The God Equation

John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Jesus fucking Christ, dude. Who taught you to use Google? Get your money back.

Thanks for the quote. Yeah, I'm going to have to disagree with that one as a misquote. Saying "I am a way, a truth and a path to a greater life" is good but I can see why some early Christians 60 years later wanted to "punch it up" a bit in the telling.

Isn't if funny how there were 12 disciples and Mary, as the greatest disciple, but the Council of Nicaea only picked four stories? Why do you think that was?
That is the very basis of Christianity.

Basis of "modern" Christianity. Let's not forget all the Christian beliefs that were burned at the stake for heresy back in the day.

Human beings can be real assholes at times. ;)

Nice work.

We make a mistake if we take our 21st values and retroactively transpose them to the late Bronze Age.

Most literature from the late Bronze and Iron ages spoke of violence, retribution, slavery, and revenge.

But that does not mean the New Testament, the Torah, the Tanakh, Gilgamesh, The Iliad, the Oddesy, Beowulf, the Bagavad Gita, the Koran do not yet still illustrate higher truths and deeper wisdom. And that is why many people place value on them even two thousand years later.

Well said and agreed.
Never said it should be banned. I said it was dangerous, and I stand by that. Your attempt to put words in my mouth is an epic fail. How many books claim to be the inerrant word of God and have millions of people who blindly accept that? I can think of only two. Both are grotesque and disgusting. Hey, let's kill kids for the revenge factor, and then create a Holiday to celebrate all those innocent children being slaughtered!!! No wonder these idiots don't care about their own kids.

Sorry, but I've never, ever met a dangerous book. Just dangerous people. This was the same reasoning used by slavers in banning teaching slaves to read. "scientia potentia est"

Sorry, but while I support teaching knowledge responsibly there's a greater danger in being a book burner. Not saying you are one, but you can read some other posts that indicate people who want to ban religion which means book banners.
I have. You always write childish insults. You are not mature enough to debate issues.

You're a woman, aren't you. That's not an insult, just an observation. Either that or you are very young, under 25.

Others can decide for themselves if I'm worth their time.
Wow, you have no shame in using "woman" as an insult. Again, shows how immature you are.

It's an observation. Men are different from Women. Different mindsets. Different doesn't mean superior or inferior. It just means different.

Consider it like a Sexual Turing Test.