The End Of Christian America

...and there's the proof that the OP had absolutely no actual argument to make to my point. Exactly as I both suspected and hoped. Thanks, rabbit!
...and there's the proof that the OP had absolutely no actual argument to make to my point. Exactly as I both suspected and hoped. Thanks, rabbit!

You're comments didn't impress me.

You parrot the Christian nation deniers is all, nothing new about that.
And thus, we prove that rabbit can't read either. I never said anything about America not being a Christian nation. What I said is that if the failure of Christian morals in America indicates the end of Christian America, then Christian America never even began. The implication is not "Christian America never began." The implication is "Either Christian America never began or the failure of Christian morals doesn't indicate its end."

Feel free to disprove that assertion if you're capable of making any sort of actual argument. If you're incapable of disproving the assertion, feel free to choose either side and run with it. That's fine by me.
And thus, we prove that rabbit can't read either. I never said anything about America not being a Christian nation. What I said is that if the failure of Christian morals in America indicates the end of Christian America, then Christian America never even began. The implication is not "Christian America never began." The implication is "Either Christian America never began or the failure of Christian morals doesn't indicate its end."

Feel free to disprove that assertion if you're capable of making any sort of actual argument. If you're incapable of disproving the assertion, feel free to choose either side and run with it. That's fine by me.

Well pardon me all over the place.

Since the 1960's, when your Marxist heroes began to take over the country and up to this point, the country has been improving and now stands at the pinnacle of human rights and social justice.

I have heard this same yarn from you leftists a thousand times.

The problem with you is you think you're a better person than everybody else quite simply because you have the morals of a snake meaning you're A moral. You were raised believing this as was the new age Christian feminist who cheerleads for you on this recent page. Your belief in Marxism as an alternative to middle class values that you have opposed so diligently has now produced some sort of sick utopian dream of moral relativist egalitarianism and now stands as testament of a divided country composed of entitlement seekers vs. a country of traditionalists that still act as a thorn in your communist side every time you think you've finally achieved this well sought after victory.

The problem is that you cannot produce any evidence that things have actually improved other than your false mantra of dependence ever growing somehow signaling improvement as being in conjuncture with loss of liberty.
The problem is that you cannot produce any evidence that things have actually improved other than your false mantra of dependence ever growing somehow signaling improvement as being in conjuncture with loss of liberty.

LMAO Really?

Why dont you ask blacks, other minorities, and women if things have improved?

Your mind is closed tighter than a vise....nothing that wasnt injected in there by some childhood preacher can get in. You cant even comprehend facts.
America's distinct culture was Christian, not diversity.

"Diversity is our strength" is a myth put out by your people. Diversity is destroying America and it is it's biggest enemy.

Some old piece of paper said:
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The country's creators believed that all men -- regardless of race -- were created equal, and that even foreigners are endowed with the unalienable right to pursue happiness.

Now, all of that aside, you're *STILL* pretty much blatantly wrong, because America was a hugely diverse place in 1776 when the Constitution was signed. Racial diversity didn't have quite the same meaning then, because globalization (and you know, airplanes) have changed the geopolitical sphere -- but at the time, having Dutchmen, Irish, English, French, Spanish, African slaves, Italians, Scots, Norwegians, and others in one place was an extraordinary leap forward in cultural diversity. Sure, the Founding Fathers were all English, but they knew damn well that they were creating a nation made of the progeny of many other nations.

Just because they were all white doesn't mean the Founding Fathers weren't vastly aware of -- and even appreciative of -- the cultural differences within the Colonies. In a lot of ways, we're a lot less culturally sensitive because we have a tendency to lump all of the brown people into one giant lump and be irrationally scared of them.

And while we're at it, there's Religious diversity (and tolerance thereof).

Thomas Paine said:
“The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.”
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* The U.S. illegitimacy rate has rocketed from 5 percent of all births to 41 percent.

* Among African Americans the share of births out of wedlock is 71 percent, up from 23 percent in 1960.

* The percentage of households that were married - couple families with children under eighteen plummeted by 2006 to just 21.6 percent.

* Since Roe vs. Wade fifty million abortions have been performed.

* Between 1960 and 1990, the teenage suicide rate tripled. Though the numbers then fell, as of 2006 suicide was the third leading cause of death of young adults and adolescents aged 15 to 24, just behind homicides.

* Cheating in sports, scholastics, business, and marriage is pandemic.

