The God Equation

I agree with everything you said here. Except I'd challenge your 95% figure. I think it's 99+%. The larger question when it comes to the idea of 'God' is this; if a 'God' does exist, does it exist independent of human beings creating it? That to me is an intriguing question. I know I won't get an answer, but it's food for thought. The problem with theorizing an Intelligent Creator is the lack of evidence, and the completely superfluous idea that Universe had to be created by some entity, since no religion ever explains where that entity came from. God isn't necessary for existence. There is an ultimate question that can't be answered, and that's how it all started. Whether it's where God came from or where what we observe came from, that is still a question that can't be answered. At least not yet.

Good points and I am basically on the same page with everything you wrote.

I definitely think God, the Dao, Brahman, Nirvana are probably human constructs. They may not exist independently of our language and cultural norms.

But, to me at least, they may represent anthropomorphic avatars for something our intuition senses: that there may be a higher truth which remains incomprehensible to us.
Yeah, food for thought.

Don't think of it as "...Universe HAD TO BE created by some entity..." The more realistic consideration is, "...Universe MAY HAVE BEEN created by some entity.

I do not know it it was. I suspect you do not know either. I further suspect NONE OF US do.

We can continue our scientific search to find out as much as possible about what IS and WHY IT IS and HOW IT CAME TO BE, but in the meantime we can leave it for now at, "I do not know." All the guessing on the question of a "creator" is worthless.

Neither are gnats. But gnats exist. Gods MAY exist.

We do not know.


I think we need to study what is before and after life

Humans are very spiritual for a reason

We naturally seek answers

For a reason

We exist as intelligent beings and evolved because of this seeking of answers

I don’t think organized religion is good at seeking theses answers

They only seem to be good at quelling peoples need for answers so they no longer seek

It’s soothing

That’s good

Sometimes they are even good at getting people to sooth others

That’s awesome

But through most of history they tend to rise some evil human to power over others

I want people to seek

So we can actually find the answers
Where did science prove there are not invisible turtles?

Do you believe/not believe people have 'Spirits' or 'Souls'?
Could you conceive that these 'Spirits' leave the body and go ... somewhere?
Have you ever thought a different 'Dimension', 'Realm', or 'Plane' might exist?

I've read quite a few stories of 'Near-Death Experiences', 'Out-of-Body Experiences', and 'Astral Projection'. I've never experienced any of that myself, but ... I can't convince myself any of that might not be true.
Where did science prove there are not invisible turtles?

"Astral projection
Astral projection, is a term used in esotericism to describe an intentional out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of a soul called an "astral body" that is separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it throughout the universe.Wikipedia"
Do you believe/not believe people have 'Spirits' or 'Souls'?
Could you conceive that these 'Spirits' leave the body and go ... somewhere?
Have you ever thought a different 'Dimension', 'Realm', or 'Plane' might exist?

I've read quite a few stories of 'Near-Death Experiences', 'Out-of-Body Experiences', and 'Astral Projection'. I've never experienced any of that myself, but ... I can't convince myself any of that might not be true.

If you are not dead you are not experiencing death.

As far as soul, I like Aristotle's definition that it ends when you die.
"Astral projection
Astral projection, is a term used in esotericism to describe an intentional out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of a soul called an "astral body" that is separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it throughout the universe.Wikipedia"

Whatever. Seems dumb.
Where did science prove there are not invisible turtles?

"Near-death experience
A near-death experience is a profound personal experience associated with death or impending death which researchers claim share similar characteristics. When positive, such experiences may encompass a variety of sensations including detachment from the body, feelings of levitation, total serenity, security, warmth, the experience of absolute dissolution, and the presence of a light.Wikipedia"
"Near-death experience
A near-death experience is a profound personal experience associated with death or impending death which researchers claim share similar characteristics. When positive, such experiences may encompass a variety of sensations including detachment from the body, feelings of levitation, total serenity, security, warmth, the experience of absolute dissolution, and the presence of a light.Wikipedia"

seems dumb
seems dumb

"What Really Happens During an Out-of-Body Experience?"

"An out-of-body experience (OBE), which some might also describe as a dissociative episode, is a sensation of your consciousness leaving your body. These episodes are often reported by people who’ve had a near-death experience.
People typically experience their sense of self inside their physical body. You most likely view the world around you from this vantage point. But during an OBE, you may feel as if you’re outside yourself, looking at your body from another perspective."
"What Really Happens During an Out-of-Body Experience?"

"An out-of-body experience (OBE), which some might also describe as a dissociative episode, is a sensation of your consciousness leaving your body. These episodes are often reported by people who’ve had a near-death experience.
People typically experience their sense of self inside their physical body. You most likely view the world around you from this vantage point. But during an OBE, you may feel as if you’re outside yourself, looking at your body from another perspective."

don't care
String theory is TOE. It's considered pseudoscience. On your last thread I posted an article about Harvard and MIT being desperate for funding. So desperate that they gave Jeffrey Epstein full access for some of his CIA/Mossad money. There hasn't been a physical breakthroughs because fictional math is bleeding physics dry. The only question is why?

I was on the net when about the only thing here was string theory. Grad students were laughing and calling it easy money. It's the Wall Street for nerds.

You are not a believable source

You caused that
If you are not dead you are not experiencing death.

As far as soul, I like Aristotle's definition that it ends when you die.

And he was not privy to the research we now have on the subject

The clinical proof of death and how some humans defy its boundaries by being alive again

Fully documented by known science