The God Equation

Exactly. We are limited by our ability to observe and measure the natural world. There is nothing we can observe that indicates God exists. NOTHING. The conclusion is that God does not exist. Could that change? Sure, if God decides to land in Times Square and let scientists measure his shoe size. But there is nothing in the natural, observable world that indicates the existence of God. Zero. Nil. Nada. Intelligent Design is nonsense, not science. Belief and fact are not the same thing. That argument holds no water.

I do not think any serious or intelligent person is looking for an old guy wearing white robes who lives in the clouds.

That is a caricature which is not even taken seriously in the realm of good christian theology.

But more importantly, a universal concept of god, of a higher power, of an ultimate truth is not limited to a caricature of Charlton Heston in a white robe. Whether one is talking about a Abrahamistic god, or the Dao, or Brahman, or Nirvana, or a world spirit per animism, to me they seemingly all speak to an incomprehensible higher truth which exists outside of space, time, and direct human experience.

At this point, we do not even understand 95 percent of the universe, because the last 30 years have demostrated to us that there is apparently more to reality than quarks and leptons.

To me at least, there is value in maintaining a sense of humility about what we can know. I doubt the Dao, Brahman, Nirvana, god, or any human-created avatar for an ultimate reality behind the laws of physics can ever be tested under laboratory conditions. I am prepared to at least accept the possibility that there is knowledge about reality which is beyond our comprehension, beyond the ability of our particle accelerators to measure, and perhaps even beyond the capability of our language and mathematics to describe.

That is just my two cents.
Disagree with this. The quote suggests that science cannot prove or disprove the existence of God. So science is agnostic, because God is not part of the natural world. Knowledge about anything is a sliding scale, not an absolute. So I guess that makes me agnostic about Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Unicorns, leprechauns, and Harry Potter.

I have no idea of where you got that "definition" of agnostic from, but stay away from that dictionary.

It MAY be impossible to know whether there is a GOD (or, are gods), but any agnostic worth his/her salt is never going to "believe" it is impossible.

In any case, my agnosticism takes this form:

I do not know if any GOD (or gods) exist or not;
I see no reason to suspect that gods cannot exist…that the existence of a GOD or gods is impossible;
I see no reason to suspect that at least one GOD must exist...that the existence of at least one GOD is needed to explain existence;
I do not see enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base a meaningful guess in either direction on whether any gods exist or not... I don't.

(When I use the word "GOD or gods" here, I mean "The entity (or entities) responsible for the creation of what we humans call 'the physical universe'...IF SUCH AN ENTITY OR ENTITIES ACTUALLY EXIST.)

I most assuredly DO see enough unambiguous evidence upon which to base a meaningful guess about whether or not Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Unicorns, leprechauns, and Harry Potter exist. That statement of yours is not a "cop out" is stupid.

It's why I think the term 'agnostic' is a dodge. It implies that both possibilities are equally probable, and they are absolutely not.

On gods?

You know the POSSIBILITY of whether gods exist or not?

And you figured that

Which is more possible...and by how much?
Why don't people say they are agnostic about Zeus? Zeus is a God. Because they start off believing Zeus is a belief by ancient Greeks.
Why pretend the Christian God is no less a cultural construction? Why pretend to be agnostic about that God?

You are being insulting for no good reason.

I do have enough unambiguous evidence to make a guess about whether or not Zeus exists.


Neither do you.
You made a bunch of claims about Dr. Kaku which I have never heard and which you make no attempt to corroborate by link to reputable source

I have no idea if string theory is a correct interpretation of reality, or not.

I do know that string theory is taken seriously by more physicists than Dr. Kaku. It is not even remotely close to being a lone crack pot hypothesis. It resides well within the boundaries of acceptable ideas in modern physics. That right there is enough for me to at least treat
string theory seriously.

Until a way to test string theory is ever developed, to me it will never rise to anything more than a creative idea. Some physicists seem to think that even if string theory is an incomplete interpretation of reality, there is still something so elegant and profound in it's mathematics it might be telling us something about the nature of reality, even if only in an indirect way.
Nothing in the universe comes in one so there has to be a multiverse. I'm starting to understand 11 dimensions, but my problem is with TOE. It's a funding scam that's stealing from fields researching physical breakthroughs.
Nothing in the universe comes in one so there has to be a multiverse. I'm starting to understand 11 dimensions, but my problem is with TOE. It's a funding scam that's stealing from fields researching physical breakthroughs.