* Between 1960 and 1992, violent crime - murder, rape, assault, soured 550 percent. the subsequent decline is due to the baby boomers passing out of the high crime ages (sixteen to thirty six.) the birth dearth, and a 700 percent increase in the prison population, which today stands at 2.3 million, with 5 million more on probation and parole.

* Individualistic hedonism, the Playboy philosophy, and MTV morality have and are destroying a nation founded on religion and the lessons it taught being it's morality.

* A nation founded on religion and it's morality which throws both away is a nation that is in the process of self destruction.

Another one. And now you complain that Republicans focus on religion and you back a guy who gives two sh*ts about it?
Another one. And now you complain that Republicans focus on religion and you back a guy who gives two sh*ts about it?

Things like abortion and queer marriage are the law of the land handed down by the supreme court and CAN NOT be legislated out of existence.

What is Trump supposed to do about it?
Dear philly rabbit:

As I see it, there is no such thing as a 'Christian nation.'

That premise is one of the last [and thankfully] dying vestiges of Constantine's Great [heretical] Compromise conceived with the assistance of the heretic Eusebius.

The Great Compromise was by no means universally received. Those who bore marks on their flesh because of their Christian confession believed themselves and their Lord betrayed by defection to the very thing described in the Apocalypse. At the end of the day, Constantine prevailed. But as is often the case, the minority report was more correct.

The apocalypse is a 'kingdom of God' critique of earthly authority/power/wealth/coercion/cult/blasphemy/injustice/extortion/propaganda/war/death known to the world as imperial Rome. The apocalypse is rooted in that world. But the application of the message is not limited to that time and place.

Amid its many fantastic images, the apocalypse positions the whore of Babylon [a contemporary symbol of wealth, ill-gotten by extortion, injustice and coercion] upon the back of a beast [a symbol of seemingly irresistible military power]. In other words, you have a system of legalized extortion enforced through military power. Oh, and don't forget the false prophet, which cheers the whore/beast arrangement and in Yahweh's name, calls the world to bow down to it [i.e., accept it].

The application of the message of the apocalypse is not bound to time. In other words, whomever the cap of earthly authority/power/wealth/coercion/cult/blasphemy/injustice/extortion/propaganda/war/death fits in any time or place, or under any system of governance, must wear it.

The 'church' today is tolerated because it projects the 'theology' of the apocalypse into the future, rendering it harmless because it no longer critiques earthly authority/power/wealth/coercion/cult/blasphemy/injustice/extortion/propaganda/war/death in our time and place. This allows US Christianists to support worldwide US hegemony in this life and inherit eternal glory in the next. Cool arrangement, is it not?

Should Christianists reject Constantine's Great [heretical] Compromise, should they connect the apocalyptic narrative to that system of earthly authority/power/wealth/coercion/cult/blasphemy/injustice/extortion/propaganda/war/death as currently incarnated as Imperial America, the state will stretch forth its hand and their blood will flow in America's streets.

Remember, whomever does the deeds of the whore/beast/false_prophet [the opulently wealthy bourgeoisie whore, the ruling_class/Pentagon/military underlings and the 'Christian right'] comes under the writer censure.

The United States never was a 'Christian' nation. In the perspective of the apocalypse, a better case can be made that the United States is based upon the practice of the religion of Satanism.

Agreed. While the influence of Christianity...or at least the Christian Bible is evident in this country's founding documents and such, we have never been a "Christian" nation. I made this point last night in my evening sermon which I titled The Immorality Of Atheism in which I talked about some of the folks from JPP. ;)

Do you have a transcript, I would really like to read it.
There were once Christian Nations, the idea that by Devine right Kings and Queens were selected by God to rule a nation and be Gods Representative for that nation.
Dear Jarod:

I'm not aware that the Judaeo-Christianist canon ever uses the term 'Christian' as an adjective.

When the western nations united and went to war against a common outside enemy they stopped fighting each other and joined together under the banner of Christianity for a common cause and an effort to preserve Christendom against outside forces of evil. From the crusades to world war two just before America's entry into it, the allies united under the same western Christian banner against the evils of Nazism as a continuing tradition.

All right. You know what? That quote is so full of bullshit, idiocy, stupidity and nonsense, even though someone has likely already addressed the moronic nature of its content in the over 400 posts since it was made, I just kind of had to stop reading and wade in.

philly rabbit, are you familiar with ANY kind of reality when it comes to history? Or, well, any history at ALL?

