The End Of Christian America

You go to Hell .. you cultural Marxist vermin.

I'm Jewish. I don't have Hell. I've got Gehinom. It's a suburb. I already have a condo with incredible views from the balcony, overlooking the Lake of Fire. When I have barbecues, of course, I'll be sure not to invite you.

By the way? Deciding I'm a Marxist because I proved you wrong? I got an awesome laugh out of that, you clamorous imbecile.
Dear philly rabbit:

As I see it, there is no such thing as a 'Christian nation.'

That premise is one of the last [and thankfully] dying vestiges of Constantine's Great [heretical] Compromise conceived with the assistance of the heretic Eusebius.

The Great Compromise was by no means universally received. Those who bore marks on their flesh because of their Christian confession believed themselves and their Lord betrayed by defection to the very thing described in the Apocalypse. At the end of the day, Constantine prevailed. But as is often the case, the minority report was more correct.

The apocalypse is a 'kingdom of God' critique of earthly authority/power/wealth/coercion/cult/blasphemy/injustice/extortion/propaganda/war/death known to the world as imperial Rome. The apocalypse is rooted in that world. But the application of the message is not limited to that time and place.

Amid its many fantastic images, the apocalypse positions the whore of Babylon [a contemporary symbol of wealth, ill-gotten by extortion, injustice and coercion] upon the back of a beast [a symbol of seemingly irresistible military power]. In other words, you have a system of legalized extortion enforced through military power. Oh, and don't forget the false prophet, which cheers the whore/beast arrangement and in Yahweh's name, calls the world to bow down to it [i.e., accept it].

The application of the message of the apocalypse is not bound to time. In other words, whomever the cap of earthly authority/power/wealth/coercion/cult/blasphemy/injustice/extortion/propaganda/war/death fits in any time or place, or under any system of governance, must wear it.

The 'church' today is tolerated because it projects the 'theology' of the apocalypse into the future, rendering it harmless because it no longer critiques earthly authority/power/wealth/coercion/cult/blasphemy/injustice/extortion/propaganda/war/death in our time and place. This allows US Christianists to support worldwide US hegemony in this life and inherit eternal glory in the next. Cool arrangement, is it not?

Should Christianists reject Constantine's Great [heretical] Compromise, should they connect the apocalyptic narrative to that system of earthly authority/power/wealth/coercion/cult/blasphemy/injustice/extortion/propaganda/war/death as currently incarnated as Imperial America, the state will stretch forth its hand and their blood will flow in America's streets.

Remember, whomever does the deeds of the whore/beast/false_prophet [the opulently wealthy bourgeoisie whore, the ruling_class/Pentagon/military underlings and the 'Christian right'] comes under the writer censure.

The United States never was a 'Christian' nation. In the perspective of the apocalypse, a better case can be made that the United States is based upon the practice of the religion of Satanism.


And as I see it, America has never had a Christian government and a national church on purpose by way of the first amendment. Because you cultural Marxists have managed to eradicate religion in the public square and isolated it's western Christian faith to an individual basis within restrictions, doesn't mean that the people, not the government were a Christian people because they were.

Their symbolism that your people are in the process of eradicating completely meaning as much as possible, was a reflection of their faith, and not a governmental official seal.

That is if america featured a representative government by consent of the people and not the other way around.
I'm Jewish. I don't have Hell. I've got Gehinom. It's a suburb. I already have a condo with incredible views from the balcony, overlooking the Lake of Fire. When I have barbecues, of course, I'll be sure not to invite you.

By the way? Deciding I'm a Marxist because I proved you wrong? I got an awesome laugh out of that, you clamorous imbecile.

You go to Hell, you filthy, cultural Marxist history revisionist. You proved nothing wrong except proof of your cultural Marxism and your desire for people to put their faith in secular government Gods.
You go to Hell, you filthy, cultural Marxist history revisionist. You proved nothing wrong except proof of your cultural Marxism and your desire for people to put their faith in secular government Gods.

Oh, I'm sorry. Was a little fact all too much for your Liliputian brain to accept? You don't have a headache now, do you?

Who said I want people to put their faith in secular government? Did I? I don't recall saying that once. That's just your own obvious lunacy adding things that weren't there.

All I did was give you examples from history about why you are precisely wrong.

Oh, and one more time, I don't have Hell, so I can't go there. So glad to disappoint. :)
Oh, and, while I'm at it...

You keep using the term "cultural Marxist."

Since this is such an oft-used phrase among the extremist, radicalized, completely unstable, far-right nutjobs such as your good self, I'm sure you wouldn't mind defining that for us.

Because I don't think you know what it means, but have just heard it repeated by other extremist, radicalized, completely unstable, far-right nutjobs.
Oh, and, while I'm at it...

You keep using the term "cultural Marxist."

Since this is such an oft-used phrase among the extremist, radicalized, completely unstable, far-right nutjobs such as your good self, I'm sure you wouldn't mind defining that for us.

