The End Of Christian America

The subject is debated? Then I guess my opponent has no real claim either, does she? So I guess that makes you just some kind of ass farting out whatever comes to your mind, doesn't it?

Apparently you don't realize the reason people debate is to try to convince the other side of a contested subject that they are wrong. Or, more specifically, that you are correct. Of course its debated, when organizations like the Atheist Foundation stand to further their claims if men like Hitler were religious. Do you know why? I think because if they were atheist, agnostic, deist, or what have you religious groups could use that. So their personal take in the matter kind of puts me off about it. For that matter, I wouldn't really trust too many Christians telling me he wasn't and then using his PR campaigns as quotes.

I don't think Hitler was religious by the time he became Fuhrer, and the fact that he killed himself and never attended mass seems to support me.
* The U.S. illegitimacy rate has rocketed from 5 percent of all births to 41 percent.

* Among African Americans the share of births out of wedlock is 71 percent, up from 23 percent in 1960.

* The percentage of households that were married - couple families with children under eighteen plummeted by 2006 to just 21.6 percent.

* Since Roe vs. Wade fifty million abortions have been performed.

* Between 1960 and 1990, the teenage suicide rate tripled. Though the numbers then fell, as of 2006 suicide was the third leading cause of death of young adults and adolescents aged 15 to 24, just behind homicides.

* Cheating in sports, scholastics, business, and marriage is pandemic.

* Between 1960 and 1992, violent crime - murder, rape, assault, soured 550 percent. the subsequent decline is due to the baby boomers passing out of the high crime ages (sixteen to thirty six.) the birth dearth, and a 700 percent increase in the prison population, which today stands at 2.3 million, with 5 million more on probation and parole.

* Individualistic hedonism, the Playboy philosophy, and MTV morality have and are destroying a nation founded on religion and the lessons it taught being it's morality.

* A nation founded on religion and it's morality which throws both away is a nation that is in the process of self destruction.

As a practicing Christian and far from perfect, I'd say that there are alot of Christians not doing a very good job of practicing their faith.

Are you implying that it is someone or something else's fault? (Asking, it wasnt clear from post)

Are you implying that the govt is creating laws that force Christians to act against their beliefs?

Or maybe our relationships with God are just as hard as those with our husbands/wives/significant others and we need to work very hard to make them work?
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* The U.S. illegitimacy rate has rocketed from 5 percent of all births to 41 percent.

* Among African Americans the share of births out of wedlock is 71 percent, up from 23 percent in 1960.

* The percentage of households that were married - couple families with children under eighteen plummeted by 2006 to just 21.6 percent.

* Since Roe vs. Wade fifty million abortions have been performed.

* Between 1960 and 1990, the teenage suicide rate tripled. Though the numbers then fell, as of 2006 suicide was the third leading cause of death of young adults and adolescents aged 15 to 24, just behind homicides.

* Cheating in sports, scholastics, business, and marriage is pandemic.

* Between 1960 and 1992, violent crime - murder, rape, assault, soured 550 percent. the subsequent decline is due to the baby boomers passing out of the high crime ages (sixteen to thirty six.) the birth dearth, and a 700 percent increase in the prison population, which today stands at 2.3 million, with 5 million more on probation and parole.

* Individualistic hedonism, the Playboy philosophy, and MTV morality have and are destroying a nation founded on religion and the lessons it taught being it's morality.

* A nation founded on religion and it's morality which throws both away is a nation that is in the process of self destruction.

Are you kidding me?

Christians moved to America to ensure they could make a land where NO RELIGIONS WERE LOOKED DOWN ON OR ATTACKED. "Freedom of Religion"

This land isn't "Freedom FROM Religion" it's "Freedom OF Religion".


Now this "in god we trust" and "one nation under god" talk is the real topic.

The term "god" is not excluding ANY religion. But it does include Atheists. I tend to think that atheists don't have to use our money or should they have to pledge to our flag. But we are "Free" to practice religion.
Are you kidding me?