Let's go back in time and start with the first Crusade, shall we?

In 661 the Muslim conquest of the Levant was complete, and Jerusalem sat in their hands for 461 years. The First Crusade didn't start to go against a "common enemy." It was started because Byzantium asked for Western help.

For over 400 years the Levant was held by the Muslims, but the Byzantines were annoyed with them (which kind of happens when you have people who under other circumstances could live quite happily together - were it not for the fact that they simply had different religions).

So Alexios Komnenos, the Byzantine Emperor, asked Pope Urban II for help to stop the invading Turks coming over his walls from Anatolia.

Urban II (Electric Boogaloo) said, "Hey, sure. We'll send people to help," and then things went south.

Despite the fact that for over 400 years things were rolling along pretty much as normal (you know, people kicking the shit out of each other because they worshiped deities differently), Urban decided to go further than just helping out old Alexios.

Urban thought to himself, "You know, this would be the perfect time to expand Papal power. Let's kill EVERYBODY and take over!" (I may be paraphrasing what he said. I wasn't there. But the point is the same.)

And so by land and by sea (without the help of Paul Revere's lanterns), people of all classes headed for Constantinople, where they locked and loded, then headed for Jerusalem.

In July of 1099, the First Crusade reached its climax, with the English invaders taking the City of Jerusalem by slaughering a ton of the city's Muslim, Jewish AND Christian inhabitants - because when you're fighting for God, it apparently doesn't matter who you kill.

Then, when the dust settled. the Christian Crusaders refused to turn the land back over to Byzantium, which was the original point of going in to help out Alexios. Nope. The Christians went in and just kept the land. You know. STOLE it from the people they had promised help to.

So the First Crusade was, in fact, a war of Christian aggression against people who had held lands for over 400 years, because Pope Urban II wanted to prove he had a bigger tonker.

This, in turn, set the state for the rest of the Crusades (2nd through 9th) where people of differing religious ideas kicked the hell out of each other because they wouldn't allow someone else to be different.

Now, you skipped over this one, but let's move on to the Tudor/Elizabethan eras, shall we (and YES, people, I know Elizabeth was a Tudor, but the periods are considered distinct by reign - so there, infinity).

Henry got pissed off at the Pope because he wanted to divorce Katherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn. We all know that story (although most people don't realize that Henry was actually quite religious, and a serious religious scholar, and actually BELIEVED that God had cursed his marriage to Katherine, but we'll save that for another time).

So Henry, convinced that he actually was ordained directly by God to be a King, decided he wasn't having any of that Papal bull (see what I did there?) and founded the Church of England, allowing him to divorce Katherine and marry Anne, setting the stage for some amazing shenanigans.

During Henry's reign, more than 57,000 Catholics were put to death because they weren't Protestant (or refused to recognize the Church of England and him as the head of it).

Aside from the drama of Henry's six wives, let's look at one of his daughters: Mary.

Queen Mary Tudor, known as "Bloody Mary" set about killing anyone who didn't worship God the way SHE thought they should (the Catholic way). If you didn't know, that's how she earned the nickname. She set and enforced a law that stated that it was actually treason to not worship the way she did.

During her brief five-year reign there were multiple executions, with almost 300 people being burned to death because they were Protestant.

So there's Christians killing Christians, because of petty differences in how to worship God.

Then there's your idiotic assertion that everyone gathered together under a Christian banner to fight the Nazis.

No, they didn't. People of all faiths banned together to fight an evil regime bent on taking over the world and which was engaging in active genocide on a number of different groups.

In fact, you uneducated dullard, Nazi Germany had a religious organization known as the Deutsche Evangelische Kirche (English: National Reich Church). Oh, and by the way? It was a Protestant Christian church.

Now, I know. I've been harsher in this post than I have in most, but when I see someone spewing outright bullshit and lies to support their own idiotic and incorrect interpretation of what actually went on, I tend to throw caution to the wind and show my contempt rather freely.

And to bring it back on topic, the United States of America was NEVER a "Christian country." The framers of our Constitution went out of their way to ensure that.

Maybe you should read the Constitution sometime.
All right. You know what? That quote is so full of bullshit, idiocy, stupidity and nonsense, even though someone has likely already addressed the moronic nature of its content in the over 400 posts since it was made, I just kind of had to stop reading and wade in.

philly rabbit, are you familiar with ANY kind of reality when it comes to history? Or, well, any history at ALL?