Because I don't think you know what it means, but have just heard it repeated by other extremist, radicalized, completely unstable, far-right nutjobs.

He has a bunch of canned statements which are frequently regurgitated. I learned that I am a "child of Woodstock," thanks to the Philly Cheesesteak. :cof1:
He has a bunch of canned statements which are frequently regurgitated. I learned that I am a "child of Woodstock," thanks to the Philly Cheesesteak. :cof1:

He also appears to have run off with his tail between his legs.

And, well, aren't you being unkind to cheesesteaks with that name?

And now that we've mentioned cheesesteaks, a trip to Philly may be in order tomorrow.
Remove duplicate link.

Dear philly rabbit:

And as I see it, America has never had a Christian government and a national church on purpose by way of the first amendment. Because you cultural Marxists have managed to eradicate religion in the public square and isolated it's western Christian faith to an individual basis within restrictions, doesn't mean that the people, not the government were a Christian people because they were.

Their symbolism that your people are in the process of eradicating completely meaning as much as possible, was a reflection of their faith, and not a governmental official seal.

That is if america featured a representative government by consent of the people and not the other way around.

Dear Philly rabbit:

And I'm telling you that on the basis of your canonical writings, no such animal as a 'Christian nation' exists. That glorious idol called the first amendment has nothing to do with it.

Don't bother referencing me as a cultural Marxist. I am a Marxist, period. My moniker, IMT? Had you been around, you would know that references the International Marxist Tendency.

Marxists didn't eradicate religion from the public square. That so-called 'Christian faith' is indeed limited increasingly to private roles, this relates to the breakdown of the Constantine concensus which, by the way, Søren Kierkegaard saw happening some 150 years ago.

Of course there were confessing Christian people in government. But that doesn't make Government 'Christian.'

The admixture of Church/Temple/Mosque to State is rather like mixing icecream and manure. The manure changes very little. But man-o-man, does that icecream ever get transformed. In other words, the conjunction of church and state does not 'Christianize' the state; but it most assuredly does prostitute the Church.

Honestly, PHilly rabbit--why are Christians so eager to pimp out Jesus, the Son of Yahweh, to whore for their partisan, political agendas?

As for the United States, it is no representative government; it is a government of the wealthy, by the wealthy, and for the wealthy. Elections are but a con job to convince the masses to accept things as they are.

I would be more impressed by Christian profession were they to take seriously the narratives of Amos, Micah and others, who railed against injustice with fearsome viterol!

Lastly, after that whipping you took here, I might have expected to see at least a little bit of humility. Telling people where to go is not an answer. It is an outburst. It is childish and exposes an inability to reply. Those who have cogent arguments post them. Those who don't ... well ... draw your own conclusion.


PS: That lion in your DT graphic reminds me of the Royal Coat of Arms. I found that amusing--as if we should give ourselves back to England!

Take care!
Dear Stelakh:

I'm Jewish. I don't have Hell. I've got Gehinom. It's a suburb. I already have a condo with incredible views from the balcony, overlooking the Lake of Fire. When I have barbecues, of course, I'll be sure not to invite you.

By the way? Deciding I'm a Marxist because I proved you wrong? I got an awesome laugh out of that, you clamorous imbecile.

I love it when people roll with the punches and come up laughing! Well done!

That's about religion, not Christianity. Which Americans acted like Jesus, when?

All those who help others in the manner Jesus said it should be done. Those who support government mandate to force someone to provide for another isn't the way Jesus taught.
These people despise everything Christian BECAUSE the arch enemy of socialism is indeed Christianity. They destroy, then they deny what they're desperately trying to get rid of ever existed. This was always THEIR country all along and they just improved it.

The idea that America was never Christian is ludicrous to begin with. The Scots Irish, my people were mainly Presbyterian and brought that faith with them starting in the seventeenth century. Then there were the Anglo Saxon British with their protest-ism. The immigrants from Europe were Christian and even the Jews who came from Europe were heavily influenced by Christianity with them coming from Christendom, as Europe itself was once called.

The first amendment has been under attack by these communists / socialists for decades. The morals of these people derived from the mud of Woodstock in the sixties, if you could call them morals. Their ranks are saturated with anti theist atheists and they use law suits to silence their faith based enemies because they are offended. Law suits against ideas that they must remove in order to substantiate and promote their government God.

America as a free nation should have no room for those who baby whine and file law suits against religious symbols of an historical nature because they are offended.
All those who help others in the manner Jesus said it should be done. Those who support government mandate to force someone to provide for another isn't the way Jesus taught.

where did jesus say not to help people with government?

you are an insane liar
where did jesus say not to help people with government?

you are an insane liar
I go by how Jesus actually did things. He never once went to the government and had them mandate what you would have the government mandate. Jesus didn't have to say not to, His ACTIONS are all that's needed to know he didn't support it.

