The existence of Israel is proof there is no God

they had lived there for how many generations before it was taken from them after WWII.

the families actually living on that land at he time took it from no one

History, yet another topic you know nothing about...
For the Biblically illiterate like Underwear Star Bomber, Israel has every right, according to the Abrahamic Covenant to that land.
You're an apparent Jew hater, but I have to ask this.

What's your end game with Israel? What do you expect of them? Cede all the territory back to 'Palestine'? Become another Arab country or otherwise cease to exist?

I'm curious.

If you want any sort of constructive discussion then you're going to have to learn to focus.
I say this because there is nothing in any of my posts which could possibly feed your illusions of ' jew hatred '. Nothing. Nor will there ever be. I'll explain again.

Zionism is a political doctine of ethnic cleansing. It has nothing to do with Judaism other than that it uses Judaism as a smokescreen for its - very unJewish- apartheid policies. It follows that those who oppose Zionism do not ' hate Jews ' by default. Many who oppose Zionism are in fact Jewish themselves.
How many ' Jew haters ' can you detect here ?
If you want to talk about 'real' history Palestine is a figmentary nation.

False. The Palestinians have always been a ' nation ' by definition.
a large body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own:

Today the state of Palestine is recognised by the overwhelming majority of the world's other states. It is only opposed by the USA, Israel, the Czech Republic and a few South Pacific Islanders in the pay of the USA who aren't even sure where Israel is.
For the Biblically illiterate like Underwear Star Bomber, Israel has every right, according to the Abrahamic Covenant to that land.

This is the 21st Century and every nation's ' right ' to anywhere at all has been decided by the United Nations since 1947. Israel- as a case in point- does not even have any legally-defined borders other than those ascribed to it by Resolution 181 of the United Nations in 1947. Certainly, no elderly parchment of dubious origin carries any weight whatsoever with regard to a state- Israel- which has existed only since 1948- and even that unilateral declaration has not been recognised by all of the many other world states. Wishful thinking does not trump law.
I also notice that Israel haters never mention the Jewish Nakba, I wonder why not? These were Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews who had lived in Arab countries for hundreds of years.

Israeli columnist Ben Dror Yemini, himself a Mizrahi Jew, wrote the following:

Viewed in its historical context the eviction of Jews from Islamic countries at that time was entirely due to the unsustainable influx of Zionists into Palestine and their intent to ethnically-cleanse the Palestinians. There was also an element of voluntary emigration- although that's not based upon proof any more than Zionist claims that the Palestinians left their ancestral homes ' voluntarily '

The only difference is that the Jews did not turn that Nakba into their founding ethos.

With regard to your quote the Zionists- and neoZionists after them - have built their sandcastles in their entirety on sympathy for the victims of the Holocaust.
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This is the 21st Century and every nation's ' right ' to anywhere at all has been decided by the United Nations since 1947. Israel- as a case in point- does not even have any legally-defined borders other than those ascribed to it by Resolution 181 of the United Nations in 1947. Certainly, no elderly parchment of dubious origin carries any weight whatsoever with regard to a state- Israel- which has existed only since 1948- and even that unilateral declaration has not been recognised by all of the many other world states. Wishful thinking does not trump law.
No, but Biblical prophecy does. We are seeing the beginning of the End Times now. Lemme ask, do you support a one world government? And if so, do you advocate the slaughter of Evangelicals?
No, but Biblical prophecy does. We are seeing the beginning of the End Times now. Lemme ask, do you support a one world government? And if so, do you advocate the slaughter of Evangelicals?

No- " Biblical prophecy " does not trump law. Any practicing judge who claimed that it did would be an object of ridicule and his rulings overturned on appeal.
The only ' end times ' to fear are those brought about by climatic devastation and the threat of nuclear holocaust on the back of climatic despondency. The bible- as you may already know- has been frequently edited in relatively modern times by all manner of self-interested ' editors '. That's scientific fact and demonstrable.
I think we are no nearer to climatic devastation than we are God's judgment.

We each comfort ourselves with preference prophesies. However, climatic apocalypse has the authority of scientific support. It would be very easy though for religious doom-sayers to link climatic change with ' god's judgement '- and that's probably what will transpire. Those of us who know that it is wholly due to the folly of Man will find it difficult to find an audience when the waves come lapping.
We each comfort ourselves with preference prophesies. However, climatic apocalypse has the authority of scientific support. It would be very easy though for religious doom-sayers to link climatic change with ' god's judgement '- and that's probably what will transpire. Those of us who know that it is wholly due to the folly of Man will find it difficult to find an audience when the waves come lapping.

