The End Of Christian America

I'm telling you that America WAS a Christian nation and now it is a secular nation as it self destructs. The Christian God was everywhere in America. On monuments, on historical documents, in town squares, in cemeteries, even on American currency.

Despite the efforts of the secularists in trying to remove all this evidence as they have stripped away as much as they could possibly manage, the Christian God is still evident although it is now more difficult to find than it was before.

Whoever controls the present, controls the past. You might want to keep that in mind as you continue reading this thread.

The country was settled by mostly Christians. Yes. They brought their religion and culture and values, just like any other group that came here. Dominant population certainly drives history and culture. However that doesnt mean it should be the exclusive culture. (Not that I object to true Christian principles of love and tolerance, etc)

But Christianity is in people and their behavior, not monuments, not laws, not currency. As far as I'm concerned God is everywhere in 'display' changes that.

And if you can remove Christianity from people and society by removing images and labeling, mottos, or religious passages *on GOVT buildings/things*, then it's not a very strong faith. There are few restrictions out in the private sector or on private people on displaying a religion or religious text/items. (some zoning, some community CC&Rs, etc but most of those are agreements a person enters into voluntarily).
Are you within a " feminist goil bond" here Christian?

Do you want to have a conversation or are you going to go Oprah on me? Don't waste my time if you are.

Why don't you tell me how many men attend this church you attend, what's the percentage of men vs. women in church. I'll bet it's at least 80% women, 20% men during services.

So you wish to judge me by 'labels?'

How about you try developing an impression by the content of my posts?

I also dont understand the relevance of your question re: church attendance. Please clarify.
Do you hate the tooth fairy? Atheists don't believe that God exists at all. They do not hate something that does not exist.

If that were true then they wouldn't be constantly ridiculing believers They wouldn't be relentlessly smearing believers as anti intellectuals and they wouldn't be constantly trying to leave the impression that they are always superior to believers because they use science and reason and believers do not which isn't the case with believers. They always do this because they hate what they fear the most. Otherwise, they'd just proclaim themselves as atheists then go down the road and leave the believers still believing.
atheists like me decide what to believe with FACTS.

religion uses myth.

I cant clean that up to make you feel better.

do with those facts what you will.

every time I state what I believe a religious person calls it being hateful.

maybe its you be intolerant of what others believe.
You can't hate something you don't believe exists, now religion and it's followers, one can hate. The atheists I know don't give it much thought, until the followers try forcing their beliefs on them. Then, again, religion dislikes anything that challenges their beliefs, even other religions.

Is that so?

I don't know of any believers who are constantly ragging on non believers for not believing. The old fire and brimstone clergymen did it that the men liked, the faggot lesbian new age clergy don't do it because we have to have luv .. luv .. luv.

Who among the believers feels offended by atheists?
The country was settled by mostly Christians. Yes. They brought their religion and culture and values, just like any other group that came here. Dominant population certainly drives history and culture. However that doesnt mean it should be the exclusive culture. (Not that I object to true Christian principles of love and tolerance, etc)

But Christianity is in people and their behavior, not monuments, not laws, not currency. As far as I'm concerned God is everywhere in 'display' changes that.

And if you can remove Christianity from people and society by removing images and labeling, mottos, or religious passages *on GOVT buildings/things*, then it's not a very strong faith. There are few restrictions out in the private sector or on private people on displaying a religion or religious text/items. (some zoning, some community CC&Rs, etc but most of those are agreements a person enters into voluntarily).

So you support the secularists removing the images of America's historical past?

So now tell me why the secularists who destroyed American culture deny that it ever existed?

A culture is a culture so tell me why all who come to America shouldn't be required to assimilate into it?
why would you keep the trappings of ONE myth hanging around when the vast majority believe something else?
because they keep trying to make people believe in things that are not true and damaging the rest of us by doing so
Is that so?

I don't know of any believers who are constantly ragging on non believers for not believing. The old fire and brimstone clergymen did it that the men liked, the faggot lesbian new age clergy don't do it because we have to have luv .. luv .. luv.

Who among the believers feels offended by atheists?

So, you don't read your own posts?
When President Kennedy was assassinated and his casket rolled down Pennsylvania Avenue, the military band played Onward Christian Soldiers and a variety of other Christian hymns. While his casket was being carried to his final resting place, the band played Nearer My God To Thee. During world war two, President Roosevelt offered prayers to the nation for guidance right before every major offensive by allied forces. The nation's public schools featured daily prayers from the pages of the Holy Bible and contained Bibles in their classrooms as classes were being conducted prior to 1962.

The very idea that America was not and never a Christian nation is Ludacris and laughable. And because the above incidents would never occur today without them being secular in nature instead does not change the historical accounts of the country when it comes to it's own moral foundation being Judeo Christian and lying on the cornerstones of the Hebrew Bible as well as all of western civilization was.
When President Kennedy was assassinated and his casket rolled down Pennsylvania Avenue, the military band played Onward Christian Soldiers and a variety of other Christian hymns. While his casket was being carried to his final resting place, the band played Nearer My God To Thee. During world war two, President Roosevelt offered prayers to the nation for guidance right before every major offensive by allied forces. The nation's public schools featured daily prayers from the pages of the Holy Bible and contained Bibles in their classrooms as classes were being conducted prior to 1962.

The very idea that America was not and never a Christian nation is Ludacris and laughable. And because the above incidents would never occur today without them being secular in nature instead does not change the historical accounts of the country when it comes to it's own moral foundation being Judeo Christian and lying on the cornerstones of the Hebrew Bible as well as all of western civilization was.

It is a myth that daily prayers and Biblical instruction were offered in all schools, though more prevalent in the South, it was not a practice in all schools in the USA.
If that were true then they wouldn't be constantly ridiculing believers They wouldn't be relentlessly smearing believers as anti intellectuals and they wouldn't be constantly trying to leave the impression that they are always superior to believers because they use science and reason and believers do not which isn't the case with believers. They always do this because they hate what they fear the most. Otherwise, they'd just proclaim themselves as atheists then go down the road and leave the believers still believing.

Your ability to connect dots is lacking.

Mostly, they are trying to fight people forcing beliefs they dont hold down their throats. I'm a Christian and *I* fight against any govt leaning towards legislation based on any religious belief. I dont hate God.

You dont have to hate to fight for something you believe (or dont believe) in. Hate is a toxic emotion. I know lots of atheists....not wasting their time on hating anyone.

And you cant just let 'believers' do what they want when they want to try and teach things like creationism in science classes (for ex.). That is unConstitutional AND unscientific.

It's hard not to look like a fool when you pick and choose the science you want to accept. Sorry, you all have to own that, that ignorance is YOUR choice. You can 'believe' what you like, no problem. You cannot, legally, force your myths on other peoples' kids.