The End Of Christian America

We did not acquire it any time recently. It goes way back in our evolutionary line. As I have said, it continues to develop and ours appears to be greater than that of other species.

Yuh....that's what I enable the survival of our young (using the example you provided.)
Yes, pretty much, but no state can undermine the basic rights established in the Constitution. And as such, no state can establish it's own religion or force religious laws on it's citizens. Or make ALL it's citizens pay for religious displays that favor only one religion that they may not believe in. (Just a few examples.)

You don't believe in states rights, again you believe in "fairness." You do not believe in the numerical majority of any given state decorating their public buildings as they desire and especially if you don't live in those particular states which makes it none of your business in the first place.

You do not force religious laws on anybody. Laws are made against immoral acts and not to create morality. A law cannot create morality. But if you decide that morality is what an individual says it is and you do, then you can claim laws are being forced on people that are religious laws.
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Really?The country was built and finished, DONE, in the 1700s?

No, the country was ESTABLISHED back then and built and continues to be built over 200 yrs.

But again, if you think we should go back to a culture where slavery and women as property were condoned, please let me know.

Tell me why you support third world immigrants not being required to learn, speak, and write English correctly and efficiently if America never had a distinct culture?

Is that why they're not required?

Tell me why they are given the vote and vote in Democratic voting blocs without having any basic knowledge of American and western history and no basic math skills.

Is that why, because America never had a distinct culture?

Do you believe in the liberal one person, one vote mantra?
You don't believe in states rights, again you believe in "fairness." You do not believe in the numerical majority of any given state decorating their public buildings as they desire and especially if you don't live in those particular states which makes it none of your business in the first place.

You do not force religious laws on anybody. Laws are made against immoral acts and not to create morality. A law cannot create morality. But if you decide that morality is what an individual says it is and you do, then you can claim laws are being forced on people that are religious laws.

There you go, telling me what I believe again.

YOU believe in witchcraft! Heathen!!!!!!! (See what I did there?)

I believe in state's right, but they cannot supercede the Constitution. Otherwise, why bother having a COnstitution and a nation? Just have little nations. So a state MAY NOT decide to do stuff that is specifically mandated against in the Constitution. Stop being a big whiny baby...this is the way the Founding Fathers designed it.

I also never said laws create morality. People, cultures, societies do. But who decides what is moral as part of a legal system?

As I said, the most basic place to start...and it's if & how something infringes on the rights of another. Example: A law based on not allowing gays to be teachers however, would be based on religious beliefs and a morality determined by THOSE religions. Not all Americans share those religions and it is unConstitutional to create such a law.
Tell me why you support third world immigrants not being required to learn, speak, and write English correctly and efficiently if America never had a distinct culture?

Is that why they're not required?

Tell me why they are given the vote and vote in Democratic voting blocs without having any basic knowledge of American and western history and no basic math skills.

Is that why, because America never had a distinct culture?

Do you believe in the liberal one person, one vote mantra?

YOU believe in witchcraft! You hate God!!!!

See? I can do it too.

I never ever said any of those things. Nor do I agree with them. We were discussing the development of this country. Mass immigration and multiculturalism BUILT this country into the great nation that it is.

And America's distinct culture is diversity. Very likely more than any other country in the world. Diversity has a great deal of value, encourages innovation and strength.
YOU believe in witchcraft! You hate God!!!!

See? I can do it too.

I never ever said any of those things. Nor do I agree with them. We were discussing the development of this country. Mass immigration and multiculturalism BUILT this country into the great nation that it is.

And America's distinct culture is diversity. Very likely more than any other country in the world. Diversity has a great deal of value, encourages innovation and strength.

America's distinct culture was Christian, not diversity.

"Diversity is our strength" is a myth put out by your people. Diversity is destroying America and it is it's biggest enemy.
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There you go, telling me what I believe again.

YOU believe in witchcraft! Heathen!!!!!!! (See what I did there?)

I believe in state's right, but they cannot supercede the Constitution. Otherwise, why bother having a COnstitution and a nation? Just have little nations. So a state MAY NOT decide to do stuff that is specifically mandated against in the Constitution. Stop being a big whiny baby...this is the way the Founding Fathers designed it.

