The God Equation

Women get hysterical and cannot rational.

Disagreed. Culturally, they're relatively untrained. I've worked with many female pilots. Only one was less than above average.

My experience with female pilots is they are often more studious and less confident than male pilots. They are less easily distracted/bored too.
Me neither but like the Frenchies say, Vive la différence!

^^Says the hater of women.
Disagreed. Culturally, they're relatively untrained. I've worked with many female pilots. Only one was less than above average.

My experience with female pilots is they are often more studious and less confident than male pilots. They are less easily distracted/bored too.

You clearly hate women.
Disagreed. Culturally, they're relatively untrained. I've worked with many female pilots. Only one was less than above average.

My experience with female pilots is they are often more studious and less confident than male pilots. They are less easily distracted/bored too.

^^Says the hater of women.
You clearly hate women.
Chicks on the rag, am I right?!
Not getting into a hate fest with you. Bye.
You're clearly the hater here and the one who is too immature to have a discussion as proved by your posts. Your choice, Ms. B, as stated before.
You are too immature to bother with.

It was to be the final theory, a single framework that would unite all the forces of the cosmos and choreograph everything from the motion of the expanding universe to the most minute dance of subatomic particles. The challenge was to write an equation whose mathematical elegance would encompass the whole of physics.

Some of the most eminent physicists in the world embarked upon this quest. Stephen Hawking even gave a talk with the auspicious title “Is the End in Sight for Theoretical Physics?”

If such a theory is successful, it would be science’s crowning achievement. It would be the holy grail of physics, a single formula from which, in principle, one could derive all other equations, starting from the Big Bang and moving to the end of the universe. It would be the end product of two thousand years of scientific investigation ever since the ancients asked the question, “What is the world made of?

It is a breathtaking vision.


Many physicists have tried and failed. As Princeton physicist Freeman Dyson once said, the road to the unified field theory is littered with the corpses of failed attempts.

Today, however, many leading physicists believe that we are finally converging on the solution.

The leading (and to my mind, only) candidate is called string theory, which posits the universe was not made of point particles but of tiny vibrating strings, with each note corresponding to a subatomic particle.
If we had a microscope powerful enough, we could see that electrons, quarks, neutrinos, etc. are nothing but vibrations on minuscule loops resembling rubber bands. If we pluck the rubber band enough times and in different ways, we eventually create all the known subatomic particles in the universe. This means that all the laws of physics can be reduced to the harmonies of these strings. Chemistry is the melodies one can play on them. The universe is a symphony. And the mind of God, which Einstein eloquently wrote about, is cosmic music resonating throughout space-time.


Upon what do you base your moral standard without God?
You said that? :laugh:

You know what's worse than that? Chicks "syncing up."

Yeah, it's a real thing. :dunno:

She's pissed at me for outing her.

Why is syncing up worse? Isn't that preferable so a man with four wives/GFs/Mistresses can plan his fishing/hunting trip every month?
Upon what do you base your moral standard without God?

If you are referring to a Judeo-Christian God, plenty of Confucians, Buddhists, Hindus, Daoists had a moral code and some of them tried to live up to it centuries before Jesus was born.

I do think most world religions have had a place in systemizing and congealing a moral code within a given social context.
If you are referring to a Judeo-Christian God, plenty of Confucians, Buddhists, Hindus, Daoists had a moral code and some of them tried to live up to it centuries before Jesus was born.

I do think most world religions have had a place in systemizing and congealing a moral code within a given social context.

You think, but you don't know..PS: It's "Taoists".
You think, but you don't know..PS: It's "Taoists".
No, the modern spelling is Daoists. Taoist is the outdated way of spelling it. Just like how Peking became Beijing.

It is a matter of historical fact that human beings were thinking about, writing about, and engaging in moral codes centuries before Jesus was born.
No, one the modern spelling is Daoists, Taoist is the outdated way of spelling it. Just like how Peking became Beijing.

It is a matter of historical fact that human beings were thinking about, writing about, and engaging in moral codes centuries before Jesus was born.

Yes, and a lot them were jews. Same moral code.