The Dumbbell Scandal


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Parents who bribe universities are buying superiority for their dumb children.

elitism or élitism (noun)
elitist (adjective & noun)

1. The belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources.

2. a. The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class. b. Control, rule, or domination by such a group or class.

Nothing tells dim bulbs they are entitled to everything in sight more than a diploma from a so-called elite university. (Frankly, I would not call any institution elite.)

elite or élite (noun)
plural elite or elites

1. a. A group or class of persons or a member of such a group or class, enjoying superior intellectual, social, or economic status: “In addition to notions of social equality there was much emphasis on the role of elites and of heroes within them” (Times Literary Supplement). b. The best or most skilled members of a group: the football team's elite.

2. A size of type on a typewriter, equal to 12 characters per linear inch.

elite (adjective)

In case you are not paying attention to the latest scandal it is about tax dollars going to institutions of higher learning when the federal government has no constitutional authority to be in education. Worse still, the entire rotten education system is leading the country back to a perverted monarchy. The Founding Fathers abhorred “To the manor born.” Even inbred idiots born to a title in ancient monarchies were entitled to govern. In short: Monarchies were the same throughout history.

There has always been a pecking order in every form of government. In European monarchies it was kings, dukes, counts, no-accounts, and so on. Titled noblemen collected the taxes for the king —— after they took their piece off the top. In our republic it is president, members of Congress, governors, mayors, and so on down to the local ward heelers. Alas. it is obvious that media propagandists are looking to eventually move U.N. Secretaries-General to the head of the line whenever they refer to one or another schmuck as a world leader.

Our growing parasite class to the manner born enjoy the same tax benefits and protections as their counterparts did in European monarchies. Sad to say, literal idiots born to govern is offensive irrespective of a university degree.

Tax dollars go to the rich just as they did in every monarchy. So from the way it has been going Robin Hood himself would have trouble figuring out how to steal from government tax collectors in order to give to the poor.

There is another piece of evidence to support monarchy’s rebirth. The reports of how elected officials are routing big bucks to their kinfolk by going through lobbying firms, passing legislation favorable to themselves, influence peddling, and so on, amounts to an American variation of ancient nepotism.

Totalitarian Communist countries and monarchies have much in common, not the least of which is fierce nepotism. Nepotism at the state and local levels is not new. Previously nepotism meant soft-touch government jobs for relatives. Today, nepotism amounts to millions of tax dollars directed to worthless family members.

NOTE: When John F. Kennedy, Jr. died in a plane crash in 1999 it was reported that there were over 80 Kennedys in “public service.” The end of famous Kennedys might be in sight, but nepotism guarantees that the American people will be supporting the Kennedy family for generations to come.

Now that nepotism is running rampant in the federal government, America’s early promise of a fair government is further diminished.

Interestingly, monarchies codify nepotism. The concept of civil service was a solution to the evils of nepotism. Contemporary nepotism not only sterilizes the procedure for becoming a civil servant, civil service itself was turned into a joke every time anyone claims they are going into government because they want to give something back. Many immigrants dive into the public trough as soon as they get here; so I have to ask exactly what they give back? From the things I heard educated immigrant parasites say on the talkies over the years, I would just as soon they not give anything back.

I would be remiss if I failed to include coerced charity in relation to America’s monarchy and the tax code.

There has never been a priesthood that did not yearn for tax dollar tithing. There is no evil done by parasites worse than coerced charity; that is the misuse of tax dollars. American monarchists and Socialists/Communists formed an unholy alliance when they instituted coerced charity. The Dumbbell Scandal was triggered by the concept of tax dollar charity:

Prosecutors allege that Singer instructed parents to donate funds to a fake charity he had established as part of the scheme. Most of the parents paid at least $200,000, but some spent up to $6.5 million to guarantee their children admission to top universities, authorities said. The parents were then able to deduct the donation from their income taxes, according to the Internal Revenue Service.

College cheating scandal snares actresses, CEOs and coaches; alleged mastermind pleads guilty
By Hannah Fry, Richard Winton, Matthew Ormseth and Laura Newberry
Mar 12, 2019 | 8:50 PM

Then there is the ever-widening income spread between government employees and their private sector counterparts. How did it happen? Government employee unions for one thing. Thank JFK for that one.


Fifty years ago, on January 17, 1962, Federal employees first obtained the right to engage in collective bargaining through labor organizations when President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 10988, "Employee-Management Cooperation in the Federal Sector." Executive Order 10988 issued as result of the findings of the Task Force on Employee-Management Relations in the Federal Service, which was created by a memorandum issued to all executive department and agency heads by President Kennedy on June 22, 1961. In this memorandum the President noted that, "The participation of employees in the formation and implementation of employee policy and procedures affecting them contributes to the effective conduct of public business," and that this participation should be extended to representatives of employees and employee organizations.

50th Anniversary: Executive Order 10988

Bribing education industry crooks with tax dollars could turn out to be good thing, but only if it results in the federal government being jerked out of education altogether. Unfortunately, criminal universities will not return a penny to the treasury. Indeed, media parasites are already hinting at giving more money to poor, deserving, kids so they can get into colleges and universities on a level playing field.

On second thought, maybe letting a few hundred parents with dumbbell children skate is better than paying to educate countless thousands. After all, what harm can a few hundred dumbbells do when they are compared to thousands and thousands of parasites getting a free education who end up with government jobs anyway?

