The physics of God

One small idea, tradition has it everyone uses relative time table logistics based upon intellectual latitude and longitude of the Earth's surface set to calculate relative position on a rotating planet orbited by a moon, both revolving aorund a star as the solar system spirals in its arm of the galaxy. Cycles within cycles compounding a total sum of all events simultaneously present.

Kind of needs a system to insulate and isolate specific points of timed apart so far, correct? Ooh, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, intergers, mathematics, history all conditioning a brain away from navigating as one of a kind into socially organizing a population to one mentality. eternal conflicting interpretations arise. people gravitate to false expectations and start categorizing levels of obedience to ideas like alpha, beta, omega, cast-a-ways that just don't obey the rules of pretend.

Here is the natural situation though, each body has an alpha brain, beta ancestral position, omega part of the current population as timed apart so far. Life in plain sight with no verbal doubt exactly as the population exists in plain sight of all life in this atmosphere. Compared to what has been discovered without possibilities life is anything else, this planet is a real Garden of Eden humans just won't accept now is eternity. Too many raising hell all the time.

What got lost in real time? Honesty about limitations at being timed apart now. Almost everyone does it for their character feeling larger than eternally sorted apart so far.

Marianne Williamson is a very nice person, but I'm not buying it. The fact remains no one knows anything beyond the natural laws of the Universe.

Maybe our species will some day, but not today.
I only want to know- Did Adam and Eve have Belly Buttons?

A couple of young gentlemen in suits riding bicycles showed up at my front door.

I asked them this question, they said, and they responded, "We haven't a clue"!

So I told them to go research that, and come back to see me with their answer!

So far, they have never returned!
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I can sense the Spiritual World, sometimes.

You can feel it when a good or bad person passes by, you can sense their energy, without knowing them, or seeing their face.
Thus I believe in the Soul.

I know sometimes when people are looking at me.
Hard to believe that's from nothing.

I've sensed the same spirits, that other people have without telling them.
Kind of supports the afterlife, no?

The chances of life happening by accident, are extremely slim to nil.
Kind of supports the organization of creation, no?

Evolution explains some things.
But, can it explain how a Whale went into the Oceans from the land, and developed water breathing organs?
It seems about impossible, that anything could happen that crazy.

Then there's how delicate eco systems are, that Environmentalists rightfully say are easily destroyed.
How are they so delicate, and balanced by chance?
It's like they were CREATED in perfect balance & portions, and not by some accident.
That's not what I read. What I read was this "We are in a universe that supports life." We just happen to have a "winning" Lotto ticket to be on one of the planets that nurtures life.

That is basically the gist of it. The universe just is because. It is what it is. No further explanation is required.

I am rather agnostic about the ultimate reasons for how exactly the universe came into being. But I am not going to begrudge those people- some of whom are physicists themselves - who see a divine act of providence in the mix.

These questions are just interesting to banter about.

"It is not for us to involve ourselves in the vast field of conjecture that these questions open up. Only more daring philosophers undertake that."

Georges Cuvier
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Who's to say Stars aren't living beings?

They are energy & matter like us.

But, we assume they're not living, why?

Stars reproduce, they super nova & create nebulae, which births new stars.
Marianne Williamson is a very nice person, but I'm not buying it. The fact remains no one knows anything beyond the natural laws of the Universe.

Maybe our species will some day, but not today.

every lifetime navigates between everything outside their skin, correct? This goes to all life with individual mobility to move in a desired direction, one direction at a time. here is where I left relative time behind in 1982. I started mentally looking at life as timed apart now. Doesn't change anything physically but everything intelelctually done historically so far.

Try it for a week, my gamble is you won't consider it possible. Your instincts are well aware of how life exists in plain sight. Same goes for Marianne Williamson.
It is opined that all the things that are part of "the Good Life", came into being by evolution.

So after so much evolution we have beauty, pleasure, recreation, amusements, holidays and planes and bling etc.


The physics of the Universe is to provide a place to accommodate the soul's search for the supreme Persona.

The physics of God is "His Own Persona"

We call it "Absolute Truth"

The summon bonum of all is known as the "Absolute Truth"

The "Absolute Truth" is a Persona. The originating wellspring of Persona.

The sojourn of the soul is to re-connect [re-ligio; yoga (yoke, re-link)] to the "Absolute Truth".