ye do err, moonbat. the rising waters was the previous judgment against man's apostasy; the earth was cleansed with water...21- the damned of earth should have stuck with their first falsity : "global warming", because the soon to be fulfilled judgments will include scorching men with great heat and 100 pound hailstones. that is scientifically correct judgment. I agree with The Lord that it is just and is deserved. esp. 9... you are living proof of the soon coming judgment; you and all who follow your cursing of Israel, which includes, as the primary cursing, which you moonbats are corporately guilty of; the persecution and murder of Christians and Jews. "Palestinians "/ "philistines" are blessed by Israel and invited to behave as civilized human beings, but are incited to behave as ravening dogs by you and the world at large. keep it up. you are bringing the wrath of the Almighty by your reprobate acts of hatred, violence and touching the apple of The Lord's eye, Jerusalem. see sig. some reinforcing evidence to the fact that the yiolence and hatred is islamist based... I must remind all of the moonbats that barack hussein obama is the global director of universal evil; fulfilling the antichrist islamic purpose his father, allah/ Lucifer/ [satan] ; according to the writings of the false prophet mohamed [damned forever].
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If you want any sort of constructive discussion then you're going to have to learn to focus.
I say this because there is nothing in any of my posts which could possibly feed your illusions of ' jew hatred '. Nothing. Nor will there ever be. I'll explain again.

Zionism is a political doctine of ethnic cleansing. It has nothing to do with Judaism other than that it uses Judaism as a smokescreen for its - very unJewish- apartheid policies. It follows that those who oppose Zionism do not ' hate Jews ' by default. Many who oppose Zionism are in fact Jewish themselves.
How many ' Jew haters ' can you detect here ?

I noticed you didn't answer the question. What is your endgame for Israel? What do you expect of them?

Be specific.
ye do err, moonbat. the rising waters was the previous judgment against man's apostasy; the earth was cleansed with water...21- the damned of earth should have stuck with their first falsity : "global warming", because the soon to be fulfilled judgments will include scorching men with great heat and 100 pound hailstones. that is scientifically correct judgment. I agree with The Lord that it is just and is deserved. esp. 9... you are living proof of the soon coming judgment; you and all who follow your cursing of Israel, which includes, as the primary cursing, which you moonbats are corporately guilty of; the persecution and murder of Christians and Jews. "Palestinians "/ "philistines" are blessed by Israel and invited to behave as civilized human beings, but are incited to behave as ravening dogs by you and the world at large. keep it up. you are bringing the wrath of the Almighty by your reprobate acts of hatred, violence and touching the apple of The Lord's eye, Jerusalem. see sig. some reinforcing evidence to the fact that the yiolence and hatred is islamist based... I must remind all of the moonbats that barack hussein obama is the global director of universal evil; fulfilling the antichrist islamic purpose his father, allah/ Lucifer/ [satan] ; according to the writings of the false prophet mohamed [damned forever].

It's obvious that you need some corrective information;

Barack Obama is the freely elected president of the United States of America. He was elected by a system of Representative Democracy which is currently the model for the whole of the democratic world. It allows for freedom of religion which means that even those who appear certifiable to others may have a voice. It's a system which you should support if you want your own voice to be heard.

Representative democracy allows freedom of religion for both Judaism and Islam and views them equally. There are, currently, a majority of Christian Zionist representatives on the Hill but this will, inevitably, become a Catholic majority as the demographics of the USA lean towards a Latino majority over the next 25-30 years. Those who put religion before law might have to take up their complaints with a Pope. Good luck with that.

All ancient religious texts present allegory, not fact, and the Christian bible has been edited over time to suit those who desired to popularise their own ' message'. Such is the nature of Man and it is amplified by Man with a printing press. Fortunately, for all sane men, the Internet is in the process of rescuing us from such monopolies over our information. Many will try to control it in order to silence those with whom they disagree- but they will fail.

Lastly, I am not at all sure that your ' Lord ' will be comforted by having you ' agree ' with him- but it's your belief and your own area of
I noticed you didn't answer the question. What is your endgame for Israel? What do you expect of them?

Be specific.

Nobody is obliged to respond to those who insult them. If you'd care to make an apology for your charge of ' Jew hatred ' then we can move on into the realms of constructive discussion. If you'd prefer to choke on your apology then that's your choice to make. Of course, you'll be unable to present any evidence of ' Jew hatred ' whatsoever so an apology is the wise route.
Nobody is obliged to respond to those who insult them. If you'd care to make an apology for your charge of ' Jew hatred ' then we can move on into the realms of constructive discussion. If you'd prefer to choke on your apology then that's your choice to make. Of course, you'll be unable to present any evidence of ' Jew hatred ' whatsoever so an apology is the wise route.

You're kind of thin-skinned for this place lol. But isn't it your contention that Zionism is ethnic cleansing? Since I'm a Zionist, that makes me an advocate of ethnic cleansing, based on your own reasoning.

Which makes us even. So, about that question...