The JPP Debate Championship Official Start

Debaters do not always make good lawyers. Lawyers don't debate, they sell. We sell our client's position and tell the trier of fact why the the other side is full of shit, at least full of shit enough not meet their burden.
I'm glad you didn't claim a lawyers job was to see justice done, or be truthful and to act with honor and integrity or to actually uphold the Constitution.....

Its was better to just tell the truth...:good4u:
The Debates start monday. My first one is going to be a stretching exercise. I'm gonna whoop on Skidmark like a borrowed mule. I've known turnips with more brains. This is going to be easier then selling moon pies to Dixie.

I'm gonna crush you like the bug that you are kiddo. You're gonna know what it's like to be bitch slapped! Mwahahahahahahaha!!!!!
The Debates start monday. My first one is going to be a stretching exercise. I'm gonna whoop on Skidmark like a borrowed mule. I've known turnips with more brains. This is going to be easier then selling moon pies to Dixie.

I'm gonna crush you like the bug that you are kiddo. You're gonna know what it's like to be bitch slapped! Mwahahahahahahaha!!!!!

What if you were only trying to sell Dixie 1/3 of a moon pie? :cof1:
I just came across this. Is there a question on judges? Mott asked me to serve because PMP backed out. I made clear that I'm quite clueless and uninterested in all the nics on this board. I read only posts that have titles I feel I may be interested in. I have concerns cause while I 'know' watermark' I've not read many of his posts under alias. For that reason I didn't like being a judge. The 'rules' regarding numerous nics is not something I've ever been comfortable with, which I've made clear my hesitancy to post much. I always feel baited.

I may need to step down, I question fairness from I'm unsure who. Mott is a standup guy. So is Damo. I don't know the problem, but seems there is one.

I think I want to go back to being the quiet one.

I'm watermark. Sorry if the constant name changing makes it difficult for anyone to understand what's going on if they don't constantly keep up with the posts.
I stopped reading this thread, just checked through, and now my comments seem weird.

Prepare to die Mott. I shall weep as I plunge my sword through your heart.
i haven't been following this thread for the last 50 posts or so but just so there isn't any confusion we are just keeping the schedule as it originally was.
do you proles have any preference by which judges conduct their business? by that I mean, would you guys like us judges openly discussing (amongst ourselves) what we thought about each debate or should judges come to their decisions independently and then inform you guys that way?