The Dumbbell Scandal

"According to Tom Arnold, just weeks before the scandal broke, Giannulli was sloshed at a Hollywood party going on about his support for President Donald Trump and how people should be “carrying their own weight.” Oh, do tell! “Couple wks ago I got into it with for 10th time with #CollegeCheatingScandal DAD at big party cause his sloppy ass was rambling on again about Trump & people carrying their own weight & his own conservative politics being ‘right of Attila the Hun,'” Arnold, an outspoken Trump critic tweeted earlier this week. “He embarrassed Scandal Mom again.” Page Six got in touch with another person allegedly in attendance at the same party who backed up Arnold’s account. “Mossimo was talking about how he agrees with Trump, and that people need to carry their own weight,” the spy offered. “He was saying there’s a lot of ‘takers’ out there and entitled people.”

So they say.

Unidentified "spies?" "Allegedly?"

Arnold has a motive for trying to paint these two as Trump supporters (and get some publicity), doesn't he?

Where's his proof?

Hearsay and gossip? :nono:
Prove that Lori Loughlin is a trump-hating liberal, leggiecrite. :thinking:

According to Joe Schmoe, just weeks before the scandal broke, Giannulli was sloshed at a Hollywood party going on about his hatered for President Donald Trump and how people should be “resisting the fat orange slob.” Oh, do tell! “Couple wks ago I got into it with for 10th time with #CollegeCheatingScandal DAD at big party cause his sloppy ass was rambling on again about Trump & people resisting him & his own liberal politics being ‘left of Vladimir Lenin,'” Schmoe, an outspoken Trump fan told me earlier this week. “He embarrassed Scandal Mom again.” I got in touch with another person allegedly in attendance at the same party who backed up Schmoe’s account. “Mossimo was talking about how he hates Trump, and that people need to resist the fat orange slob,” the spy offered. “He was saying there’s a lot of ‘cons’ out there and entitled people.”

So they say.

Unidentified "spies?" "Allegedly?"

Arnold has a motive for trying to paint these two as Trump supporters (and get some publicity), doesn't he?

Where's his proof?

Hearsay and gossip? :nono:

Woohoo, gotcha! I love it when my craftiness pays off big time. :rofl2:

Attacking the source, leggiecrite?

Originally Posted by Legion

Tsk, tsk. Even your titty baby knows that attacking a source is fallacious, Christiecrite.
Mark Levin disappointed me when he gave William Bennett face time. Move the cursor to 5:25 and listen to Bennett dance around what is wrong:

Bennett knows damn well the XVI Amendment is what is wrong, but he will never say it:

"The Federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in school curricula or to control jobs in the market place. This is why we will abolish the Department of Education, end federal meddling in our schools, and promote family choice at all levels of learning."

Bennett comes up a double-liar because he is a Catholic and a mouthpiece for tax dollar teachers. Catholic Universities take in hundreds of million of unconstitutional tax dollars every year in addition to the Catholic Church raking in millions more given to NGOs.

To be fair —— every organized religion feeds at the public trough. Not one of those parasite bums would give people like me a red cent. The Roman Catholic Church happens to be the worst of the lot because they get the most. I would not give a penny to any of those parasite bums saving the world with everybody else’s income tax dollars.

Bennett touched on defending the country without citing his religion. I, too, have an opinion on how to defend the country:

There is no objection to killing Muslims trying to kill you, while Constitution-loving Americans would cut their own throats if they fight to replace one religion with another. Americans must defeat Islam as a matter of self-defense, but they must not do it for Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Socialism, democracy, the United Nations, and certainly not for the New World Order. Fighting for their country is the only thing Americans should fight for.