The physics of God

not at all. great attempt as deflecting though. See, whatever you believe doesn't alter being timed apart now. Does show why you strive to keep people guessing though. You loath life as timed apart in plain sight. Misery loves company that validates each other as a group think narrative larger than honest soles enjoying the time they get living as 1 of a kind.

I agree that your comment was deflection, but it wasn't great. Just run-of-mill deflection.
wow, patronizing condescension. I would never have guessed it being of character directed to serve artificial intelligence know as common language used to communicate brain to brain spoken or written.

Contextual souls trying to rule over conceived sole replacements while only alive as timed apart now.

Endowed by our creator all mankind is created equally present.
I agree that your comment was deflection, but it wasn't great. Just run-of-mill deflection.

playing the 3 axioms of truth now. pay attention to my avatar's shape of 6 degrees of separating 8 cornered narratives triangulating to open ended semantics such as yours, there are 7 others actively taking place at the same time. does your vocabulary keep up with that?

My brain does.
playing the 3 axioms of truth now. pay attention to my avatar's shape of 6 degrees of separating 8 cornered narratives triangulating to open ended semantics such as yours, there are 7 others actively taking place at the same time. does your vocabulary keep up with that?

My brain does.


Thanks for the laughs. Now I have to go mow some grass. Good luck with your "enlightenment".

Thanks for the laughs. Now I have to go mow some grass. Good luck with your "enlightenment".

what enlightenment? just navigating life as it always works in plain sight as timed apart conceived to decomposed position of occupying space so far as a cycle of reproduction compounding from now on. I am a proportionate part of real, not a leader in reality trying to disprove now is eternity.

Gee, the metaphysical to God and Satan. ^^^^^^^
I compartmentalize science and religion. They are not asking the same questions and they are different ways of considering the state of reality and existence.

Science is inductive and provides probabilistic knowlege about the natural world. There is no way any of us can be 100 percent certain about the actual nature of reality

My life is dedicated to the efficacy of inductive reasoning and its offspring-the scientific method.

But science cannot provide answers to metaphysical questions. I am unaware of a laboratory test or mathematical model which can provide us the ultimate answers about what constitutes justice, truth, and morality.

Religion only gives comfort that the answer is absolutely true.
Religion only gives comfort that the answer is absolutely true.

aren't all truths relative to 6 degrees of interpretation, morally, legally, ethically working 8 corner triangulation of each person alive now? lets get to the old idea of thinking outside a box of secrets only the inner circle is allowed to speculate beyond vocabulary defining who's who. need an illustration of what I am talking about, my avatar vs thinking out of a boxPicture-150.jpg

Nobody needs to take this personally since my idea stands same way against scientific theories same way it does judeo-Christian-Islam beliefs. works same against Satanism, Eastern Philosophies, ancient mythologies. even shows how psychologies are used against each individual alive now.
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Generic, succinct blanket statements carry no weight. This is too nebulous to have a response for.

How about reproductions of a species are specifically timed apart now and relative timing is all about understanding location on the surface of the planet living in the same space at the same time adapting to the moment is each lifetimes task to sustain the species as naturally displaced like the rest of the food chain events going on simultaneously here.

wow, now is physically universal separation of contracting combinations eroding from one form established to sustaining another form of contracting DNA combinaitons per lifetimes present as ancestrally continued until no reproducitons exist again.

simple spaced apart individually conception to decomposed as a species lasting generations inception to extinction. So specific it is the only way it ever worked or keeps lifetimes changing positions of ancestry so far. Eternally compounding changes, i.e. directly linked compounding cycles never the same details that arrived so far again. Its that ever changing goal posts everyone complains about every other side changes, yet no side actually controls why life is limited to adapting to the moment here, just attempts to manage outcomes with hypothetical standards training each incoming replacement from now on.

Oops academia and arts endoctrination and politics and religion working left and right wing narratives to channel social opinions economically one generation after another demanding everyone comply with not accepting now is eternity or else, be cast out of all realities same as I get banned from all message boards eventually.

Peace without destroying what makes life easier to adapt in the moment as equally centered timed apart now.

the great irony here is both missing link in scientific physics is the same missing link to spiritualism physics. both work off the assumption time changes everything and not everything is changing as timed apart now and this has been the practice since the dawn of socializing people by context, not ancestral point of displacement.
How about reproductions of a species are specifically timed apart now and relative timing is all about understanding location on the surface of the planet living in the same space at the same time adapting to the moment is each lifetimes task to sustain the species as naturally displaced like the rest of the food chain events going on simultaneously here.

wow, now is physically universal separation of contracting combinations eroding from one form established to sustaining another form of contracting DNA combinaitons per lifetimes present as ancestrally continued until no reproducitons exist again.

simple spaced apart individually conception to decomposed as a species lasting generations inception to extinction. So specific it is the only way it ever worked or keeps lifetimes changing positions of ancestry so far. Eternally compounding changes, i.e. directly linked compounding cycles never the same details that arrived so far again. Its that ever changing goal posts everyone complains about every other side changes, yet no side actually controls why life is limited to adapting to the moment here, just attempts to manage outcomes with hypothetical standards training each incoming replacement from now on.

Oops academia and arts endoctrination and politics and religion working left and right wing narratives to channel social opinions economically one generation after another demanding everyone comply with not accepting now is eternity or else, be cast out of all realities same as I get banned from all message boards eventually.

Peace without destroying what makes life easier to adapt in the moment as equally centered timed apart now.