So the sojourn of the soul in the phantasmagorical material cosmos [aka 'Maya']
is transient and and last for only a blink of an eye
...upon returning home back to Godhead's association.

Maya is real but temporary and repetitively alluring.

If you include the Gnostic Bibles into Christianity, you get something more out of Christianity like the Eastern religions.

The Gnostic Bibles support reincarnation, and even more interestingly, state that Divine Beings created by God, created us.

I guess, they were left out, because you catch more flies with sh(t like a permanent Hell & Heaven, than with Reincarnation added into the equation.
The proportions of Oxygen in the atmosphere are high enough for Life, but low enough that it doesn't Combust.

It's like there's a perfect balance & harmony there.

One supporting line of reasoning for the Gaia hypothesis concerns the presence of oxygen in Earth's atmosphere. It is believed by scientists that the primordial atmosphere of Earth did not contain oxygen. The appearance of this gas required the evolution of photosynthetic life forms, which were initially blue-green bacteria and, somewhat later, single-celled algae. Molecular oxygen is a waste product of photosynthesis, and its present atmospheric concentration of about 21% has entirely originated with this biochemical process (which is also the basis of all biologically fixed energy in ecosystems). Of course, the availability of atmospheric oxygen is a critically important environmental factor for most of Earth's species and for many ecological processes.

In addition, it appears that the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere has been relatively stable for an extremely long period of time, perhaps several billions of years. This suggests the existence of a long-term equilibrium between the production of this gas by green plants, and its consumption by biological and non-living processes. If the atmospheric concentration of oxygen were much larger than it actually is, say about 25% instead of the actual 21%, then biomass would be much more readily combustible. These conditions could lead to much more frequent and more extensive forest fires. Such conflagrations would be severely damaging to Earth's ecosystems and species
That is basically the gist of it. The universe just is because. It is what it is. No further explanation is required.

I am rather agnostic about the ultimate reasons for how exactly the universe came into being. But I am not going to begrudge those people- some of whom are physicists themselves - who see a divine act of providence in the mix.

These questions are just interesting to banter about.

It's a big unknown. What's amusing to me is how the atheists will declare "there is no God" while accepting the theory of the Multiverse. All without evidence. The concept of God as an old man on a golden throne throwing lightning bolts to send people to Hell is highly unlikely. OTOH, the Universe had an origin and the Universe has produced intelligence. I also find it unlikely that something without intelligence can produce intelligence. There, there is probably intelligence associated with the Universe and its creation.
every lifetime navigates between everything outside their skin, correct? This goes to all life with individual mobility to move in a desired direction, one direction at a time. here is where I left relative time behind in 1982. I started mentally looking at life as timed apart now. Doesn't change anything physically but everything intelelctually done historically so far.

Try it for a week, my gamble is you won't consider it possible. Your instincts are well aware of how life exists in plain sight. Same goes for Marianne Williamson.

That's what Marianne says!

There is no past, there is no future, there is only the Eternal Now. Time cannot exist without Space and Space cannot exist without Time.

Oh, and don't forget to dance!

It's a big unknown. What's amusing to me is how the atheists will declare "there is no God" while accepting the theory of the Multiverse. All without evidence. The concept of God as an old man on a golden throne throwing lightning bolts to send people to Hell is highly unlikely. OTOH, the Universe had an origin and the Universe has produced intelligence. I also find it unlikely that something without intelligence can produce intelligence. There, there is probably intelligence associated with the Universe and its creation.

The Human brain in it's self is crazy.

For example, the Left brain is needed to produce & understand Language, reading & Mathematics.

But, those weren't always around, why is it like the Human brain was created to absorb Language skills & Mathematics?

We created them, sure, yes Math & Language is our feature, but it's like the Human Brain was designed to create it.

Which seems to be highly unlikely from chance, because in reality, there's no environmental need for any evolution to include Math & Language skills.

It's like we were designed to be like this, not so much evolved for Math & Language skills.
It's a big unknown. What's amusing to me is how the atheists will declare "there is no God" while accepting the theory of the Multiverse. All without evidence. The concept of God as an old man on a golden throne throwing lightning bolts to send people to Hell is highly unlikely. OTOH, the Universe had an origin and the Universe has produced intelligence. I also find it unlikely that something without intelligence can produce intelligence. There, there is probably intelligence associated with the Universe and its creation.