I doubt anyone is submitting grant proposals for a Theory of Everything. TOE is a catchall phrase for public consumption.

Einstein seemed to think a Theory of Everything was worth pursuing.

We are never going to understand the moment of creation without some new physics. The amount of funding for particle physics and string theory is a drop in the bucket compared to the money Wall Street banks accurate the income of the war profiteers, or the waste at the Pentagon.

Not having a PhD in theoretical physics, I am not in a position to say which research grant proposals should be funded. I do think physics has seemingly been stagnating for about 40 years. Outside of the Higgs Boson, the promise of the CERN super collider to find exotic new particles and insights into a new physics has not been fulfilled.

But to put it all in perspective, it took us 300 years after Newton to really grasp the underlying physical mechanism responsible for gravity.
Yes got the impression I got was that his near death experience led him to feel consciousness was separate from the body.

There are actually serious philosophers and scientists who do not categorically rule out that observable existence could conceivably be a computer simulation.

I think he had memories of being at the matrix level

No physical him

String like connections all around him and soulful sound sent him back to the butterfly wing and the beautiful girl

The mind is more than physical

Tesla some how knew that back in his day

This is why spirituality is so ingrained in the vast majority of humans

Most religions just don’t describe or interpret it correctly

It’s one of the reason I believe organized religion is a bad way to do spirituality

It creates a scaffolding for evil people to control others

And people need to search inside for that core that is always connected to truth

And not use someone else’s interpretation

Science and math are awesome

But we need to research the mind in other ways also

Science and math don’t want things that they dont know how to measure already

They tend to dismiss as false things we have not learned How to measure yet

How can we learn to measure them when we ignore their existence

CAUTION: this poster forgot to fully investigate
Last edited:
I do not think any serious or intelligent person is looking for an old guy wearing white robes who lives in the clouds.

That is a caricature which is not even taken seriously in the realm of good christian theology.

But more importantly, a universal concept of god, of a higher power, of an ultimate truth is not limited to a caricature of Charlton Heston in a white robe. Whether one is talking about a Abrahamistic god, or the Dao, or Brahman, or Nirvana, or a world spirit per animism, to me they seemingly all speak to an incomprehensible higher truth which exists outside of space, time, and direct human experience.

At this point, we do not even understand 95 percent of the universe, because the last 30 years have demostrated to us that there is apparently more to reality than quarks and leptons.

To me at least, there is value in maintaining a sense of humility about what we can know. I doubt the Dao, Brahman, Nirvana, god, or any human-created avatar for an ultimate reality behind the laws of physics can ever be tested under laboratory conditions. I am prepared to at least accept the possibility that there is knowledge about reality which is beyond our comprehension, beyond the ability of our particle accelerators to measure, and perhaps even beyond the capability of our language and mathematics to describe.

That is just my two cents.

I agree with everything you said here. Except I'd challenge your 95% figure. I think it's 99+%. The larger question when it comes to the idea of 'God' is this; if a 'God' does exist, does it exist independent of human beings creating it? That to me is an intriguing question. I know I won't get an answer, but it's food for thought. The problem with theorizing an Intelligent Creator is the lack of evidence, and the completely superfluous idea that Universe had to be created by some entity, since no religion ever explains where that entity came from. God isn't necessary for existence. There is an ultimate question that can't be answered, and that's how it all started. Whether it's where God came from or where what we observe came from, that is still a question that can't be answered. At least not yet.
I think he had memories of being at the matrix level

No physical him

String like connections all around him and soulful sound sent him back to the butterfly wing and the beautiful girl

The mind is more than physical

Tesla some how knew that back in his day

This is why spirituality is so ingrained in the vast majority of humans

Most religions just don’t describe or interpret it correctly

It’s one of the reason I believe organized religion is a bad way to do spirituality

It creates a scaffolding for evil people to control others

And people need to search inside for that core that is always connected to truth

And not use someone else’s interpretation

Science and math are awesome

But we need to research the mind in other ways also

Science and math don’t want things that they dont know how to measure already

They tend to dismiss as false things we have not learned How to measure yet

How can we learn to measure them when we ignore their existence
nice work

I do not categorically dismiss the possibility that all reality is, is nothing more than a collection of quarks and leptons. A type of strict materialism..