What's sad is the Liberals who constantly talk about a separation of religion and government don't mind mixing religion and government when it comes to supporting certain things like social welfare. Typical hypocrites. Actually had one tell me that my religious beliefs shouldn't play a role in my decision concerning abortion or same sex marriage because there was a separation of church and state. However, when asked why he supported government mandated social welfare programs, he said "it was the Christian thing to do". In other words, the typical Liberal hypocrite.
Dear philly rabbit:

These people despise everything Christian BECAUSE the arch enemy of socialism is indeed Christianity

Do you recall the name of Francis Bellamy? Bellamy was a prominent United States socialist. He served on the executive of the Socialist Party of his day. He was co-founder of the Young Christian Men’s Socialist Society, or whatever it was called. Bellamy was also an ordained Baptist minister. Do you know what else he did? Rev. Francis Bellamy wrote the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Think this through…

They destroy, then they deny what they're desperately trying to get rid of ever existed… The idea that America was never Christian is ludicrous to begin with.

Actually, philly rabbit, the only issue in contention is whether the United States was ever a ‘Christian nation’ in the sense that it was organized as a theocracy. And no, it wasn’t. And whatever you say, saying that destroys/denies nothing.

My family was mainly Anglican [British], Irish Presbyterian, and German Reformed. Having been raised on oatmeal and the shorter catechism, I’d guess that I am at least as conversant with these things as are you.

The immigrants from Europe were Christian and even the Jews who came from Europe were heavily influenced by Christianity with them coming from Christendom, as Europe itself was once called.

But again, ‘heavily influenced by’ or [so-called] ‘Christendom’ doesn’t = Theocracy.

Does it.

The first amendment has been under attack by these communists / socialists for decades.

I answer: ‘102. The fight for social equality includes opposition to all forms of discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, national origin and sexual orientation.’

Clearly, the socialist rejects all forms of religious chauvinism. This includes the deliberate promotion of anti-Arab and anti-Islamic sentiment to justify criminal US-led wars in the Middle East and Central Asia. Can you say the same?

Exactly who here favors a religion of selective political piety by deeming the state ‘Christian?’

The morals of these people derived from the mud of Woodstock in the sixties, if you could call them morals.

Swiping at other’s moral sensibilities because of political differences? Say it ain’t true, philly rabbit!

Their ranks are saturated with anti theist atheists.

And then there was Francis Bellamy. Remember him?

…they use law suits to silence their faith based enemies because they are offended.

They use law suits because their so-called ‘faith based enemies’ keep forgetting the first amendment.

Law suits against ideas that they must remove in order to substantiate and promote their government God.

If you want to see the ‘government-god’ attacked, wait until a socialist attacks US government policy! See who reacts, philly rabbit.

America as a free nation should have no room for those who …

Premise 1: We live in a great, free land.
Premise 2: Criticism can destroy this land.
Conclusion: To preserve freedom, we must destroy criticism.

‘Free nation’ and ‘no room for’ are antithetical expressions. They are self-negating premises. ‘Free’ and ‘no room’ cannot both be true. Which will you pick?

… law suits against religious symbols of an historical nature because they are offended.

The United States is a fascistic nation to which a few, tattered shreds of democracy are ineffectively attached. These threadbare formalities no longer mask the enormity of social inequality already shaking the ground beneath your feet.

Socialists are detested because they strip away the pieces of democratic tapestry by which the wealthy mask worker eyes from their true conditions so that they begin to see themselves as wage slaves in the hands of a corrupt, ruthless and criminal ruling class.

It is not for opposition to democracy that socialists are hated; it is their support of democracy that makes them hated.

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Is your plan to democratically strip away our Lockean natural rights (upon which American government is built) so as to strip away property (money, land, possessions) from those who hold it?
Dear Eno L. Camino:

Is your plan to democratically strip away our Lockean natural rights (upon which American government is built) so as to strip away property (money, land, possessions) from those who hold it?

I'm not sure whether you're addressing me; but in my perspective, the issue is not property per se. It is property used to arrange social relations by dictating who can work where, when, doing what, and on what terms.

It is this subjugation of the working class to the ownership/investment/banking class which is so iniquitous. We don't need to eliminate private property. Capitalism all but eliminates it now, which allows the bourgeoisie to dictate the terms on which the rest of us are allowed to subsist.

Dear Eno L. Camino:

I'm not sure whether you're addressing me; but in my perspective, the issue is not property per se. It is property used to arrange social relations by dictating who can work where, when, doing what, and on what terms.

It is this subjugation of the working class to the ownership/investment/banking class which is so iniquitous. We don't need to eliminate private property. Capitalism all but eliminates it now, which allows the bourgeoisie to dictate the terms on which the rest of us are allowed to subsist.


What are these dictates which determine where/when/how we can work? Are you referring to employers requiring college degrees, and professional organizations (BAR, AMA, etc.) requiring certification/testing/advanced degrees?