the federalist papers, the documents which kill all the right wing memes

Most municipalities fund their school budget from property taxes. Should working families who RENT and don't own property be allowed to send their children to public schools in the town where they rent? they certainly don't have any skin in the school budgeWhy should their children get a free education paid for by property owners in the town, many of whom don't even HAVE kids?
how do you think that property tax gets paid then?
To reference S. Zizek: The only real utopianism of today is one which says our problems can be fixed by small changes.

Whatever you do, as long as it stays within the framework of capitalism, can't be on the proper scale to deal with our problems. So lets look at a three examples:

1. Right now, the money doesn't lie with renewables. So they need to be developed an implemented by an institution outside of the market.
2. Worker exploitation - wither through employment, or unemployment - is the result of capitalism's natural use of employers and a labor market. So even partially addressing it would require steps away from capitalism.
3. Government subjugation to the private sector. Well, as Adam Smith said, in all class based societies, public policy will reflect the interests of the ruling class. So, since capitalism is naturally class based, addressing this problem will require steps away from that system.

its all the in the fettering.

those who control the fettering can make the difference.

This is why the republican party cheats to win elections.

so they can defetter what the people want fettered
i know how property taxes are paid, and I know how school budgets are funded. people who rent do not pay property taxes, yet they can, and do, have children and send them to school. They educate their children but they don't have any skin in the school budget.

My point is that people make a big deal about federal income tax as if that is the only way government collects money from its citizens to carry out their work. There are plenty of ways to have skin in the game other than a flat income tax.
Most municipalities fund their school budget from property taxes. Should working families who RENT and don't own property be allowed to send their children to public schools in the town where they rent? they certainly don't have any skin in the school budgeWhy should their children get a free education paid for by property owners in the town, many of whom don't even HAVE kids?

Sadly, my community has a lot of seniors who vote against any taxes for the schools because they don't have kids in the system. We always have to remind them that well-educated kids are vital for a community.
I guess they don't care how well the hospital staff and the ambulance attendents are trained and schooled.

ask them if seniors who lived when their kids were in school voted so selfishly?
i know how property taxes are paid, and I know how school budgets are funded. people who rent do not pay property taxes, yet they can, and do, have children and send them to school. They educate their children but they don't have any skin in the school budget.
part of my monthly rent payments go to pay the property tax for the property owner. duh! you should really stop making untruthful statements.
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Flat income is a joke? Well we currently have a 70,000 page tax code filled with exemptions and loopholes. Are you a big fan of that?

ever see a corporations legal docs?

life is complicated.

what kind of logic is it to say "that law is too long" when its just long enough to cover all the legal aspects that need covering?

what a clone you are
ever see a corporations legal docs?

life is complicated.

what kind of logic is it to say "that law is too long" when its just long enough to cover all the legal aspects that need covering?

what a clone you are

I'm a clone for saying out tax code is too large and unwieldy? Ok.

I think you'll find very few people who would say our tax code doesn't need some type of reform and simplification but hey what do I know right?
you're a special kind of stupid, aren't ya? part of my monthly rent payments go to pay the property tax for the property owner. duh! you should really stop making untruthful statements.

If that is how the property owner choses to arrange HIS finances, so be doesn't matter. HE has to pay property taxes whether or not the apartment is occupied, rented by a single person with no kids, or rented by a family. The tenant legally has no skin in the game... And if his wife brings a second child into the family, he gets to send TWO kids to school and yet, his rent didn't go up, and his landlord's property tax didn't go up because of it... Somebody's gettin' a free ride and a free education without any skin in the game.
Not exactly on topic, but okay.

when you have cheating in an election and it changes the outcome you know what you don't have anymore?


there is nothing about this country we can discuss that does NOT involve the fact the republican party has cheated in elections for decades
If that is how the property owner choses to arrange HIS finances, so be doesn't matter. HE has to pay property taxes whether or not the apartment is occupied, rented by a single person with no kids, or rented by a family. The tenant legally has no skin in the game... And if his wife brings a second child into the family, he gets to send TWO kids to school and yet, his rent didn't go up, and his landlord's property tax didn't go up because of it... Somebody's gettin' a free ride and a free education without any skin in the game.
now that is some serious psycho semantic bullshit you got going there.
The fact remains... School budgets are funded by property taxes and only property owners pay that tax. Lots of them are old geezers who haven't had kids in school for decades, but they still foot the bill for the school budget.

My larger point was, that government gets its revenues from a wide variety of taxes, fees and fines. Not everyone pays ALL of them... But that doesn't mean that everybody doesn't have skin in the game. Just because you don't pay one type of tax does not mean that you don't pay others... And all the citizens get to benefit from all that government has to offer.

for whom?

the corporations?

they are saying that to get out to taxes you dolt

Do you work for an accounting or law firm that deals with the tax code because you sure sound like an invested special interest who doesn't want to see any change. Desh one can simplify the tax code without losing revenue. It's very easy to do. Open your mind here.