooked on the heavy narcotics of irresponsibility and replaced our children's "effort required" education with free grades that are handed out to all participants like it's the Special Olympics. It's tempting to blame the DNC, but they merely took advantage of We the People's preference/demand for convenience in all things and of our avoidance of having to expend effort on the minutia, e.g. maintaining individual freedoms, having everyone equal under the law, maintaining a solid currency, etc ...
You are simply describing The Oligarchy and the Democrats.
We the People failed. In grand American style, we are, of course, looking for someone else to blame. Hey, Trump is just as good as anyone to blame for all of our shortcomings, and as long as the DNC is telling us to HATE Trump, we don't want the DNC to slap us with reprisals for any insolence or DISOBEDIENCE on our part ... so "blame Trump" it is. The DNC has so ordered.
So they have. We the People have NOT failed...yet. You've been listening to Hawk too long. Changes are coming, though, and civil war is likely.
Nope. The police were told to stand down. Otherwise, the police would have handled each situation per standard law enforcement procedures. It was a trap, though. Notice, that it all simultaneously died down and became a distant memory. Don't confuse the engineered "in your face" shock of it all, that was designed to taunt Trump into coming marching in, with genuine insurrection that forces the governor to call for help. The governors were in on it, allowing the DNC to put on a very convincing performance, just not convincing enough to snare Trump. Since the governor's actually had control over the situation, there was no insurrection, only the superficial appearance thereof. Again, when the trap didn't work, the governors halted operations and sent everybody home.
No one was 'sent home'.
This, too, was allowed to happen and the police were told to stand down. Of course, that didn't pan out and everything reverted back to the way it was. The show was O-VAH and today people don't even remember CHAZ. In November alone I had to direct three people to look it up because they had no idea what CHAZ is/was or what even happened.
CHAZ fell apart in the same way any democracy dissolving into oligarchy or dictatorship. Once one faction took control, the violence and murders finally forced the police to step in and clean it up. What allowed that is that many had already left CHAZ due to the violence.

The police are not an army, IBD. They are not geared for such an insurrection.
Agreed. The FBI/Justice Department's dual-tiered justice system continues.
Nobody has taken any serious steps to prevent stolen elections.
Depends on the State.
The dollar is being bled.
No, the dollar is collapsing...the end result of any fiat currency and a government that cannot get it's spending under control. The same thing is happening to every nation on fiat currency, particularly China, Japan, the EU, and of course, the US.
Self defense is becomining increasingly criminalized, being only acceptable if one remains unarmed and otherwise defenseless.
This is not correct. More and more States are increasingly supportive of the right of self defense and the right to own and carry guns. Even the Supreme Court is starting to recognize the 2nd amendment better.
Taxes across the board are automatically increased without any discussion.
Generally. Sad, but true.
By becoming tyrannical, when the government in power falls victim to a scam, such as COVID, Global Warming, Quantum Computing, cryptocurrency, etc ... the government forces it upon We the People, and We the People can't extricate the scam from the government.
No one is forcing 'Quantum Computing' since it doesn't exist. No one is forcing cryptocurrency. The Church of the EV, the Church of Green, the Church of Covid and the Church of Global Warming have become state religions, but they have less and less influence on people. Only paranoid idiots bother with masks anymore. Less than 1% of the cars on the road are EVs, and several automotive manufacturers are getting out of EVs, because they are losing money on them (even WITH the heavy subsidies and mandates!). Sure, they cause interference, but I notice that more and more people are rejecting them.
Not exactly. Trump sent additional FBI agents to act as police for those buildings and monuments. There were no military personnel involved. The federal agents were sent to Chicago, Albuquerque, Portland and a few other places.
No, they were National Guard troops. They were NOT FBI.
The "Trump can't get a fair trial" is simply the new version of "the Election was rigged" lie.

Just as the election was proven to be the safest and least impacted by fraud in recorded history due to Trump crying prior about it being rigged and the system bending over backwards to be even more diligent too is the legal system now bending over, more than it would for any other defendant to ensure he gets a fair trial beyond what any other person would get.

In that respect i give Trump credit as he makes the systems bend to him, but sadly when it bends the result is still not what he wants.

No, you cannot just make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Kewpie. You cannot defend a kangaroo court either.