I compartmentalize science and religion. They are not asking the same questions and they are different ways of considering the state of reality and existence.

Science is inductive and provides probabilistic knowlege about the natural world. There is no way any of us can be 100 percent certain about the actual nature of reality

My life is dedicated to the efficacy of inductive reasoning and its offspring-the scientific method.

But science cannot provide answers to metaphysical questions. I am unaware of a laboratory test or mathematical model which can provide us the ultimate answers about what constitutes justice, truth, and morality.
I compartmentalize science and religion. They are not asking the same questions and they are different ways of considering the state of reality and existence.

Science is inductive and provides probabilistic knowlege about the natural world. There is no way any of us can be 100 percent certain about the actual nature of reality

My life is dedicated to the efficacy of inductive reasoning and its offspring-the scientific method.

But science cannot provide answers to metaphysical questions. I am unaware of a laboratory test or mathematical model which can provide us the ultimate answers about what justice, truth, and morality are.

Compartmentalization is good, but let's not forget, like a Venn Diagram, there are overlaps.
That's what Marianne says!

There is no past, there is no future, there is only the Eternal Now. Time cannot exist without Space and Space cannot exist without Time.

Oh, and don't forget to dance!

how can there be no past, just not by relative time. The woman is using code speak to keep people loyal to idealists where social rank has the privileges those paying to believe life is more than reproductively centered here honor a royal we mentality over their one of a kind statures. Psychological path of least resistance, Easier to comply with deniers than stand your time as one of a kind where everyone picking sides surrounds you making sure one's individualism dies with them. Something I endured since 1982. Corruption angered me to stop being silent and I choose to whisper on message boards until banned for my accuracy to displacement of current population regardless species to plant, animal, predator, prey, male, female, ancestral time present.
how can there be no past, just not by relative time. The woman is using code speak to keep people loyal to idealists where social rank has the privileges those paying to believe life is more than reproductively centered here honor a royal we mentality over their one of a kind statures. Psychological path of least resistance, Easier to comply with deniers than stand your time as one of a kind where everyone picking sides surrounds you making sure one's individualism dies with them. Something I endured since 1982. Corruption angered me to stop being silent and I choose to whisper on message boards until banned for my accuracy to displacement of current population regardless species to plant, animal, predator, prey, male, female, ancestral time present.

Yeah, all the best nutjobs have their own "code".
Yeah, all the best nutjobs have their own "code".

ancestrally coded DNA due to timed apart now as reproductions of this system are simultaneously living in plain sight as half life reproductions able to merge reproductive cells to add to the population centered so far?

what nutjob are you talking about? the mobs not respecting life as it actually exists demanding everyone ignore real or else they will actively implode the global economic system currently being dismantled disguised as social distancing flattening the curve of corona virus?

I read between the lines of intellectual promises of better tomorrows while just adapting to being timed apart now.

Oh, how this relates to the topic of this thread, God is an intellectual caricature of life as timed apart so far working the same way from now on, with or without homo sapien lifetimes present.
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ancestrally coded DNA due to timed apart now as reproductions of this system are simultaneously living in plain sight as half life reproductions able to merge reproductive cells to add to the population centered so far?

what nutjob are you talking about? the mobs not respecting life as it actually exists demanding everyone ignore real or else they will actively implode the global economic system currently being dismantled disguised as social distancing flattening the curve of corona virus?

I read between the lines of intellectual promises of better tomorrows while just adapting to being timed apart now.

Oh, how this relates to the topic of this thread, God is an intellectual caricature of life as timed apart so far working the same way from now on, with or without homo sapien lifetimes present.
Of course you do.
Of course you do.

wow, patronizing condescension. I would never have guessed it being of character directed to serve artificial intelligence know as common language used to communicate brain to brain spoken or written.

Contextual souls trying to rule over conceived sole replacements while only alive as timed apart now.

Endowed by our creator all mankind is created equally present.
Wassamatter? Your magical "code" stop working just because of lil' ol' me?

not at all. great attempt as deflecting though. See, whatever you believe doesn't alter being timed apart now. Does show why you strive to keep people guessing though. You loath life as timed apart in plain sight. Misery loves company that validates each other as a group think narrative larger than honest soles enjoying the time they get living as 1 of a kind.

time to end inmates running the asylums of reality. Nobody gets hurt unless those unwilling to become honest destroys those being honest. then who will pay in blood and treasure for your reality after.
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