The God Equation

...and for over 1500 years couldn't because they didn't know Latin? Wasn't that the entire big deal about the King James Version of the Bible? It was written in English for anyone to read and recognized as an official version? As the link notes, there were earlier attempts but those were shut down for one reason or another.
The King James Version (KJV), also known as the King James Bible (KJB)[1] and the Authorized Version, is an English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England, commissioned in 1604 and completed and published seven years later in 1611 under the sponsorship of James VI and I.[

Martin Luther's project was to make the Bible accessible in vulgate languages to all laity. His vision was a priesthood of all believers, and that the Bible would be the sole inerrant authority for Protestantism. King James bible was the attempt across the Channel to introduce a vulgate bible to England.

In Roman Catholicism and Eastern Christianity, the bible is not held out as the sole inerrant authority. Church tradition, ecclesiastical authority, the writings of the Church fathers, and papal bulls are given equal religious weight as the writings in the Bible.
Basis of "modern" Christianity. Let's not forget all the Christian beliefs that were burned at the stake for heresy back in the day.

Human beings can be real assholes at times. ;)


When discussing Xtianity, we can only go by what is seen and observed and practiced today. I have yet to meet and talk to a single Xtian minister who denied that verse or the concept that no heaven unless you are Christian. The closest one came was a lay pastor who ministered to the poor in shelters in Buffalo, NY. He said that he believes that when you present at the pearly gates, you're given one last chance to believe that Christ died for your sins. Otherwise, down you go.
Do go on. What are the intellectual properties of a woman?

I'm not talking about "intellect". Although there is a minor statistical difference, I think that applies more to the test itself than the person being tested.

I'm referencing an emotional state, a large part of it which is cultural but there are key psychological differences between men and women due to genetics.

Sex differences in psychology are differences in the mental functions and behaviors of the sexes and are due to a complex interplay of biological, developmental, and cultural factors. Differences have been found in a variety of fields such as mental health, cognitive abilities, personality, emotion, sexuality,[1][2] and tendency towards aggression. Such variation may be innate, learned, or both. Modern research attempts to distinguish between these causes and to analyze any ethical concerns raised. Since behavior is a result of interactions between nature and nurture, researchers are interested in investigating how biology and environment interact to produce such differences,[3][4] although this is often not possible.[5]

A number of factors combine to influence the development of sex differences, including genetics and epigenetics;[6] differences in brain structure and function;[7] hormones,[8] and socialization

Due to all of the variables, that's why it's important to narrow a person down to a specific culture. The more specific the better. In your case I'm guessing Euro-American, female, early 30s or younger, some college but not a degree, currently single.

Now you do me. LOL
When discussing Xtianity, we can only go by what is seen and observed and practiced today. I have yet to meet and talk to a single Xtian minister who denied that verse or the concept that no heaven unless you are Christian. The closest one came was a lay pastor who ministered to the poor in shelters in Buffalo, NY. He said that he believes that when you present at the pearly gates, you're given one last chance to believe that Christ died for your sins. Otherwise, down you go.

Some of us read books. :D

Yes, most modern Christians believe in the Trinity and the divinity of Jesus. Not all. Certainly most American Protestants do.

Also note that most Americans are white with English surnames. See what happens when you kill off all opposition? LOL

FWIW, I believe God is all powerful, all knowing and all loving. Anything less is a false god like the asshole who is described as condemning souls to eternal pain.
Martin Luther's project was to make the Bible accessible in vulgate languages to all laity. His vision was a priesthood of all believers, and that the Bible would be the sole inerrant authority for Protestantism. King James bible was the attempt across the Channel to introduce a vulgate bible to England.

In Roman Catholicism and Eastern Christianity, the bible is not held out as the sole inerrant authority. Church tradition, ecclesiastical authority, the writings of the Church fathers, and papal bulls are given equal religious weight as the writings in the Bible.

Agreed, of course.

OTOH, most of the wacky Christians like the KJV. If asked, it wouldn't surprise me that many believe it was handed down to Mary by Jesus from the cross.
I'm not talking about "intellect". Although there is a minor statistical difference, I think that applies more to the test itself than the person being tested.

I'm referencing an emotional state, a large part of it which is cultural but there are key psychological differences between men and women due to genetics.


Due to all of the variables, that's why it's important to narrow a person down to a specific culture. The more specific the better. In your case I'm guessing Euro-American, female, early 30s or younger, some college but not a degree, currently single.