Christians moved to America to ensure they could make a land where NO RELIGIONS WERE LOOKED DOWN ON OR ATTACKED. "Freedom of Religion"

This land isn't "Freedom FROM Religion" it's "Freedom OF Religion".


Now this "in god we trust" and "one nation under god" talk is the real topic.

The term "god" is not excluding ANY religion. But it does include Atheists. I tend to think that atheists don't have to use our money or should they have to pledge to our flag. But we are "Free" to practice religion.

"our", atheist aren't part of "our" nation?
I've met so, SO many racists recently that think all Muslims are going to wreck our Country that they can't find a spot for Muslims here. They state "Muslims are only here to kill Christians. Just look at their Bible. If they leave their religion they will get killed.

If I was in a religion that stated "Kill the person that leaves that religion" I would probably find a place more accepting to open minds.

Maybe the Muslims here are innocent. Ever think of that racists?
"our", atheist aren't part of "our" nation?

I want to say, TECHNICALLY, you are correct. It's freedom of Religion, not freedom of anti-Religion.

But I don't think we intended to punish anyone for Religious beliefs of any kind. Even lack of.

Maybe I am wrong, but you have the upper hand on terminology.
Are you kidding me?

Christians moved to America to ensure they could make a land where NO RELIGIONS WERE LOOKED DOWN ON OR ATTACKED. "Freedom of Religion"

This land isn't "Freedom FROM Religion" it's "Freedom OF Religion".


Now this "in god we trust" and "one nation under god" talk is the real topic.

The term "god" is not excluding ANY religion. But it does include Atheists. I tend to think that atheists don't have to use our money or should they have to pledge to our flag. But we are "Free" to practice religion.

Wow, you actually got something right and I thanked you for it. Hell will now freeze over.

I do need to correct your last sentence though:

The term "God" is not excluding ANY religion. Nor does it exclude Atheists. I tend to think that atheists should not have to use our money nor should they have to pledge to our flag. But we ALL are "Free" to practice, or not practice, religion.

I've met so, SO many racists recently that think all Muslims are going to wreck our Country that they can't find a spot for Muslims here. They state "Muslims are only here to kill Christians. Just look at their Bible. If they leave their religion they will get killed.

If I was in a religion that stated "Kill the person that leaves that religion" I would probably find a place more accepting to open minds.

Maybe the Muslims here are innocent. Ever think of that racists?

I am much more fearful of Marxist leftists like Obama, Harry Reid or Pelosi than I am Muslims.
Wow, you actually got something right and I thanked you for it. Hell will now freeze over.

I do need to correct your last sentence though:

The term "God" is not excluding ANY religion. Nor does it exclude Atheists. I tend to think that atheists should not have to use our money nor should they have to pledge to our flag. But we ALL are "Free" to practice, or not practice, religion.


Oh yea, I compensate for people like you.

Maybe you can tell me why god doesn't exclude Atheists? What god do you follow?
The subject is debated? Then I guess my opponent has no real claim either, does she? So I guess that makes you just some kind of ass farting out whatever comes to your mind, doesn't it?

Apparently you don't realize the reason people debate is to try to convince the other side of a contested subject that they are wrong. Or, more specifically, that you are correct. Of course its debated, when organizations like the Atheist Foundation stand to further their claims if men like Hitler were religious. Do you know why? I think because if they were atheist, agnostic, deist, or what have you religious groups could use that. So their personal take in the matter kind of puts me off about it. For that matter, I wouldn't really trust too many Christians telling me he wasn't and then using his PR campaigns as quotes.

I don't think Hitler was religious by the time he became Fuhrer, and the fact that he killed himself and never attended mass seems to support me.

Anyone who groups atheist and deist together in what he claims to be an anti-religious subset is already demonstrating extreme confusion. Indeed, even William Blake knew that Deism represented "natural religion." As far as PR campaigns go, I bet you read The Federalist Papers as if they are the truth don't you? Madison himself admitted before he died that in fact they were written as a part of a PR campaign to sell the Constitution to reticent New Yorkers.

Source: Woody Holton. Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution (2007).

