The physics of God

not high, honest within oneself. Instincts navigate a body through being timed apart, vocabulary steers people to mind ideas that promise things that physically never existed in real time reproductive separated so far.

Reality is about controlling outcomes from now on and the so called greater good was manage the unpredictable by controlling behavior during adapt or become extinct timed apart occupying space now. Defying real creates "reasonable doubt" and to make matters worse "mind" vocabulary, not navigate life as timed apart equally centered here conceived to decomposed.

this is ^^^^^^the root of all "evil". defying one's own natural time as displaced so far. Manifested destiny is rule of law changes between ideologies and geographical areas coloinized around syllables. separate tongues still use language the same way in the same species. why people won't get along, they ancestrally agree to disagree about life as eternally spearated so far, naturally here as reproductively timed apart now.

13 years I have been trying to get others to listen and the people hoping tomorrow is a better day won't listen, cast me aside, exile me, ban me from message boards. But life only lasts individually here equally adapting to spaced apart now. I have nowhere to go and dead really isn't my choice yet. Tyranny is governed by hope tomorrow changes everything, faith vocabulary is all anyone needs to recite, and charity is just a pretty set of syllables bribing malcontents to be surrogates to doubt.

What is left is that sinking feeling behind one's eyes and between their ears that life beyond society is helpless, hopeless, and individual worth less not paying to play life's supreme species chosen by a higher intellectual designer of universal displacement.

I am not against making life easier to adapt at being eternally timed apart, I am against the vocabulary making each ancestor deny why they exist now. So many things drive civic minds to end up sacrificing their civil sole adapting to the moment. Mob rule just doesn't work. History shows why and how to correct it honestly without destroying living as reproductively centered so far.

There is zero reason for me to thread ban you. I have no idea what you are saying, but you do not seem to indulge in the bigotry, cursing, and innuendo JPP is mostly known for.

To me, the bottom line is that science and religious faith are mostly incompatible because they are different manifestations of the human experience.

Science is probabilistic inductive knowledge about the natural world.

Genuine spiritual faith is about ethics and about living the authentic life.

We are limited by our sensory perception and limited cognition. We are basically just smart chimpanzees. I maintain we can never have 100 percent certainty about the nature of reality. I take my lead from Rene Descartes - we should practice unrelenting skepticism about everything
There is zero reason for me to thread ban you. I have no idea what you are saying, but you do not seem to indulge in the bigotry, cursing, and innuendo JPP is mostly known for.

To me, the bottom line is that science and religious faith are mostly incompatible because they are different manifestations of the human experience.

Science is probabilistic inductive knowledge about the natural world.

Genuine spiritual faith is about ethics and about living the authentic life.

We are limited by our sensory perception and limited cognition. We are basically just smart chimpanzees. I maintain we can never have 100 percent certainty about the nature of reality. I take my lead from Rene Descartes - we should practice unrelenting skepticism about everything

Again, I read your words and sense your use of vocabulary has conditioned your brain to limit perception to socially accepted interpretations of linear space time. Time isn't linear. All that is linear is individual mobility to travel one direction as a time while centered in a populaiton being timed apart now.

that is what you haven't gotten used to having conversations with me. Our bodies have 5 physical senses and 1 self awareness sense of proportion. Brain is working all 6 simultaneosuly where conversations operate reciting 2. eyes and ears. This is meant as humor because it applies to every lifetime equally, no exceptions. eyes and ears feed the brain, and the mouth is the rectum of vocabulary learned since birth.

Humans are educated to speculate what else is possible, never trained to accept what isn't. Here comes the big one, living is timed apart now, not by calendary counting rotations journals of people expecting life to be larger than timed apart so far.

The absolute root to humans corrupting every social enterprise developed so far. Why democracies fail every time timming life by linear expectations. Human error compounding ancestrally. its going on in plain sight.

Reality doesn't change how life works physically, it changes how one species reponds with timed apart so far. The solution in plain sight. now try to convince other reproductions their history was used against their own ancesries so far. how and why. all that is left is getting remaining great grandparents, grandprents, parents, last trained generation, institutions of doubt academia, arts, politics, spiritualism, economics, mob rule justifications to change their mind.

simple isn't easy.
Again, I read your words and sense your use of vocabulary has conditioned your brain to limit perception to socially accepted interpretations of linear space time. Time isn't linear. All that is linear is individual mobility to travel one direction as a time while centered in a populaiton being timed apart now.

that is what you haven't gotten used to having conversations with me. Our bodies have 5 physical senses and 1 self awareness sense of proportion. Brain is working all 6 simultaneosuly where conversations operate reciting 2. eyes and ears. This is meant as humor because it applies to every lifetime equally, no exceptions. eyes and ears feed the brain, and the mouth is the rectum of vocabulary learned since birth.