I also never said laws create morality. People, cultures, societies do. But who decides what is moral as part of a legal system?

As I said, the most basic place to start...and it's if & how something infringes on the rights of another. Example: A law based on not allowing gays to be teachers however, would be based on religious beliefs and a morality determined by THOSE religions. Not all Americans share those religions and it is unConstitutional to create such a law.

Just have little nations? How can you say you believe in states rights when you oppose the whole notion that the states are republics who volunteered to join the union?

You're back on social justice and human rights again to justify central control.
America's distinct culture was Christian, not diversity.

"Diversity is our strength" is a myth put out by your people. Diversity is destroying America and it is it's biggest enemy.

Diversity IS, not 'was.' It was not diverse when founded. Please try to read correctly so you can actually respond rationally.

And diversity is not a myth, it is a proven biological concept that can also be applied to societies.

Diversity is about the variety in genetic material that gives a species the ability to meet a wide number of environmental challenges by having individuals that can adapt and succeed. The more variety, the more likely it is there will be individuals able to overcome the challenge.

That applies in a society as well, and leads to innovation, strength in work, sports, war, health, a wider variety of talents and skills to meet challenges, ability to resist disease, etc etc etc.

LOL, a 'myth!'
Just have little nations? How can you say you believe in states rights when you oppose the whole notion that the states are republics who volunteered to join the union?

You're back on social justice and human rights again to justify central control.

No, I didnt recommend little nations, I was being facetious saying that if that's what the Founding Fathers had wanted, they would have set up our govt that way.

You read what you want to read, not what's there. I hope that you are not/have not raised children, you do not have the ability to distinguish reality from fantasy.
No, I didnt recommend little nations, I was being facetious saying that if that's what the Founding Fathers had wanted, they would have set up our govt that way.

You read what you want to read, not what's there. I hope that you are not/have not raised children, you do not have the ability to distinguish reality from fantasy.

They did set up the government that way as a constitutional republic.
Diversity IS, not 'was.' It was not diverse when founded. Please try to read correctly so you can actually respond rationally.

And diversity is not a myth, it is a proven biological concept that can also be applied to societies.

Diversity is about the variety in genetic material that gives a species the ability to meet a wide number of environmental challenges by having individuals that can adapt and succeed. The more variety, the more likely it is there will be individuals able to overcome the challenge.

That applies in a society as well, and leads to innovation, strength in work, sports, war, health, a wider variety of talents and skills to meet challenges, ability to resist disease, etc etc etc.

LOL, a 'myth!'

Every nation on earth bonded by tribal identity and formed a nation and the United States of America was no exception. This concept of diversity by you and your fellow shores has destroyed the E Pluribus Unum - out of many one and assimilation and replaced it with multiculturalism which one and only goal is the destructive influence of the euro white male and nothing else in society. If the different states don't wish practicing homosexuals as your own example teaching their own children in the classrooms, this should be none of your collective federal authority business either. And as usual, you play the female victim in your opposition to states rights claiming a return to a monogamous lifestyle that all of you shores detest as much as the men you claim are forcing the lifestyle on you.

You're constant referral to the constitution doesn't justify your desire for all citizens to live as you will them to live and your social justice, human rights mantra is totally void of any constitutional definitions but instead is derived from Marx, Engels, the Bolsheviks, and the communist manifesto as it's genesis.
Every nation on earth bonded by tribal identity and formed a nation and the United States of America was no exception. This concept of diversity by you and your fellow shores has destroyed the E Pluribus Unum - out of many one and assimilation and replaced it with multiculturalism which one and only goal is the destructive influence of the euro white male and nothing else in society. If the different states don't wish practicing homosexuals as your own example teaching their own children in the classrooms, this should be none of your collective federal authority business either. And as usual, you play the female victim in your opposition to states rights claiming a return to a monogamous lifestyle that all of you shores detest as much as the men you claim are forcing the lifestyle on you.

