The physics of God

Can someone tell Dutch I put him in the file with Legion
Another lie from a scumbag who bore false witness. Enjoy burning in Hell, douchebag.

God knows what is in your heart. You and I both know you bore false witness against me. Repent or pay the price for your sins.
Material energy has three states of being...Material energy is created, maintained & dissolved.

The Supreme Lord said:
"The indestructible, transcendental living entity is called Brahman,
and his eternal nature is called the self. ..."

Brahman is indestructible and eternally existing, and its constitution is not
changed at any time. But beyond Brahman there is Parabrahman.
Brahman refers to the living entity, and Parabrahman refers to the
Supreme Personality of Godhead. The constitutional position of the
living entity [The soul] is different from the position he takes in the material world.
In material consciousness, his nature is to try to be the lord of matter,
but in spiritual (Krishna aka God) consciousness,
his position is to serve the Supreme [aka Bhakti-yoga].
When the living entity [The soul] is in material consciousness,
he has to take on various bodies in the material world
[aka samsara via fruits of work (aka karma)].

In Vedic literature the living entity is called jivatma and Brahman,
but he is never called Parabrahman. The living entity (jivatma) takes
different positions—sometimes he merges into the dark material nature
and identifies himself with matter, and sometimes he identifies himself
with the superior spiritual nature. Therefore he is called the Supreme
Lord's marginal energy. According to his identification with material or
spiritual nature, he receives a material or spiritual body. In material
nature he may take a body from any of the 8,400,000 species of life,
but in spiritual nature he has only one body. In material nature he is
sometimes manifested as a man, demigod, an animal, a beast, bird, etc.,
according to his karma. To attain material heavenly planets and enjoy
their facilities, he sometimes performs sacrifices (yajna), but when his
merit is exhausted, he returns to earth again in the form of a man.
In the process of sacrifice, the living entity makes specific sacrifices
to attain specific heavenly planets and consequently reaches them.
When the merit of sacrifice is exhausted, then the living entity descends
to earth in the form of rain, then takes on the form of grains, and the
grains are eaten by man and transformed into semen, which impregnates
a woman, and thus the living entity once again attains the human form
to perform sacrifice and so repeat the same cycle. In this way, the living
entity perpetually comes and goes on the material path. The Krishna conscious
person [aka Bhakti-yogi], however, avoids such sacrifices.
He takes directly to Krishna consciousness and thereby prepares
himself to return to Godhead.
Impersonalist commentators on the Gita unreasonably assume that
Brahman takes the form of jiva in the material world, and to
substantiate this they refer to Chapter Fifteen, verse 7, of the Gita.
But this verse also speaks of the living entity as "an eternal fragment of Myself."
The fragment of God, the living entity, may fall down into the material world,
but the Supreme Lord (Acyuta) never falls down. Therefore this assumption
that the Supreme Brahman assumes the form of jiva is not acceptable.
It is important to remember that in Vedic literature Brahman (the living entity)
is distinguished from Parabrahman (the Supreme Lord).
Yo mama and the horse she rode in on.

society governs with more than political might and intellectual right so one must figure out political might is physical force and intellectual right is subliminal power of suggestion of consequences for not speaking the truth in governed terminology leading realities controlling the outcomes of lifetimes occupying space as timed apart now.

that code speak to the last 7 words of your post. shame on you. for your action you get a universal equal reaction.

back to wants of governing collective personal behavior of lifetimes present through the art of verbal communicating ideas with vocabulary and literal, linear, set patterns of insulating and isolating people instinctively navigating timed apart occupying space now. Lets use two sides pschyological teaming up 3 polarizing axioms that bring about 6 degrees of separation around a 7th position these 6 degrees can focus upon to make a person feel subliminally penned in a no win social scenario

first is a vertical axsis with polar ends institutionally called arts and academia. really doesn't matter which is up or down. also with arts and academia lets double the vertical polarities with how and why being kinetic results of male and female displacement of reproductions timed apart now.

on this vertical axis half way between top and bottom are two intersecting horizontal perpendicular axses same length as vertical axsis with 4 polar ends to details of what, when, where, who and the opposing ends will institutionally be called political left and spiritual right, and the other two are leadership economics and fellowship social justification.