Humans are educated to speculate what else is possible, never trained to accept what isn't. Here comes the big one, living is timed apart now, not by calendary counting rotations journals of people expecting life to be larger than timed apart so far.

The absolute root to humans corrupting every social enterprise developed so far. Why democracies fail every time timming life by linear expectations. Human error compounding ancestrally. its going on in plain sight.

Reality doesn't change how life works physically, it changes how one species reponds with timed apart so far. The solution in plain sight. now try to convince other reproductions their history was used against their own ancesries so far. how and why. all that is left is getting remaining great grandparents, grandprents, parents, last trained generation, institutions of doubt academia, arts, politics, spiritualism, economics, mob rule justifications to change their mind.

simple isn't easy.

Your assumptions about me are of no consequence.

I am aware of both the physics of time and the Hindu conceptions of non-linear time.

I choose to attempt to write in standard, lucid English.

Writing cryptically is neither a sign of erudition, nor of deep metaphysical understanding and reflection.
Your assumptions about me are of no consequence.

I am aware of both the physics of time and the Hindu conceptions of non-linear time.

I choose to attempt to write in standard, lucid English.

Writing cryptically is neither a sign of erudition, nor of deep metaphysical understanding and reflection.

again leave out hindu concepts of non linear time. You keep projecting I am not just describing actual time reproductions co-exist in their specific position as reproduced so far. I am describing actively adapting to spaced apart now. Same way all reproductions exist now. I am not working a metaphysical interpretation, spiritual or scientific life is more than what takes place so far. Kinetic living without doubt the physical limitations of my time present.

Are you a reproduction of your ancestry? not an assumption. how life works.

oh! the physics of God is only different than the psycology of science in both make human lifetimes project themselves outside simultaneously present. Again, both work to manage outcomes of life when physically the past ends here and the future constantly developing from now on. point here is, nothing is ever duplicated reproductively, everything is compounding changes to forms shaped as spaced apart now. I am not debating differences of opinions, I am describing different positions as timed apart now.
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God is famously known as LOVE.

"God is Love"

Agree? Dis-agree?

The atheist proclaims that "LOVE" is a product of Darwinian evolution?
God is famously known as LOVE.

"God is Love"

Agree? Dis-agree?

The atheist proclaims that "LOVE" is a product of Darwinian evolution?

love is a poetic term used to invoke subliminal emotional responses same as hate. two sides of the same passion one is warmth from accepted and the other anger by rejected. so apathy is what emotion of love is as it tolerates being accepted as well as rejected as the lifetime just goes about adapting to life never the same details again with future developing from now on.
love is a poetic term used to invoke subliminal emotional responses same as hate. two sides of the same passion one is warmth from accepted and the other anger by rejected. so apathy is what emotion of love is as it tolerates being accepted as well as rejected as the lifetime just goes about adapting to life never the same details again with future developing from now on.

Dick Head.

Every single thing you know was data you were informed of by others.


Welcome to the jungle.

Dick Head.

Every single thing you know was data you were informed of by others.


Welcome to the jungle.


how I use it isn't copied by anyone else. I worked specificity back to reproductive time is being spaced apart conception to decomposed regardless species categorized under 3 axioms of plant or animal, predator or prey, male, female, asexual.

Everyone I grew up around and live around will not think beyond time table logistics built by intelletual hypothetical standards as 4 corners of world order thinking outside a box.

Everyone has to pick a side keeping secrets from the other 14 positions of ancestry present staged apart ancestrally by remaining 16 great great grandparents/siblings never reproduced, left over 8 great grandparents/sibling that never reproduced, 4 grandparents/siblings never reproduced, 2 parents/siblings never reproduced, last added generation and cousins that haven't or never do reproduce another generation and when they do they enter 1 of 2 parents and invert ancestry by fractional proportion of DNA into that child, grandchild, great grandchild, great great grandchild. insert thermol dynamics 101. now lets play 101 = 2020 which translates using 20 year average between born and becoming a parent, humanity still hasn't become honest about life never exceeding now.Picture-123.jpg 16 sides to 4 parallel vertical axses to center, 8 great grandparent pole of those 16 sides, 4 horizontal pole corners grandparent points of displacement DNA, center vertical 2 parents of each added number to the ever changing shape and form of reproductions present now.