But I also think it is hubris to think there is no truth or knowledge beyond the range of our sense perceptions, cognition, or capacities of our particle accelerators.

Humans almost universally seem to be imbued with an a priori knowledge or intuition that there might be a higher truth we can only sense through our mind's eye.

That is why, IMO, belief in a higher reality or a universal truth can be a rationale belief.

“Rational” does not mean the same thing as “proved”: one
may rationally believe things on the basis of reasons that fall short of empircal proof or sensory experience.

I point to the authors of the Declaration of Independence: they believed there was a universal natural law which imbued humans with a natural rights no king, secular law, or social convention could morally supercede.
My mistake

Aretha didn’t write it

Spirit in the Dark
Song by B.B. King and Diane Schuur
Spirit In The Dark

Are you getting the spirit in the dark
Are you getting the spirit in the dark
People moving, ah, tell me we're grooving
Just getting the spirit in the dark
Tell me, sisters, how do you feel
Tell me, my brothers, my brothers
How do you feel
(Do you feel like dancing)
Get up there and let's start dancing
(Get up and let's start dancing)
Start getting in the spirit
Oh, getting in the dark
(Spirit in the dark)
Just like sally walker
Sitting in a saucer
That's how you do it
Just go on, get on up to it
Ride, sally, ride
Put your hands on your hips
Cover your eyes, and move
(Come on get it)
Get in the spirit
(Move with the spirit)
Come on and move, get in the spirit
(Darling, move, move with the spirit)
Oh move, get in the spirit
Help me move
With the spirit
Are you getting the spirit
(Spirit in the dark)
I wanna know, are you getting the spirit
(Getting the spirit)
Getting it in the spirit
Are you getting the spirit
(Getting the spirit)
Keep moving
Oh hey, we're rocking and grooving
Just getting in the spirit
(Getting the spirit)
Oh in the dark
We're gonna do it one more time
It's just like sally walker
Sitting in that great big flying saucer
Hey, that's how you do it
Get down and get on up to it
(Come on and get it)
Ride, sally, ride
Put your hands on your hips
Cover your eyes, and move
(Move, move on)
Move with the spirit
I'm telling you to groove
(Groove on)
Groove with the spirit
(On and on)
Go on and move
With the spirit
Come on and groove
(Move it)
Groove with the spirit
(Move on)
On and on
Help me, help me, help me
Help me move, move, move, move
Move, move, move, move
Move, move, move, move
Move, move, move, move
Give it up, give it up
Give it up, give it up
Give it up, give it up
Give it up, give it up
(You got it, you got it)
(You got the spirit)
Feel it
I feel it, baby.
You know what i mean, baby?
Yes, i do.
Oh baby. you gotta feel the motivation.
I feel it, honey, i feel it.
Feel the spirit
In the dark
Get ready

Top I corrected my mistake very quickly

Why do you insist I be perfect yet you support lies and liars on your side

Because you are not a good person


You are not a person
You quoted her because you think she’s wrong?
I quoted him...Do you think he's wrong? Miss Franklin's pastor...chosen to speak at her service...
"The pastor then delivered a scathing condemnation of the way black people treated each other–and contrasted it with how black people react to incidents of violence by whites against blacks.

“Where is your soul? The soul—if you choose to ask me today—do black lives matter?

“Let me answer like this: no. Black lives do not matter. Black lives will not matter. Black lives ought not matter. Black lives should not matter. Black lives must not matter.

“Until black people start respecting black lives and stop killing ourselves, black lives can never matter.” ...Pastor Jasper Williams
I doubt anyone is submitting grant proposals for a Theory of Everything. TOE is a catchall phrase for public consumption.

Einstein seemed to think a Theory of Everything was worth pursuing.

We are never going to understand the moment of creation without some new physics. The amount of funding for particle physics and string theory is a drop in the bucket compared to the money Wall Street banks accurate the income of the war profiteers, or the waste at the Pentagon.

Not having a PhD in theoretical physics, I am not in a position to say which research grant proposals should be funded. I do think physics has seemingly been stagnating for about 40 years. Outside of the Higgs Boson, the promise of the CERN super collider to find exotic new particles and insights into a new physics has not been fulfilled.