Read a book you might learn something, of course it has to be a book that contains more than Fukx Propaganda!
Oh yea, I compensate for people like you.

How is that; by being anti-intelligent? Why yes you do that a lot. LOL

Maybe you can tell me why god doesn't exclude Atheists?

Not being a pastor, priest, Rabbi or Imam, I wouldn’t know if God doesn’t exclude atheists; but I would say based on my limited knowledge of religion, one would find it hard to get into “heaven” if one did not believe in God, Jesus or Mohammed.

I do love to razz my Christian, Jewish and Muslim friends by saying the following: what if you are wrong and the Jews were right? Or what if you were wrong and the Christians were right?

Personally, I believe that all persons of faith will go to a better place. I cannot imagine anyone, me included for not practicing faith, would end up in the same place as Hitler, Stalin or Mussolini.

What god do you follow?

I don’t choose a particular God to follow; I do have faith and even like tenants of Buddhism which I think is much more peaceful and tolerant than other religions.
Anyone who groups atheist and deist together in what he claims to be an anti-religious subset is already demonstrating extreme confusion. Indeed, even William Blake knew that Deism represented "natural religion." As far as PR campaigns go, I bet you read The Federalist Papers as if they are the truth don't you? Madison himself admitted before he died that in fact they were written as a part of a PR campaign to sell the Constitution to reticent New Yorkers.

Source: Woody Holton. Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution (2007).

Read a book you might learn something, of course it has to be a book that contains more than Fukx Propaganda!

Fascinating, I had not heard that before, thanks for another book to read.
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How is that; by being anti-intelligent? Why yes you do that a lot. LOL

Not being a pastor, priest, Rabbi or Imam, I wouldn’t know if God doesn’t exclude atheists; but I would say based on my limited knowledge of religion, one would find it hard to get into “heaven” if one did not believe in God, Jesus or Mohammed.

I do love to razz my Christian, Jewish and Muslim friends by saying the following: what if you are wrong and the Jews were right? Or what if you were wrong and the Christians were right?

Personally, I believe that all persons of faith will go to a better place. I cannot imagine anyone, me included for not practicing faith, would end up in the same place as Hitler, Stalin or Mussolini.

I don’t choose a particular God to follow; I do have faith and even like tenants of Buddhism which I think is much more peaceful and tolerant than other religions.

So you attack me then say exactly what I said, You are free to follow no religion but can't explain why the term "god" is offensive to you. You aren't too bright kid.
* The U.S. illegitimacy rate has rocketed from 5 percent of all births to 41 percent.

This, in and of itself, is meaningless. It only shows an increase in the number of children born to those who did not ask the permission of the gov't or of any religion. Yes, there is an increase in the chance for poverty, but that is a completely separate problem.

Among African Americans the share of births out of wedlock is 71 percent, up from 23 percent in 1960.

See above.

The percentage of households that were married - couple families with children under eighteen plummeted by 2006 to just 21.6 percent.

People no longer ask for a gov't license or church permission before starting a family. I guess if you are an authoritarian this would disturb you. I would ask you why this stat, in and of itself, is a problem?

Between 1960 and 1990, the teenage suicide rate tripled. Though the numbers then fell, as of 2006 suicide was the third leading cause of death of young adults and adolescents aged 15 to 24, just behind homicides.

Do you honestly think more religion is the answer to the suicide rate?

Cheating in sports, scholastics, business, and marriage is pandemic.

This is simply a statement you hope has some meaning. Is there more cheating? Or are more cheaters getting caught? Or have women finally had enough and are now cheating as much as men always have?

Individualistic hedonism, the Playboy philosophy, and MTV morality have and are destroying a nation founded on religion and the lessons it taught being it's morality.

Music, nudity and sex are not the enemy. If you don't like rock & roll, don't listen to it. If you find the human body offensive, turn the tv off. If you don't enjoy sex or want to have it for fun, then don't have sex. But do not presume to tell me what music I listen to or try to regulate my sex life. And especially do not do so and claim you are a "small gov't" conservative. There are few things more invasive than trying to control our sex lives and our art.