The God Equation

If there is a god or gods, then I picture them as you do.

BTW, received the uncut version of Stranger in a Strange Land two days ago. Am just a few chapters in. I'd forgotten how much I love that book.

Excellent. I'd ordered a copy of "Alas, Babylon" but haven't cracked it yet.
You men are funny

One man bit that cracks me up is when you are pointing something out to them

They will refuse to look where a woman points when she points something out

Does it have to that man game where they say look at this and then flip them off?

Seriously dudes

What is running through your minds when you curtail the instinct to look when a woman tries to point to something ?

What a with it?
that’s true

I do deep down have a belief in the goodness of humans

The turds alway make it harder to move forward than it should be

LOL Yes, it's hard to see the good in people when you are neck deep in assholes.

every man I ask about that pointing thing won’t fess up about it

It’s so blatant

I’ve seen men do it all my life

It’s very telling
Seriously dudes

What is running through your minds when you curtail the instinct to look when a woman tries to point to something ?

What a with it?

Men are more visual than verbal compared to women. Have you ever heard of American neuropsychiatrist Louann Brizendine's book "The Female Brain"? She states that at six weeks (?) when the Y chromosome kicks in that some brain demolition goes on in the language region and the aggression is ramped up.

She was hammered by critics for making such a big deal about differences that she publicly stated "Males and females are more alike than they are different. After all, we are the same species".

Regardless, it popularized the fact the males and females develop differently in both their brain and body. This is not a matter of superiority but a matter of difference like Yin-Yang.
Neuroscientists have known for many years that the brains of men and women are not identical. Men’s brains tend to be more lateralized—that is, the two hemispheres operate more independently during specific mental tasks like speaking or navigating around one’s environment. For the same kinds of tasks, females tend to use both their cerebral hemispheres more equally. Another difference is size: males of all ages tend to have slightly larger brains, on average, than females, even after correcting for differences in body size.

Electrical measurements reveal differences in boys’ and girls’ brain function from the moment of birth. By three months of age, boys’ and girls’ brains respond differently to the sound of human speech. Because they appear so early in life, such differences are presumably a product of sex-related genes or hormones. We do know that testosterone levels rise in male fetuses as early as seven weeks of gestation, and that testosterone affects the growth and survival of neurons in many parts of the brain. Female sex hormones may also play a role in shaping brain development, but their function is currently not well understood.

Not that you're misogynist or anything though. lol

Me neither but like the Frenchies say, Vive la différence!
Pro tip: Stock up on snacks, drinks, and survival food first. lol

I'm partial to Trail's Best Snacks to Go from the Dollar Tree. They have a 6 month "best by" date, but the contents should be good for over a year past that date.


This should give my fans something to talk about. I like helping to entertain them. :)
Epstein was trying to give money to MIT, that is true. I would not call it "funding," as if MIT would not survive without his money.
By Alonso Espinosa Domínguez, Matt Hodel, Rebecca Lizarde, and Gabe Fields Feb. 25, 2021

Basically, the problem was not that MIT enabled sex trafficking, but that people found out about it. And it’s true: The resulting public outrage, bad press, and student protests seriously damaged the university’s standing. Many people inside and outside the university were enraged by this blatant relationship with a child sex trafficker, and the events stirred up anger around other issues such as institutional sexism, harassment by faculty, and fraudulent research. Due to this, the university wound up facing a significant dilemma in its response to the Epstein scandal.

On the one hand, the university needed to respond in a way that made it seem like they cared about these issues, while on the other hand, it was important not to respond too strongly, because the entire top level of the administration was implicated, and because at the end of the day, MIT’s existence depends on the kinds of cozy and flexible relationships with donors that caused this scandal in the first place. They needed to feign outrage and act as if they wanted to reform the Institute, while also creating as little space as possible for assessments of guilt or interrogation of MIT’s other funding sources.

It’s been a while since this scandal first broke out, and the numerous global crises of the last year have allowed those involved to skirt by mostly unscathed. We should not forget that the MIT administration, with the knowledge of President Reif and Chairman Millard, consciously chose to develop a relationship of patronage with a child sex trafficker, and they are directly complicit in enabling his crimes. There is no question that the people involved, from Lloyd to the very top, should have been immediately removed from their posts when this came to light, and they still should be.

However, we can’t just let ourselves see the Epstein scandal as the wrongdoings of individual immoral actors, or as a failure of the university to uphold its “values.” If we want to truly understand why MIT’s regular functioning results in these horrific events, we will need to start asking deeper questions about the political and economic interests that drive the university, as well as questions about the nature and history of gendered violence and how it is perpetuated by our institutions.
There is a lot I do not agree with the Catholics about. But one thing they may have been right about is only allowing highly educated religious scholars and theologians interpret the bible.

The problem with letting slack-jawed rednecks feel like they are entitled to provide their own interpretations of scripture is exactly what happens in this thread and countless others:
some rube cherry picks a quote from a voluminous, two thousand year old tome, and feels perfectly free to make sweeping and unequivocal claims based on the cherry pick.

Lie to the masses. Very catholic of you.
Emotional arguing is the most common trait.

It's the product of an undisciplined mind, meaning lacking training. Males are often trained more in linear thinking* than females in our culture. That's changing, but still prevalent. The training involves discipline. American men will most often try logic and intellectual points first. It's pretty easy to see on JPP when they hit a limit. LOL

Adult American females often have better language skills compared to men even if they are lacking in the factual area. The language part is genetic but the lacking linear thought is cultural. Again, that's changing but still have a long way to go to be common.

The fact you "saw no explanation" is part of this.

*left brain thinking.

Women get hysterical and cannot rational.
Emotional arguing is the most common trait.

It's the product of an undisciplined mind, meaning lacking training. Males are often trained more in linear thinking* than females in our culture. That's changing, but still prevalent. The training involves discipline. American men will most often try logic and intellectual points first. It's pretty easy to see on JPP when they hit a limit. LOL

Adult American females often have better language skills compared to men even if they are lacking in the factual area. The language part is genetic but the lacking linear thought is cultural. Again, that's changing but still have a long way to go to be common.

The fact you "saw no explanation" is part of this.

*left brain thinking.

On the rag.