The Great Depression vs. Today; And "Share the Wealth" program.

because the job sucks. You get to inhale toxic fumes, ruin your eyes, get splatter burn on your skin and work in all sorts of rough and dangerous conditions and die young. yes it takes great skill to be a fabricator/welder and if your good it pays well but the down side of the job are considerable. It's a similar deal with driving truck. Lots of job, pays well but the job sucks. Living life on the road, taking t he occasional shower, the crappy food. Beats being unemployed but not job most people want.

This is where I differ from many. If I needed a job, and even if the job "sucked," I would take it even if temporarily. I have caught chickens, hauled hay, cleaned out chicken houses, umpired ballgames, done general farm/ranch work and whatever else I needed to do to survive around here until I got the job I currently have. While I get to work in a nice environment now, if I lost my job today, I'd go back and do those other jobs in a heartbeat if it meant being employed and making a living.

I think people get too locked in to what they will/won't do to earn a living. My older brother lost his job and was unemployed for 4 years because he was too proud to take a job driving a truck or working in the oil field. If he couldn't get an office job, he wasn't going to take it. That caused a hardship on our family, especially my dad, for a couple of years. I don't know how many people have this problem (at least I see it as a problem) but suspect he isn't the only one.

Also, to the point, I also suspect (but have no proof) that some won't take some jobs because they are unwilling to relocate. Again, as much as I love where I live (sorry Mott ;)) if it meant me making a living, I'd relocate in a heartbeat, at least, hopefully, temporarily.

To sum up, there are lots of factors that contribute to one's being unemployed, and sometimes, though certainly not always, I feel that it is their own fault.
I would like to know where these welding positions and lineman positions are open. I simply don't believe it because I know tons of people around my parts that want those jobs and can't get on.
The fact remains is that such 'false machismo' has been a motivation for a laundry list of occupations since time immemorial.

I've worked in these fields and seen blacks come in and get fired instantly because the racist bikers would rally up and get them fired for nothing. Some actually were lazy, but some were the most athletic and hard working start ups at the plant.
"Long charged that the nation’s economic collapse was the result of the vast disparity between the super-rich and everyone else. A recovery was impossible while 95% of the nation’s wealth was held by only 15% of the population. In Long’s view, this concentration of money among a handful of wealthy bankers and industrialists restricted its availability for average citizens, who were already struggling with debt and the effects of a shrinking economy. Because no one could afford to buy goods and services, businesses were forced to cut their workforces, thus deepening the economic crisis through a devastating ripple effect."

Sounds just like today to me.

Today though, outsourcing is the key issue. "The people on welfare are low skill workers and the jobs being outsourced are low skill jobs" is what I always say. And this is fact.

So what is it folks......Do we want outsourcing of jobs to profit the few? Or do we want to keep American jobs and profit the many?......

I keep seeing the most uneducated people in America fighting for us to get into another depression and I can't figure out if it's because of their media Fox News or if they seriously think that Corporations don't have monetary interest. Either way in my opinion, they are uneducated.

What about the jobs "Americans won't do" necessitating amnesty?
That it is. One that is beyond my level in fact.

A young man that attended the school where I taught and was the salutatorian of his class chose to learn to do this due to his interest in both welding and scuba diving. Needless to say he surpassed my pay grade long ago.
you've never welded have you? You couldn't pay me enough to be one. I want to live to be old. I don't know how many times in past I sent welders home for metal fume fever or high lead levels.

No, I haven't done welding. A friend did; she liked it, but eventually got into more specialty welding like gates and whatnot. And then had to give it up due to some kind of physical infirmity; I don't remember the details.

How about a nice job as a power line person? (smile)
What about the jobs "Americans won't do" necessitating amnesty?

Americans will do any job if there is a Union involved. I've been on jobs that I wouldn't do even while in a Union.....because someone is fighting against their powers.

I got punched in the face and got held a second shift because of a no show the same day. Fair? But I was making a little over $10 an hour. Greedy unions.

"There Are 4 Million U.S. Job Openings: Why Are The Positions Unfilled?"

I like that article, thanks. It was informative. "Job seekers are unwilling to move cities or work in unfamiliar positions; Employers are holding out for the elusive “perfect candidate”.

Will I make my kids move Schools....only last resort. That's devastating to a child. Unfamiliar positions, I'm all about that :), Employers holding high standars *BINGO*.
I would like to know where these welding positions and lineman positions are open. I simply don't believe it because I know tons of people around my parts that want those jobs and can't get on.

I don't know where your parts are, lol, but you can easily get a job in Alaska, especially if you are an underwater welder.
One of my previous jobs is probably hiring today. It's Union. Pay's you $10 an hour and requires vocational schooling AND/OR years experience. Can't imagine why they can't fill positions.
I don't know where your parts are, lol, but you can easily get a job in Alaska, especially if you are an underwater welder.

I know a place in town that is always hiring.

13 hour shifts required 5 days a week but they push for 6-7 days.

A 50 year old or a parent's dream job.
I know a place in town that is always hiring.

13 hour shifts required 5 days a week but they push for 6-7 days.

A 50 year old or a parent's dream job.

I have friends who work both N. & S. Dakota, and do a two and two, fly from Arizona and Idaho to their jobs.
This is where I differ from many. If I needed a job, and even if the job "sucked," I would take it even if temporarily. I have caught chickens, hauled hay, cleaned out chicken houses, umpired ballgames, done general farm/ranch work and whatever else I needed to do to survive around here until I got the job I currently have. While I get to work in a nice environment now, if I lost my job today, I'd go back and do those other jobs in a heartbeat if it meant being employed and making a living.

I think people get too locked in to what they will/won't do to earn a living. My older brother lost his job and was unemployed for 4 years because he was too proud to take a job driving a truck or working in the oil field. If he couldn't get an office job, he wasn't going to take it. That caused a hardship on our family, especially my dad, for a couple of years. I don't know how many people have this problem (at least I see it as a problem) but suspect he isn't the only one.

Also, to the point, I also suspect (but have no proof) that some won't take some jobs because they are unwilling to relocate. Again, as much as I love where I live (sorry Mott ;)) if it meant me making a living, I'd relocate in a heartbeat, at least, hopefully, temporarily.

To sum up, there are lots of factors that contribute to one's being unemployed, and sometimes, though certainly not always, I feel that it is their own fault.
actually we don't differ there. I've done my share of crappy jobs. Many of the sames ones you have. Yea gotta do w hat you gotta do t o make a living and work is work. T hat doesn't change that a job sucks. You wanted to know why people don't want to be a welder and having worked around quite a few welders and being directly responsible for there health and safety I'm telling you that it!s an unpleasant job that can damage your health and thats why people don't want to make a career out of it.
The thing about it is Rana that we have guys here that graduate from our public school who are so well trained in welding from our FFA program that they can get some of those jobs at 18 or 19. If some choose to go to Vo-Tech while they are in high school they need only pass a test to qualify for most welding jobs. Some choose to play sports in high school and can't go to Vo-Tech concurrently so they have to put in a year there after high school. Either way it works well for them.

Now the bad part for us as a public school...there have been cuts to most Vocational programs in our state (Vo-Ag and Vo-Tech) by the republicans and some the democrats along with some republicans don't like it and attach to our overall school grade in a negative fashion that these guys don't take the ACT test. That's a big F for your school. I still maintain that college ain't for everyone.