The jury

Total disregard for justice...
Thankfully, people watched...People are aware of the timeline and how it all unfolded to somehow try to help Joe....another backfire, btw...
People will vote accordingly...
They used the assumption of campaign finance fraud to turn a misdemeanor into a felony.
No, they proved that it included campaign fraud as well as falsification making him guilty of felonies, 34 of them.

No assumption, not alleged but fucking guilty.

It is just starting to sink in that he is a convicted criminal. If elected we will have a leader like Putin who cannot travel to many countries because of his criminal record. Other world leaders will have no interest in meeting with the criminal and many won't even allow him in their country.

Donald Trump Faces Travel Ban To 37 Countries​

Donald Trump, now a convicted felon, faces significant travel restrictions as many countries around the world enforce strict immigration policies against individuals with criminal records.
Total disregard for justice...
Thankfully, people watched...People are aware of the timeline and how it all unfolded to somehow try to help Joe....another backfire, btw...
People will vote accordingly...
If you actually think anyone out there is going to say "I wasn't going to vote for Trump but since he is now a convicted felon I think I will", you are a bigger idiot than even I figured.

From a poll taken after the verdict............
10 percent of Republican voters said were "less likely" to vote for Trump due to his conviction.

From a couple taken in the last month or two.......
Trump's status as a felon may be enough to decide the winner of the close election, with polls conducted in April and May finding that the ex-president would lose between 5 and 7 percent of the overall vote with a conviction.
If you actually think anyone out there is going to say "I wasn't going to vote for Trump but since he is now a convicted felon I think I will", you are a bigger idiot than even I figured.

From a poll taken after the verdict............
10 percent of Republican voters said were "less likely" to vote for Trump due to his conviction.

From a couple taken in the last month or two.......
Trump's status as a felon may be enough to decide the winner of the close election, with polls conducted in April and May finding that the ex-president would lose between 5 and 7 percent of the overall vote with a conviction.
i guess we'll see...keep the faith;)
Well then get better news sources or stop being blinded by your hatred for Trump and SEE what truly happened here.

You really should not be commenting who the fuck is blind. Trump has lost countless cases where he ripped off contractors, assaulted countless women, admitted to assaulting them, raped one in a dressing room, lost fraud cases to the tune of 80 million, additional tax and business fraud and falsification cases to the tune of a half a billion and now is guilty of 34 felonies, is facing another 50, and you think he is a wonderful guy innocent of everything? I'd say it's pretty obvious who the fuck is blind here.
Quite right. They also just guaranteed something else: civil war.

If the 2024 election cycle fails because of this and other election interference by Democrats, there will be war...started by the Democrats.
If Trump is successful in his appeals, and/or becomes President, there will be war...started by the Democrats.

The Democrats (including Joe Biden) have called for civil multiple times.

I figured it would start AFTER the 2024 election cycle, but it may happen THIS year, earlier than I thought. At the least skirmishes might break out.

I don't look forward to it.
Total disregard for justice...
Thankfully, people watched...People are aware of the timeline and how it all unfolded to somehow try to help Joe....another backfire, btw...
People will vote accordingly...
Total disregard for justice...
Thankfully, people watched...People are aware of the timeline and how it all unfolded to somehow try to help Joe....another backfire, btw...
People will vote accordingly...
At this point, the MAGA moron supporters like you, have become as dangerous to our Republic as Trump himself.

I pity you...all of the MAGA moron supporters.
At this point, the MAGA moron supporters like you, have become as dangerous to our Republic as Trump himself.

I pity you...all of the MAGA moron supporters.
I'm much more concerned about Biden supporters... It's obvious they will go to any extreme to stay in power... Thankfully none of its working so far.. Very concerning to see what happens next...
I'm much more concerned about Biden supporters... It's obvious they will go to any extreme to stay in power... Thankfully none of its working so far.. Very concerning to see what happens next...
See a mental health physician now...while it is (at least possibly) not too late.
I'm fine... And get back out on the golf course asap... Get rid of some of that frustration...;)
You are not fine, TOP. You, and the other MAGA fools have some very serious problem that need professional attention.

Do it...don't do it. Makes no difference to me. But it could make a significant difference to you.
Praying against trump? Bold move

You do not need help from any gods. YOU can help by not doing your best to destroy our country.
I'm working hard to save this country...I thank God first thing every day...and the last thing every night.. we all need and benefit from God's help... but if you're not a believer, I'm OK with that too...just scroll by those messages that mention faith...
I'm working hard to save this country...I thank God first thing every day...and the last thing every night.. we all need and benefit from God's help... but if you're not a believer, I'm OK with that too...just scroll by those messages that mention faith...
If you want to suppose there is a God who will help you do what you want to do...fine with me. There may be one...there may not.

But if you think the kind of stuff you post is helping to save this country...if you think that helping Trump (or any Republican right now) to get into office...IS are nuts.
I'm working hard to save this country...I thank God first thing every day...and the last thing every night.. we all need and benefit from God's help... but if you're not a believer, I'm OK with that too...just scroll by those messages that mention faith...
You want a criminal in office who organized an insurrection and lies like no politician ever and you see it as good for the country. What Trump is, is plain to see. He is not the problem, people like you are. Do you think a god would pick a cruel and corrupt person like Trump? Your faith is pretend.
You really should not be commenting who the fuck is blind. Trump has lost countless cases where he ripped off contractors, assaulted countless women, admitted to assaulting them, raped one in a dressing room, lost fraud cases to the tune of 80 million, additional tax and business fraud and falsification cases to the tune of a half a billion and now is guilty of 34 felonies, is facing another 50, and you think he is a wonderful guy innocent of everything? I'd say it's pretty obvious who the fuck is blind here.
I've said more than once that Trump is a piece of shit. I've also said that he should have been convicted for a misdemeanor falsifying docs charge.