The jury

You want a criminal in office who organized an insurrection and lies like no politician ever and you see it as good for the country. What Trump is, is plain to see. He is not the problem, people like you are. Do you think a god would pick a cruel and corrupt person like Trump? Your faith is pretend.
We'll have to agree to disagree on President Trump... he dis not orhanize an lies more than anyone... your faith apparently is nonexistent...your choice...
Anything related to the two minutes of sex was relevant to the trial. trump lied about not having sex with her.
No, nothing that Trump and Daniels did between the sheets was relevant in the least. This trial was about paying for an NDA and the accounting / bookkeeping that went with that. It had ZERO to do with whatever sex or whatever those two were doing. She was totally irrelevant to the trial.
It was relevant to impeach the defense counsel's claim that the two minutes of sex never happened. What isn't relevant, is some trump supporter from the FEC who would give his opinion on facts not relevant to the case.
Whether Trump fucked her for months or never did is irrelevant to the payment of the NDA and how that was arranged. That was what this trial was about.
Cohen went to jail on campaign-finance violations, tax fraud, and bank fraud. The campaign -finance thing was the hush money stuff.

I don’t recall anybody going to jail for lying to Congress.
An NDA is not illegal.

Cohen stole money, committed bank fraud and tax fraud, and committed perjury.
You really should not be commenting who the fuck is blind. Trump has lost countless cases where he ripped off contractors, assaulted countless women, admitted to assaulting them, raped one in a dressing room, lost fraud cases to the tune of 80 million, additional tax and business fraud and falsification cases to the tune of a half a billion and now is guilty of 34 felonies, is facing another 50, and you think he is a wonderful guy innocent of everything? I'd say it's pretty obvious who the fuck is blind here.
Stop making shit up.
You want a criminal in office who organized an insurrection and lies like no politician ever and you see it as good for the country.
No, that's why I'm voting for Trump.
What Trump is, is plain to see.
That he is. He makes a damn fine President.
He is not the problem, people like you are. Do you think a god would pick a cruel and corrupt person like Trump? Your faith is pretend.
God didn't pick Trump...but the people likely will, and so will the electoral college.
How is that relevant to paying her off to keep quiet and the bookkeeping that went with it?

Beats the shit out of me. I don't think it does.

She doesn't know anything about the money trail or bookkeeping so how is her testimony relevant?
Her testimony is only marginally relevant...if at all.

However, you said, "That was what this trial was about."

It wasn't.
Beats the shit out of me. I don't think it does.

Her testimony is only marginally relevant...if at all.

However, you said, "That was what this trial was about."

It wasn't.
The trial wasn't about what she and Trump did or didn't do. It was about his paying her to keep quiet and the accounting that went with that. She had NOTHING to do with that. Her testimony was completely irrelevant.

I don't know if you are playing dumb again, but the money that he used to pay off Stormy Daniels was illegal under campaign finance laws..
Actually, it wasn't. The FEC--the experts in federal campaign laws--said so and declined to prosecute Trump for anything. The judge in Trump's trial even prevented the same expert witnesses from testifying to that.

The trial wasn't about what she and Trump did or didn't do.


It was about his paying her to keep quiet and the accounting that went with that.

Ummm...not quite. It was about payments that were made and the motive for the payments. The "accounting" mostly was usedd to inform of the motive...which was to preent the public from finding out about the inident in furtherance of Trump's campaign for the presidency.

Sorta. It is more complicated than that, but we do not need a law lesson here...and I am certainly not qualified to give it.

She had NOTHING to do with that. Her testimony was completely irrelevant.

You do seem to think that, but there was enough relevlancy that the court allowed it (albeit restricted) to be entered.
Whether Trump fucked her for months or never did is irrelevant to the payment of the NDA and how that was arranged. That was what this trial was about.
Correct. trump claimed the two minutes of sex never happened, and the payments were for legal services rendered.

So it was necessary to prove that the sex happened, and the money was to hide it from the electorate.