You're constant referral to the constitution doesn't justify your desire for all citizens to live as you will them to live and your social justice, human rights mantra is totally void of any constitutional definitions but instead is derived from Marx, Engels, the Bolsheviks, and the communist manifesto as it's genesis.

What 'tribal identity' was this country founded on? (I cant love to hear this one)

What does feminism have to do with monogamy? Feminists are not against monogamy.

Why do you care about other people's lifestyles? Are they being FORCED on you? Apparently you want some 'European white male' lifestyle forced on everyone. You have never once explained how you are unable to worship as you please....or live your lifestyle as "European white male.' Please say how the govt has prevented these (asked for the millionth time).

What is different from the influence of the European white male and the influence of other ethnicities and genders? What makes it such an ideal to strive for?

And back to fantasy land I see....ignoring that the Founding Fathers explicitly intended "All men are equal", that I have ever claimed anything feminist or anti-male, and most ridiculous of all, that I am in favor of communism or anything Marxist.

I see you couldnt even wrap your mind around the concept of how diversity has strengthened our nation.

C' about some answers, you poor discriminated against Christian white male.
Haven't read the whole thread here, just responding to the OP.

There is nothing about any of those statistics that you just mentioned that has anything to do with Christianity. If you're going to claim that the failure to adhere to Christian morals is equivalent to the end of Christianity, you need to look back about, say, 2000 years -- because people who call themselves Christian have been ignoring the Bible's orders since Constantine waged a war in the name of God. (Or is there something in Rule Six that I don't understand?)

By that metric, Christianity ended almost before it began. Bemoaning a failure of modern morals and calling it the end of Christian anything shows a complete ignorance of human history, psychology, and memetics. The fact is that there wasn't anything especially Christian about America, ever. We're a culture who celebrates hatred and intolerance in the name of one of the very few people in human history known for loving and tolerating everyone, and you want to claim that "MTV morality" is even a mote in your eye?

I call shenanigans.
Every nation on earth bonded by tribal identity and formed a nation and the United States of America was no exception. This concept of diversity by you and your fellow shores has destroyed the E Pluribus Unum - out of many one and assimilation and replaced it with multiculturalism which one and only goal is the destructive influence of the euro white male and nothing else in society. If the different states don't wish practicing homosexuals as your own example teaching their own children in the classrooms, this should be none of your collective federal authority business either. And as usual, you play the female victim in your opposition to states rights claiming a return to a monogamous lifestyle that all of you shores detest as much as the men you claim are forcing the lifestyle on you.

You're constant referral to the constitution doesn't justify your desire for all citizens to live as you will them to live and your social justice, human rights mantra is totally void of any constitutional definitions but instead is derived from Marx, Engels, the Bolsheviks, and the communist manifesto as it's genesis.

I couldn't have said this better myself.
Haven't read the whole thread here, just responding to the OP.

There is nothing about any of those statistics that you just mentioned that has anything to do with Christianity. If you're going to claim that the failure to adhere to Christian morals is equivalent to the end of Christianity, you need to look back about, say, 2000 years -- because people who call themselves Christian have been ignoring the Bible's orders since Constantine waged a war in the name of God. (Or is there something in Rule Six that I don't understand?)

By that metric, Christianity ended almost before it began. Bemoaning a failure of modern morals and calling it the end of Christian anything shows a complete ignorance of human history, psychology, and memetics. The fact is that there wasn't anything especially Christian about America, ever. We're a culture who celebrates hatred and intolerance in the name of one of the very few people in human history known for loving and tolerating everyone, and you want to claim that "MTV morality" is even a mote in your eye?

I call shenanigans.

Either speak directly to me or in the third person Marxist. Make up your ever changing, self gratifying mind one way or the other.
Either speak directly to me or in the third person Marxist. Make up your ever changing, self gratifying mind one way or the other.

Essence has now probably read the entire thread and seen that you cant address the questions anyway.

Cut their losses and decided not to waste time.
No, actually, I'm just waiting for it to sink in that the entire post was, in fact, written directly to him, exactly as he requested.

I don't think it ever will.