The End Of Christian America

There's no excuse for people graduating high school who don't even know how to read or write.

Or no excuse for kids being bused to other communities out of their own communities in the name of equality and social justice.

Neither have anything to do with pursuing knowledge.
There's no excuse for people graduating high school who don't even know how to read or write.

Or no excuse for kids being bused to other communities out of their own communities in the name of equality and social justice.

Neither have anything to do with pursuing knowledge.

There is no excuse for wanting answers for your questions while refusing to answer questions concerning the topic. But you seem quite comfortable doing it.

"Tell us how a "Christian America" would be better?"
"Tell us who would be in charge?"
"And lastly, tell us whether members of other faiths would have any standing?"
We were a Christian nation, we aren't one now. We were a people with a common culture and a common religion that taught everyone common lessons of right and wrong morality.

We are now a secular nation that is self destructing because our common culture has been replaced with multiculturalism and replaced along with it that being our own religious cultural identity.

Were we a Christian nation when slavery was fashionable?
I already answered your question above. The taking down or destruction of historical landmarks and monuments that are historical in nature is a violation of constitutionally protected free speech and their removal doesn't have anything to do with either being or not being a Christian, a good Christian, or a phony new age Christian with a secular leftist agenda like you are and like you possess.

I promote a secular GOVERNMENT....just like the Founding Fathers and the Constitution. People can have any religious agenda they want. The Const also guarantees that.

Your OP harped on how America was no longer a Christian nation and focused frequently on the fact that govt displays of religious text and monuments being prevented was one reason. (No one in the thread recommended moving them, I dont think...just that adding more are not appropriate. For me, it's not an appropriate use of tax $$$ for any level govt.)

And it's not an infringement of free speech....the free speech is on the part of the citizenry....not the govt. The citizenry can promote their religions all they want...but THE GOVT CANNOT.
If that were the case, why couldn't you exercise them when the monuments and the landmarks were in place?

Your Jesus is this old hippy philosopher of sixties martyrdom who rose up and presented an alternative created religion against America's established religion of moral absolutes which you reject in the name of multiculturalism, fairness, and social justice. Your innocent appearance atop your horse doesn't deter the fact that your sisterhood within the liberal feminist establishment is agenda driven by secular methods and is completely motivated by nothing else except political expediency.

I do practice them. Has nothing to do with any monument or displays. And I've said that all along, just as I have said I dont see a need to remove them.

More proof that you are delusional. You read what you want, not what is there.

And the bold is just more of your fantasy (which, I'm sorry to say, I cannot indulge you in....I find your close-mindedness and judgementalism [very anti-Christian, btw], repellent.) that is not supported by fact or my writing in any way.

You are hooked on this feminism thing....are you against the progress and steps towards equality that women have made in the US?
The "God of love" that you speak of was also a moral judgmental God and moral absolutes are something that you on the (new) left wanted badly to discard. You spoke of women of your ilk meaning AOD which doesn't correspond with a judgmental God as an example. This is where the girl on the horse comes into play with her new age, non judgmental fluff.

Morality and values do not only come from religion.

However moral absolutes based in a religion that OTHER religious or non-religious people do not believe in MUST NOT BE proposed by a government in this nation. How is that remotely fair to anyone who does not believe as you do, for example?
Morality and values do not only come from religion.

However moral absolutes based in a religion that OTHER religious or non-religious people do not believe in MUST NOT BE proposed by a government in this nation. How is that remotely fair to anyone who does not believe as you do, for example?

Where do they come from then?
I think knowing that the Founding Fathers took great pains to make sure that no religion ever became the official religion tells me all I need to know.

The problem is, when the population was overwhelmingly Christian, there were those who decided tous e that power to try and make it a Christian nation. It isn't, it wasn't, and it never will be.

I like the bold especially. The whole thing is true IMO.
The "God of love" that you speak of was also a moral judgmental God and moral absolutes are something that you on the (new) left wanted badly to discard. You spoke of women of your ilk meaning AOD which doesn't correspond with a judgmental God as an example. This is where the girl on the horse comes into play with her new age, non judgmental fluff.


You mean, the WOMAN with the gun in her hand and the blatant western conservative ethos?

I don't think anybody is equal, that's your Marxist gig.

Well your Founding Fathers did, as they plainly 'declared' in the Dec of Independence. And that was their intent.

So you can judge others as unequal, sinners, lesser, whatever (even tho God declared that's His job) all you want under the premise of you religion. But the govt may not.
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People aren't equal little football. No two people are equal. If people were equal then there wouldn't be anybody who could excel.

Equal does not mean 'the same.'

Use a dictionary. Then apply the context of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Where do they come from then?

All communities, which are based on social heirarchies, develop "rules" or laws that enable them to live peacefully together and work to fend off outsiders, from which they develop their own moral standards. Do you question that some of those 'standards' are common to all or most? Or why?

Edited for clarification.
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America is being destroyed by mass immigration, multiculturalism, and globalization. The term "American" is no longer definable because we can no longer have a distinct culture and a distinct heritage.

America was built on ALL THOSE THINGS, what a fool! That diversity was/is our do you think we grew to become the most powerful and innovative nation on Earth? Aside from briefly after settlement, we have had NO distinct culture or heritage.

What history books have you been reading? Holy crap.

Our culture IS diverse. I think that's awesome. I dont need to be surrounded by people that look and think and act like me to feel secure OR American.
There's no melting pot in America because there's nothing to melt into. I used to be an American because there once was an American melting pot. You leftists have removed the pot and you have invited the entire third world to invade America and squat with their collective hands out and vote collectively for the socialist Democratic party.

LOL Ireland and Italy and Poland could easily have been considered 'third world' countries by today's standards. Esp. Ireland.

Aw shucks...are they all white?
In primitive cultures, the main source may have been religion. But in modern society we are capable of determining right & wrong without religion.

That must explain why the country is 15 trillion dollars in debt and ever climbing and why they keep raising the debt ceiling to accommodate it.
LOL Ireland and Italy and Poland could easily have been considered 'third world' countries by today's standards. Esp. Ireland.

Aw shucks...are they all white?

With you the government are the people collectively. With you there is no private property, no numerical majorities within the states and no states rights. There is only powerful centralized government and through it's judicial branch the legislation of laws and the granting of rights to the government's agents, the states.

If the numerical majority within any state decides to decorate their state buildings with religious artifacts that are historical in nature or confederate flags which are same, you will support centralized government removing them.
LOL Ireland and Italy and Poland could easily have been considered 'third world' countries by today's standards. Esp. Ireland.

Aw shucks...are they all white?

Ireland and Poland broke away from their host countries because both had very strong cultural, tribal identities.

So they seceded from their host countries and formed their own culturally established independent nations based on their religious, ethnic, racial backgrounds.