Now you do me. LOL

I saw no explanation. In your own words, what typifies a woman as far as you infer from my posts?
Where Catholics don't even read the Bible.

There is a lot I do not agree with the Catholics about. But one thing they may have been right about is only allowing highly educated religious scholars and theologians interpret the bible.

The problem with letting slack-jawed rednecks feel like they are entitled to provide their own interpretations of scripture is exactly what happens in this thread and countless others:
some rube cherry picks a quote from a voluminous, two thousand year old tome, and feels perfectly free to make sweeping and unequivocal claims based on the cherry pick.
None of the wavelengths of electromagnetic spectrum even come close to getting down to the Planck scale, so unless I am missing something, it would be impossible to directly image the string field. Somebody brilliant is going to have to figure out some indirect way to test whether or not there is a string field. As of now, the string field only exists as a mathematical construct


If it’s reality

Someday people will figure out a way to measure it

Higgs bosen was the same for a a long time
I saw no explanation. In your own words, what typifies a woman as far as you infer from my posts?

Emotional arguing is the most common trait.

It's the product of an undisciplined mind, meaning lacking training. Males are often trained more in linear thinking* than females in our culture. That's changing, but still prevalent. The training involves discipline. American men will most often try logic and intellectual points first. It's pretty easy to see on JPP when they hit a limit. LOL

Adult American females often have better language skills compared to men even if they are lacking in the factual area. The language part is genetic but the lacking linear thought is cultural. Again, that's changing but still have a long way to go to be common.

The fact you "saw no explanation" is part of this.

*left brain thinking.
Most women can control the libido.

Libidinousness makes men fuck up.

In civilization where men can't win with brute force, women have learned to use the advantage.

It's best not to look at broads as women in an adversarial discussion or negotiation.

Best to look at them as small, tricky guys with strange plumbing and potentially cruel tendencies.
Most women can control the libido.

Libidinousness makes men fuck up.

In civilization where men can't win with brute force, women have learned to use the advantage.

It's best not to look at broads as women in an adversarial discussion or negotiation.

Best to look at them as small, tricky guys with strange plumbing and potentially cruel tendencies.

Agreed. It's an excellent tool of manipulation for women. The only defense a man has is to run. :)
Emotional arguing is the most common trait.

It's the product of an undisciplined mind, meaning lacking training. Males are often trained more in linear thinking* than females in our culture. That's changing, but still prevalent. The training involves discipline. American men will most often try logic and intellectual points first. It's pretty easy to see on JPP when they hit a limit. LOL

Adult American females often have better language skills compared to men even if they are lacking in the factual area. The language part is genetic but the lacking linear thought is cultural. Again, that's changing but still have a long way to go to be common.

The fact you "saw no explanation" is part of this.

*left brain thinking.

It’s a man dutch

Men very often refuse to ever admit they are wrong
You men are funny

One man bit that cracks me up is when you are pointing something out to them

They will refuse to look where a woman points when she points something out

Does it have to that man game where they say look at this and then flip them off?
Some of us read books. :D

Yes, most modern Christians believe in the Trinity and the divinity of Jesus. Not all. Certainly most American Protestants do.

Also note that most Americans are white with English surnames. See what happens when you kill off all opposition? LOL

FWIW, I believe God is all powerful, all knowing and all loving. Anything less is a false god like the asshole who is described as condemning souls to eternal pain.

If there is a god or gods, then I picture them as you do.

BTW, received the uncut version of Stranger in a Strange Land two days ago. Am just a few chapters in. I'd forgotten how much I love that book.

If it’s reality

Someday people will figure out a way to measure it

Higgs bosen was the same for a a long time

If mankind survives long enough to get off planet, I think it's only a matter of time before those mysteries are solved.
If there is a god or gods, then I picture them as you do.

BTW, received the uncut version of Stranger in a Strange Land two days ago. Am just a few chapters in. I'd forgotten how much I love that book.

I read it as a teen

It’s awesome

I should read it again too
Most women can control the libido.

Libidinousness makes men fuck up.

In civilization where men can't win with brute force, women have learned to use the advantage.

It's best not to look at broads as women in an adversarial discussion or negotiation.

Best to look at them as small, tricky guys with strange plumbing and potentially cruel tendencies.


Not that you're misogynist or anything though. lol
If mankind survives long enough to get off planet, I think it's only a matter of time before those mysteries are solved.

that’s true

I do deep down have a belief in the goodness of humans

The turds alway make it harder to move forward than it should be