The physics of God

God the Father is the singular original wellspring of Personhood.

one species is the total number of reproductions present until no reproductions present again. simple compounding balances between contracting combinations and expanding details never duplicated as before again, here as universally positioned inorganic or cellular in one atmosphere, one lifetime at a timed apart now presence.
Besides spouting shit you have no clue about, the fact you are quoting and talking to yourself is an indication you are blurring your sock puppet personalities.

The physical, mental and spiritual are, indeed, three different realms.

Sometimes I want intelligent conversation
I do not know about spirits, but it all comes down to the mind.

I am reading a book about the philosophy of mind which considers the relation between the brain and the mind; whether free will an illusion; and the role of consciousness and the mental in a physical universe.

The mind is a physical computer,our spirit is our connection with God.

Promises, promises shitbag.

When you are finally dead and gone, I'll take my dog on a memorial walk. When he shits, I'll say "And there goes Mason AKA Miss Margot AKA Anne, a lying piece of shit now lying on the ground".

Hey, if you catch COVID, be sure to let everyone know, mkay? Some people on this forum would enjoy the good news. Everyone else would just feign concern.
So is the Father some weird mix of spirit and physical?

According to Orthodox theology, the Trinity are all of the same essence, all one God- just revealed to us in three different ways. As to how it all relates to the physical world, Orthodoxy maintains God is unknowable, a divine mystery: that we have to accept the inadequacy of the human mind to comprehend Him.

In orthodoxy, we simply do not have the language to describe God. Language is inadequate for many things. We simply do not have the words to adequately describe quantum mechanics, it is only reachable through statistics and math
So is the Father some weird mix of spirit and physical?

Religious evolution. The idea of the Trinity didn't come about until roughly 300 years after the Crucifixion.

It's silly too because if they are the same, then who the fuck was Jesus talking to when he said "let this cup pass from me"?

I doubt he was a schizo piece of shit like Mason AKA Miss Margot AKA Anne Frank, so he must have been talking to God, the father of us all. It was people who made the Trinity, not Jesus and certainly not God.