The jury

No, nothing that Trump and Daniels did between the sheets was relevant in the least. This trial was about paying for an NDA and the accounting / bookkeeping that went with that. It had ZERO to do with whatever sex or whatever those two were doing. She was totally irrelevant to the trial.
LMAO. Stop citing Hannity. You look like an idiot. trump said there was no NDA that he knew of. He lied.
Oh 100 percent there are Trump cultists who are already trying to figure out names and addresses so they can go on an assassination mission
Wow who could have predicted?


Ummm...not quite. It was about payments that were made and the motive for the payments. The "accounting" mostly was usedd to inform of the motive...which was to preent the public from finding out about the inident in furtherance of Trump's campaign for the presidency.

Sorta. It is more complicated than that, but we do not need a law lesson here...and I am certainly not qualified to give it.

At the time the two were making the beast with two backs or whatever, Trump wasn't running for President, so she knows shit about why he wanted the NDC beyond he did. Again, she knew nothing.
You do seem to think that, but there was enough relevlancy that the court allowed it (albeit restricted) to be entered.
There was no relevancy to her testimony other than its possible salaciousness and innuendo to possibly make the jury hate Trump for his sexual proclivities.
Or he didn't know Cohen did the NDA... In which case it is YOU that's lying.
If you believe Cohen mortgaged his house to pay for a hush payment without a guarantee from trump, you're either a fucking moron or a shill for trump.

Your choice.
Do you think the jurors will now have to go into hiding? The implications of their verdict for them and their families had to weigh on their minds. Yet, they did the right thing, anyway.

Pretty fucking brave.
I think the State of NY should fund a security detail for all of them. Romney had to pay thousands per day for he and his family and his only "crime" was voting to convict in Trump's impeachment trial.
Correct. trump claimed the two minutes of sex never happened, and the payments were for legal services rendered.

So it was necessary to prove that the sex happened, and the money was to hide it from the electorate.
It actually didn’t matter whether the sex happened or not. Trump is a moron and refused to stipulate that it did which opened the door for her to testify. If the money was paid to help the campaign and was not reported as a contribution from Cohen then that is a campaign finance violation. And obviously that was the purpose, as was the McDougal catch and kill. That was an in kind contribution that was never reported. And just like that we have a conspiracy. And a violation of New York law.
Agree, but the idiots keep claiming that her testimony is grounds for appeal.
Her testimony appears to be irrelevant. The paper trail of the payments was a slam dunk. The jury decided that immediately. The felony came on Cohen’s and Pecker’s corroborating testimonies regarding the intent of the payments.
Her testimony appears to be irrelevant. The paper trail of the payments was a slam dunk. The jury decided that immediately. The felony came on Cohen’s and Pecker’s corroborating testimonies regarding the intent of the payments.
Paying a women is not a crime.