Finally, teaching young children the three R’s at the elementary level is relatively simple; implanting organizational skills in a youngster is much more difficult. Those who best learn the required institutional skills do very well for themselves in higher education; especially when they are trained to participate in government by getting tax dollar jobs after they graduate.


Incidentally, public school teachers brainwashing children into the joys of collectivism destroyed a helluva lot more children than they ever educated.
It did not take long for FOX to give another education industry parasite face time —— speaking for the American people.

I do not know Bennett’s American people, but my American people care about stopping unconstitutional tax dollars going to parasites in higher education:

"The Federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in school curricula or to control jobs in the market place. This is why we will abolish the Department of Education, end federal meddling in our schools, and promote family choice at all levels of learning."

September 7, 2012
Abolish the Department of Education?
Ann Kane and M. Catharine Evans

I never trusted William Bennett. His opinion of the Dumbbell Scandal did nothing to change my mind:

The choice of Terrel H. Bell to become Reagan’s Secretary of Education is a bit of a mystery. Why would President Reagan choose someone who opposed his objective to abolish the Department of Education to be his cabinet-level Secretary of Education? It simply indicates that the controllers of American education had the upper hand in that choice.

The first four years of the Reagan administration proved to be an endless struggle between Bell and the conservatives. It could have been predicted that in the end the conservatives would lose this crucial cultural battle. Bill Bennett replaced Bell in Reagan’s second term. But he too was wedded to the establishment.

Friday, 29 June 2012
Why Ronald Reagan Couldn't Abolish the Department of Education
Written by Sam Blumenfeld

Hardcore Socialists have a lock on the public purse through the Secretary of Education and the Secretary of Labor. Indeed, the secretaries highlighted in red should be eliminated because they are nothing more than public trough bureaucracies. Every bureaucracy demands more and more tax dollars, while the highlighted secretaries preside over bureaucracies that exist for the sole purpose of enriching government and private sector tax dollar parasites.

Secretary of State
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Defense
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Education (1979 - President Carter)
Secretary of Labor (1913 - President Wilson)
Secretary of Energy (1977 - President Carter)
Secretary of Commerce (1913 - President Wilson)
Secretary of Health and Human Services (1953 - Dwight D. Eisenhower)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (1966 - Lyndon Johnson)
Trump-hating liberals have been caught paying bribes to get their unqualified offspring into schools they don't deserve to attend, thereby depriving poor kids of color of a chance for an elite education.

Let that sink in.
Trump-hating liberals have been caught paying bribes to get their unqualified offspring into schools they don't deserve to attend, thereby depriving poor kids of color of a chance for an elite education.

Let that sink in.
Depriving deserving kids...period...;)
But JPP leftists say they don't approve of this behavior by their fellow liberals. :wink:
No one can approve of the special needs student testing violation *travesty....that's even lower than photoshopping the athletes...
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Trump-hating liberals have been caught paying bribes to get their unqualified offspring into schools they don't deserve to attend, thereby depriving poor kids of color of a chance for an elite education.

Let that sink in.

Prove they are Democrats
No one can approve of the special needs student violation...with the testing violation travesty....that's even lower than photoshopping the athletes....

Well, liberals Photoshopped the First Lady, didn't they? :thinking:
Prove they are Democrats

Did I say they are DEMOCRATS, BDSM Boi?

I said they are "Trump-hating liberals", and they are:

Actress Felicity Huffman has said she will take part in the women’s march on Washington to protest Donald Trump’s inauguration, labelling the US election result a "feminist issue".

The former Desperate Housewives star will attend the event, which will take place the day after the President-elect is officially sworn in as head of state, with her two daughters Sophia Grace, 16, and Georgia Grace, 14.

"I'm going to the Million Women March in DC with my two daughters, and my sister and her daughter and their two grandchildren,” Ms Huffman said.

"I feel that the election was somewhat of a feminist issue. I feel like the best of us was bested by not the best of them."

Other celebrities who will be marching in protest include Olivia Wilde, Uzo Aduba, Constance Wu, Hari Nef, Julianne Moore, Debra Messing, Chelsea Handler, Amy Schumer, Danielle Brooks, and Frances McDormand.

Given the facts, is it safe to assume she was a Hildebeast supporter? :thinking:
Did I say they are DEMOCRATS, BDSM Boi?

I said they are "Trump-hating liberals", and they are:

Actress Felicity Huffman has said she will take part in the women’s march on Washington to protest Donald Trump’s inauguration, labelling the US election result a "feminist issue".

The former Desperate Housewives star will attend the event, which will take place the day after the President-elect is officially sworn in as head of state, with her two daughters Sophia Grace, 16, and Georgia Grace, 14.

"I'm going to the Million Women March in DC with my two daughters, and my sister and her daughter and their two grandchildren,” Ms Huffman said.

"I feel that the election was somewhat of a feminist issue. I feel like the best of us was bested by not the best of them."

Other celebrities who will be marching in protest include Olivia Wilde, Uzo Aduba, Constance Wu, Hari Nef, Julianne Moore, Debra Messing, Chelsea Handler, Amy Schumer, Danielle Brooks, and Frances McDormand.

Given the facts, is it safe to assume she was a Hildebeast supporter? :thinking:
They must be Republicans....oh, wait. Probably not...;)