The God Dixie belives in!

Another wonderful thing about message boards is that they usually have a great search function.

Are you denying that you have often impugned Islam as a religion, particularly when it comes to terrorist incidents?

Oh, no doubt I probably have. It doesn't have anything to do with the debate in this thread or the statement I made. Again, you are supposed to be presenting a list of violent Christian-based societies of modern times. This is what you were challenged to do, in order to back up your claims, and I am still waiting for that. What I may or may not have said in some other thread on some other topic of conversation, is irrelevant, and a blatant attempt to run away from your argument here and derail the conversation that you have lost the argument on. I guess I could play along with you, but I really don't feel so compelled today.
Oh, no doubt I probably have. It doesn't have anything to do with the debate in this thread or the statement I made. Again, you are supposed to be presenting a list of violent Christian-based societies of modern times. This is what you were challenged to do, in order to back up your claims, and I am still waiting for that. What I may or may not have said in some other thread on some other topic of conversation, is irrelevant, and a blatant attempt to run away from your argument here and derail the conversation that you have lost the argument on. I guess I could play along with you, but I really don't feel so compelled today.

It won't be long before he declares victory and bugs out...
Was your claim that Sweden exists and that Dutch Quakers settled in PA, or were you attempting to give examples of Utopian Christian peacefulness?

I never said anything about "Utopian Christian peacefulness" or made such an argument. I gave examples of non-violent religious societies. I don't see where I have been refuted on that point at all. I don't think you can, unless you want to claim the history books are written by those pesky god-believers and can't be trusted?
Oh, no doubt I probably have. It doesn't have anything to do with the debate in this thread or the statement I made. Again, you are supposed to be presenting a list of violent Christian-based societies of modern times. This is what you were challenged to do, in order to back up your claims, and I am still waiting for that. What I may or may not have said in some other thread on some other topic of conversation, is irrelevant, and a blatant attempt to run away from your argument here and derail the conversation that you have lost the argument on. I guess I could play along with you, but I really don't feel so compelled today.

I love the wording of "no doubt I probably have." You definitely have.

Ergo, nothing I said was false.

Eat it.
I never said anything about "Utopian Christian peacefulness" or made such an argument. I gave examples of non-violent religious societies. I don't see where I have been refuted on that point at all. I don't think you can, unless you want to claim the history books are written by those pesky god-believers and can't be trusted?

Yet I gave you evidence that the Pennsylvania Dutch don't enjoy a non-violent society.

Wasn't Anders Breivik a Lutheran?

Which history book told you the Soviet Union didn't exist during WWI and that no WWII battles were fought there, BTW?
Yet I gave you evidence that the Pennsylvania Dutch don't enjoy a non-violent society.

Wasn't Anders Breivik a Lutheran?

Which history book told you the Soviet Union didn't exist during WWI and that no WWII battles were fought there, BTW?

You gave no evidence the Pennsylvania Dutch Quakers were a violent society, and "Anders Breivik" is an individual, not a society. There is no need for you to continue bringing up other threads and other arguments to distract from the conversation, it is merely illustrating how badly you have lost your argument here. I'll keep pointing that out, if you like, but I think people can see what you're doing. Even my dog realizes you've failed and been PWNED, he laughs at you as we speak!

oH shite!1!! I just used an exclamation point again!!!1! I'm fucking out of controL!
Does having violence make a society violent?

I don't think so, I guess you could try and make this philosophical argument, reductio ad absurdum. Of course, that would mean that all society through all of human history has always been violent, which means we shouldn't condone society at all, I suppose? But if we are talking about things in context, I think that the violent acts of individuals do not mean the society as a whole is violent. The Pennsylvania Dutch Quakers were not a violent society, in fact, they are one example of an extremely non-violent religious-based society. The Swedes are another. My dog and I are still waiting for you to present an example of a modern Christian-based society that is violent.

Of course, if you go by your argument reductio ad absurdum, then you could argue the US is a "violent society" even though our societal premise is rooted in the belief that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights, which our society defends relentlessly every day. I guess it's just a matter of how pathetically stupid you want to be?
Having faith in the presence of evidence to the contrary, is ignorance. But thanks for admitting you can't support your argument, that's a step ahead of most pinheads in this thread.

You shift & completely change your arguments whenever it's convenient for you.

You have stated before that God is a completely incomprehensible being. Yet now, you seem to think his motives & presence are easy to identify & understand?
Having faith in the presence of evidence to the contrary, is ignorance. But thanks for admitting you can't support your argument, that's a step ahead of most pinheads in this thread.
you have evidence ? Link me up!
You shift & completely change your arguments whenever it's convenient for you.

You have stated before that God is a completely incomprehensible being. Yet now, you seem to think his motives & presence are easy to identify & understand?
It appears Dixie equates God to humans. If something appears bad to us... Clearly we can be sure in Gods eyes it is also so. Dixie understands all about God and Gods intentions. In essence Dixie's mind is as comprehensave as God. Dixie is not a part of the universal, Dixie is the universal, Dixie is God!
You shift & completely change your arguments whenever it's convenient for you.

You have stated before that God is a completely incomprehensible being. Yet now, you seem to think his motives & presence are easy to identify & understand?

Wow, talk about some irony. I have stated that God is incomprehensible to man, I have not stated that his motives and presence are easy to identify. This is an example of YOU shifting and changing my argument for your OWN convenience. Indeed, IRONIC!
It appears Dixie equates God to humans. If something appears bad to us... Clearly we can be sure in Gods eyes it is also so. Dixie understands all about God and Gods intentions. In essence Dixie's mind is as comprehensave as God. Dixie is not a part of the universal, Dixie is the universal, Dixie is God!

I've not equated God to humans. It appears you are a moron.