Let's go back in time and start with the first Crusade, shall we?

In 661 the Muslim conquest of the Levant was complete, and Jerusalem sat in their hands for 461 years. The First Crusade didn't start to go against a "common enemy." It was started because Byzantium asked for Western help.

For over 400 years the Levant was held by the Muslims, but the Byzantines were annoyed with them (which kind of happens when you have people who under other circumstances could live quite happily together - were it not for the fact that they simply had different religions).

So Alexios Komnenos, the Byzantine Emperor, asked Pope Urban II for help to stop the invading Turks coming over his walls from Anatolia.

Urban II (Electric Boogaloo) said, "Hey, sure. We'll send people to help," and then things went south.

Despite the fact that for over 400 years things were rolling along pretty much as normal (you know, people kicking the shit out of each other because they worshiped deities differently), Urban decided to go further than just helping out old Alexios.

Urban thought to himself, "You know, this would be the perfect time to expand Papal power. Let's kill EVERYBODY and take over!" (I may be paraphrasing what he said. I wasn't there. But the point is the same.)

And so by land and by sea (without the help of Paul Revere's lanterns), people of all classes headed for Constantinople, where they locked and loded, then headed for Jerusalem.

In July of 1099, the First Crusade reached its climax, with the English invaders taking the City of Jerusalem by slaughering a ton of the city's Muslim, Jewish AND Christian inhabitants - because when you're fighting for God, it apparently doesn't matter who you kill.

Then, when the dust settled. the Christian Crusaders refused to turn the land back over to Byzantium, which was the original point of going in to help out Alexios. Nope. The Christians went in and just kept the land. You know. STOLE it from the people they had promised help to.

So the First Crusade was, in fact, a war of Christian aggression against people who had held lands for over 400 years, because Pope Urban II wanted to prove he had a bigger tonker.

This, in turn, set the state for the rest of the Crusades (2nd through 9th) where people of differing religious ideas kicked the hell out of each other because they wouldn't allow someone else to be different.

Now, you skipped over this one, but let's move on to the Tudor/Elizabethan eras, shall we (and YES, people, I know Elizabeth was a Tudor, but the periods are considered distinct by reign - so there, infinity).

Henry got pissed off at the Pope because he wanted to divorce Katherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn. We all know that story (although most people don't realize that Henry was actually quite religious, and a serious religious scholar, and actually BELIEVED that God had cursed his marriage to Katherine, but we'll save that for another time).

So Henry, convinced that he actually was ordained directly by God to be a King, decided he wasn't having any of that Papal bull (see what I did there?) and founded the Church of England, allowing him to divorce Katherine and marry Anne, setting the stage for some amazing shenanigans.

During Henry's reign, more than 57,000 Catholics were put to death because they weren't Protestant (or refused to recognize the Church of England and him as the head of it).

Aside from the drama of Henry's six wives, let's look at one of his daughters: Mary.

Queen Mary Tudor, known as "Bloody Mary" set about killing anyone who didn't worship God the way SHE thought they should (the Catholic way). If you didn't know, that's how she earned the nickname. She set and enforced a law that stated that it was actually treason to not worship the way she did.

During her brief five-year reign there were multiple executions, with almost 300 people being burned to death because they were Protestant.

So there's Christians killing Christians, because of petty differences in how to worship God.

Then there's your idiotic assertion that everyone gathered together under a Christian banner to fight the Nazis.

No, they didn't. People of all faiths banned together to fight an evil regime bent on taking over the world and which was engaging in active genocide on a number of different groups.

In fact, you uneducated dullard, Nazi Germany had a religious organization known as the Deutsche Evangelische Kirche (English: National Reich Church). Oh, and by the way? It was a Protestant Christian church.

Now, I know. I've been harsher in this post than I have in most, but when I see someone spewing outright bullshit and lies to support their own idiotic and incorrect interpretation of what actually went on, I tend to throw caution to the wind and show my contempt rather freely.

And to bring it back on topic, the United States of America was NEVER a "Christian country." The framers of our Constitution went out of their way to ensure that.

Maybe you should read the Constitution sometime.

You go to Hell .. you cultural Marxist vermin.
There were once Christian Nations, the idea that by Devine right Kings and Queens were selected by God to rule a nation and be Gods Representative for that nation.

What is the national Christian church of America? Which denomination are the citizenry required to pay taxes to?