But to put it all in perspective, it took us 300 years after Newton to really grasp the underlying physical mechanism responsible for gravity.
String theory is TOE. It's considered pseudoscience. On your last thread I posted an article about Harvard and MIT being desperate for funding. So desperate that they gave Jeffrey Epstein full access for some of his CIA/Mossad money. There hasn't been a physical breakthroughs because fictional math is bleeding physics dry. The only question is why?

I was on the net when about the only thing here was string theory. Grad students were laughing and calling it easy money. It's the Wall Street for nerds.
String theory is TOE. It's considered pseudoscience. On your last thread I posted an article about Harvard and MIT being desperate for funding. So desperate that they gave Jeffrey Epstein full access for some of his CIA/Mossad money. There hasn't been a physical breakthroughs because fictional math is bleeding physics dry. The only question is why?

I was on the net when about the only thing here was string theory. Grad students were laughing and calling it easy money. It's the Wall Street for nerds.

I made clear crystal clear the nitpicks I have conceptually with string theory.

But I have not heard the wider physics community laugh at string theory as being crackpot.

At this point it is nothing more than a creative idea lacking any empircal corroboration.

That does not particularly bother me. It took 50 years for the first empirical evidence of black holes to come to light, and almost 100 years for the first direct observation of a black hole since they were first hypothesized.
I agree with everything you said here. Except I'd challenge your 95% figure. I think it's 99+%. The larger question when it comes to the idea of 'God' is this; if a 'God' does exist, does it exist independent of human beings creating it? That to me is an intriguing question. I know I won't get an answer, but it's food for thought.

Yeah, food for thought.

The problem with theorizing an Intelligent Creator is the lack of evidence, and the completely superfluous idea that Universe had to be created by some entity, since no religion ever explains where that entity came from.

Don't think of it as "...Universe HAD TO BE created by some entity..." The more realistic consideration is, "...Universe MAY HAVE BEEN created by some entity.

I do not know it it was. I suspect you do not know either. I further suspect NONE OF US do.

We can continue our scientific search to find out as much as possible about what IS and WHY IT IS and HOW IT CAME TO BE, but in the meantime we can leave it for now at, "I do not know." All the guessing on the question of a "creator" is worthless.

God isn't necessary for existence.

Neither are gnats. But gnats exist. Gods MAY exist.

We do not know.

There is an ultimate question that can't be answered, and that's how it all started. Whether it's where God came from or where what we observe came from, that is still a question that can't be answered. At least not yet.

nice work

I do not categorically dismiss the possibility that all reality is, is nothing more than a collection of quarks and leptons. A type of strict materialism..

But I also think it is hubris to think there is no truth or knowledge beyond the range of our sense perceptions, cognition, or capacities of our particle accelerators.

Humans almost universally seem to be imbued with an a priori knowledge or intuition that there might be a higher truth we can only sense through our mind's eye.

That is why, IMO, belief in a higher reality or a universal truth can be a rationale belief.

“Rational” does not mean the same thing as “proved”: one
may rationally believe things on the basis of reasons that fall short of empircal proof or sensory experience.

I point to the authors of the Declaration of Independence: they believed there was a universal natural law which imbued humans with a natural rights no king, secular law, or social convention could morally supercede.

And I truely believe once we pursue the issue we will find how to measure and prove these realities

We just have to get studying them

That professor video I offered before the neurosurgeons video was to offer the investigations we have done to date

He is a well respected scholar

But I’m sure most stumbling onto these ideas quickly dismiss it as hippy crap

The area of study will grow and teach us

And religions will have to face what we will find

Let’s hope they don’t act like oil and tobacco companies in light of what we find
I quoted him...Do you think he's wrong? Miss Franklin's pastor...chosen to speak at her service...
"The pastor then delivered a scathing condemnation of the way black people treated each other–and contrasted it with how black people react to incidents of violence by whites against blacks.

“Where is your soul? The soul—if you choose to ask me today—do black lives matter?

“Let me answer like this: no. Black lives do not matter. Black lives will not matter. Black lives ought not matter. Black lives should not matter. Black lives must not matter.

“Until black people start respecting black lives and stop killing ourselves, black lives can never matter.” ...Pastor Jasper Williams


I think he’s wrong

I don’t trust organized religion

I believe I have made that very clear and often on this site