Gee simple compounding DNA in plain sight taking away rhetorical time line fever allowing people to ignore now is eternity historically, morally, legally, ethically, socially, academically artistically, politically, spiritually, economically, and most of all ancestrally.

wonder what Judgement Day actually looks like in real time? ha ha ha ha ha ha.
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I had a realisation:

The classic anthropomorphic quandary.

Man lacks everything God has.

Man wants everything God has.
I had a realisation:

The classic anthropomorphic quandary.

Man lacks everything God has.

Man wants everything God has.

there is no physics to God. The metaphsical idea there is one is relative to believing now isn't eternity and replacement reproduciton isn't self contained to spacing the populaiton apart now which it/reproduction actually does physically. Genetic compounding total sum reproductions as half life reproducers of the next generation from now on, or extinction regardless one person, one generation, one genetic lineage, one variety of the species, one species, food chain in one atmosphere. cycles within cycles to total numbers as existed or existing with future developing from now on or not anymore.

Binary code in adapt or become extinct. Stay balanced or remove yourself from self correcting life. Karma. that what goes around comes around. contracting results expanding details to supply the next contracting results never duplicated twice.

Realities educate real doesn't matter and vocabulary is all that counts socially. No other species is smart enough to destroy itself by its own pretenses.
Are we the lucky ones, because within it some are smart enough to stop enabling others.
there is no physics to God. The metaphsical idea there is one is relative to believing now isn't eternity and replacement reproduciton isn't self contained to spacing the populaiton apart now which it/reproduction actually does physically. Genetic compounding total sum reproductions as half life reproducers of the next generation from now on, or extinction regardless one person, one generation, one genetic lineage, one variety of the species, one species, food chain in one atmosphere. cycles within cycles to total numbers as existed or existing with future developing from now on or not anymore.

Binary code in adapt or become extinct. Stay balanced or remove yourself from self correcting life. Karma. that what goes around comes around. contracting results expanding details to supply the next contracting results never duplicated twice.

Realities educate real doesn't matter and vocabulary is all that counts socially. No other species is smart enough to destroy itself by its own pretenses.
Are we the lucky ones, because within it some are smart enough to stop enabling others.

BWAA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAA. Son, you forgot to square the root! Next time, square it, don't play with it.
BWAA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAA. Son, you forgot to square the root! Next time, square it, don't play with it.

you've been cubedPicture-150.jpg. square is just one of 6 sides pick your team color from yellow, blue, red, pink, orange, green. Your social collective mentality vs my avatar style thinking center being timed apart now.Picture-172.jpg
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Cubing it doesn't solve the problem. Boxing it or locking it up would solve the majority of the problem.

not with your mentality of two sides of a coin story telling on a single path of isolating logic from the total sum that took place during your subjective insulating talking point mantra with the objective trying to make me believe you know something more than how kinetic life is limited to occupying space as timed apart now.

List your potential anything else is possible doesn't matter historical, current, any future generation of the population never duplicated a lifetime so far.

the future is limited to what adds from now on. Language arts(vocabulary) is like programming a computer, garbage in, garbage out.
not with your mentality of two sides of a coin story telling on a single path of isolating logic from the total sum that took place during your subjective insulating talking point mantra with the objective trying to make me believe you know something more than how kinetic life is limited to occupying space as timed apart now.

List your potential anything else is possible doesn't matter historical, current, any future generation of the population never duplicated a lifetime so far.

the future is limited to what adds from now on. Language arts(vocabulary) is like programming a computer, garbage in, garbage out.

Whose your daddy?
ou just can't stop yourself can you? You have nothing to say until others make up something to be said. You are society's child vernacularly cloned to recite possibilities, not adapt to life never the same from now on.

Ahah! The mask slipped a bit. LOL
Ahah! The mask slipped a bit. LOL

what mask? when do I ever say I am more than just a reproduction of a species timed apart in my reproductive position proportionately here now? You are the one projecting a lifetime isn't anything without a social franchised character role to play cradle to grave.