Sorry, this is Greek to me. I guess I am not smart enough to decipher this.
Sorry, this is Greek to me. I guess I am not smart enough to decipher this.

do you trust your intellect after birth more than your instincts(gut feeling) since conception? do you doubt facts that never match life in plain sight? want to remove doubt? ponder life as timed apart now and only use linear time as reference to geographcial position by latitude and longitude while socially separated by attitude and platitude.

Reality by human design is managed contextually, life populations currently here are managed reproductively, no exceptions by theories, theologies, mob rule of law directing each added replacement of the homo sapien species abeys rule of law to geographical area determined by homo sapiens intellectually training each added lifetime to disreguard being timed apart now or else.
do you trust your intellect after birth more than your instincts(gut feeling) since conception? do you doubt facts that never match life in plain sight? want to remove doubt? ponder life as timed apart now and only use linear time as reference to geographcial position by latitude and longitude while socially separated by attitude and platitude.

Reality by human design is managed contextually, life populations currently here are managed reproductively, no exceptions by theories, theologies, mob rule of law directing each added replacement of the homo sapien species abeys rule of law to geographical area determined by homo sapiens intellectually training each added lifetime to disreguard being timed apart now or else.

The great thing however is, in the show of the temporal and the transient to recognize the substance which is immanent and the eternal which is present. For the work of Reason (which is synonymous with the Idea) when considered in its own actuality, is to simultaneously enter external existence and emerge with an infinite wealth of forms, phenomena and phases — a multiplicity that envelops its essential rational kernel with a motley outer rind with which our ordinary consciousness is earliest at home. It is this rind that the Concept must penetrate before Reason can find its own inward pulse and feel it still beating even in the outward phases. But this infinite variety of circumstances which is formed in this element of externality by the light of the rational essence shining in it — all this infinite material, with its regulatory laws — is not the object of philosophy....To comprehend what is, is the task of philosophy: and what is is Reason. ( source credit Hegel)
The great thing however is, in the show of the temporal and the transient to recognize the substance which is immanent and the eternal which is present. For the work of Reason (which is synonymous with the Idea) when considered in its own actuality, is to simultaneously enter external existence and emerge with an infinite wealth of forms, phenomena and phases — a multiplicity that envelops its essential rational kernel with a motley outer rind with which our ordinary consciousness is earliest at home. It is this rind that the Concept must penetrate before Reason can find its own inward pulse and feel it still beating even in the outward phases. But this infinite variety of circumstances which is formed in this element of externality by the light of the rational essence shining in it — all this infinite material, with its regulatory laws — is not the object of philosophy....To comprehend what is, is the task of philosophy: and what is is Reason. ( source credit Hegel)

I see 3 bits of vocabulary that work again instinctive awareness in your credit to Hegel.there is a finite material(molecular characteristics) that bring forms shaping in compounding balances timed apart now. for one. See here is where cycles comes from as erosion contracts the expanding inorganic combinations begins the contracting results of organic combinations of DNA where once dead the molecular proportions of celluar shape return to grow the inorganic combinations limited to each universal object timed apart now.

Again, Hegel is still using language as a separation from real to manifested realities. mind over matter narratives people buy with hope, faith, charity there is such a thing possible as tomorrow. just each rotation brings upon the dutyful believers trying to prove now isn't eternity, cannot change their minds with rule of law punisihing anyone that does.

This has taken place since dawn of civilization. It isn't done by accident or oversight either. especially in current events. Ruling elites know their authority is failing and they are collapsing the world economy to reassert their persuasion of power. Yes they are doing the greater good to save lives mantra hiding it behind corona virus.

What is serenity is all about? Knowing what one can do and what cannot be done. Life cannot be larger than reproductions present. that means context is never a complete answer when interpreting possibilities that cannot take place naturally timed apart now.
Sorry, this is Greek to me. I guess I am not smart enough to decipher this.

That's because you need to get really, really high first then run as fast as you can headfirst into a wall.
THAT'S when it will all become clear to you.
That's because you need to get really, really high first then run as fast as you can headfirst into a wall.
THAT'S when it will all become clear to you.

not high, honest within oneself. Instincts navigate a body through being timed apart, vocabulary steers people to mind ideas that promise things that physically never existed in real time reproductive separated so far.

Reality is about controlling outcomes from now on and the so called greater good was manage the unpredictable by controlling behavior during adapt or become extinct timed apart occupying space now. Defying real creates "reasonable doubt" and to make matters worse "mind" vocabulary, not navigate life as timed apart equally centered here conceived to decomposed.

this is ^^^^^^the root of all "evil". defying one's own natural time as displaced so far. Manifested destiny is rule of law changes between ideologies and geographical areas coloinized around syllables. separate tongues still use language the same way in the same species. why people won't get along, they ancestrally agree to disagree about life as eternally spearated so far, naturally here as reproductively timed apart now.

13 years I have been trying to get others to listen and the people hoping tomorrow is a better day won't listen, cast me aside, exile me, ban me from message boards. But life only lasts individually here equally adapting to spaced apart now. I have nowhere to go and dead really isn't my choice yet. Tyranny is governed by hope tomorrow changes everything, faith vocabulary is all anyone needs to recite, and charity is just a pretty set of syllables bribing malcontents to be surrogates to doubt.

What is left is that sinking feeling behind one's eyes and between their ears that life beyond society is helpless, hopeless, and individual worth less not paying to play life's supreme species chosen by a higher intellectual designer of universal displacement.

I am not against making life easier to adapt at being eternally timed apart, I am against the vocabulary making each ancestor deny why they exist now. So many things drive civic minds to end up sacrificing their civil sole adapting to the moment. Mob rule just doesn't work. History shows why and how to correct it honestly without destroying living as reproductively centered so far.