Now the 7th center position, each lifetime timed apart now occupying space as proportionately here as total number of the species being discussed.

Oops, Your social mask has been stripped off your vernacular. Your tailored made social character of vocabulary has left your genetic point of displacement in your birthday suit because the character you verbally project doesn't match the space you occupying being proportionately here.

too abstract for your programmed mind, You are the character Emperor parading around in your new threads woven in string theories and spiritual fantasies life is more than occupying space as eternally separated now.

Your reality is a trojan horse ideology your ancestral progression hi in for the last 101 reproductive cycles for 2,020 years AD and humanity didn't learn why Jesus was crucified for being completely honest life only exists as timed apart reproductions occupying space now.

Kinetic adapt or become extinct specificity. Compounding one to everyone here regardless remaining 1 of 16 great great grandparents or siblings not parenting, 1 of 8 great grandparents or sibling that didn't reproduce, 1 of 4 grandparents and siblings not adding second cousins, 1 of 2 parents and siblings not producing cousins, and finally great great grandhcildren added to replace numbers of the species that died already.

Kinetic physical absolutes regardless applied to plant, animal, predator, prey 4 corners of the horizontal plane with the vertical center being male and female reproductive cell meeting at center balancing point of eternally timing reproductions apart now.

MY brain needed something to illustrate what my brain navigates in real time relative time has no map for being life works individuals spontaneously present conception to decomposed cycles compound as the numbers present any rotation of the planet so far when simultaneously alive as ancestrally displaced.

So Philoosphy of thinking outside a box, human psychology of playing 6 degrees of separation upon everyone else alive, then comes mapping out specific spaces between the lines of 16 great great grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 4 grandparents, 2 parents, each great great grandchild within an ever changing populaiton present in plain sight now within the 24/7 mantra historically used by some against their own species still practiced now and never corrected since the dawn of colonizing people around vocabulary, geographically here.

Picture-170.jpg Picture-123.jpg Picture-36.jpg<my game against collective self deception governing humanity as simple as tic-tac-toe and why no reality of humanity works without imploding upon itself as global superpowers only average about 12 reproductive cycles from instituted to changes it social narrative completely.

America reached 244 years after declaration of Independence and look around, Constitution ratified in Nov, 1789 doesn't exist as written and now interpreted to mean serving humanity not defending the liberty to navigate living as one of a kind being civil and respecting life reproductively doesn't exceed now.

^^^this is my brain in full rage mode.^^^^ your reality got nuked and I never harmed a reproduction in this atmosphere delivering Judgement Day.<Physics of God.^^^^
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society governs with more than political might and intellectual right so one must figure out political might is physical force and intellectual right is subliminal power of suggestion of consequences for not speaking the truth in governed terminology leading realities controlling the outcomes of lifetimes ...
None of which has a fucking thing to do with God, sweet cheeks.

Your mama wasn't too bright either. When I said "It's chilly out there" she jumped out of bed and ran outside with a spoon.
None of which has a fucking thing to do with God, sweet cheeks.

Your mama wasn't too bright either. When I said "It's chilly out there" she jumped out of bed and ran outside with a spoon.

The promise of an afterlife is no different than planning on tomorrow scientifically when living is eternally timed apart reproductions occupying space now. It is so kinetically specific, every reality is a separate form of denying now is eternity only done by one species against itself for emtional feelings of superiority.

That is very intellectually insecure about one's character. Gee where does the doubt fester within a brain trained to mind context not content perpetually balancing their time spaced apart in a population never the same details again, now?

time for you to stop blaming and flaming since you are as equally corrupted as those you say are dishonest. You don't respect natural displacement. Everyone is making that attitude my problem. Not my fault. I navigate as a reproduction occupying space as timed apart equally here. Nothing more and not anything less, physically or psychologically.
Such a cop-out. But that's religion, for ya.
That does seem especially inconsistent, since Jesus was supposed to be a physical person. And the Holy Spirit should be spirit since it's right there in the name. But I guess the Eastern Orthodox Church didn't understand it either.

Smarter people than you and me spent several centuries thinking about the meaning of the Trinity in late antiquity

They obviously did not use Newtonian physics, quantum theory, or the inductive method of modern science. You and I share many beliefs that are not amenable to the principles of particle physics, laboratory tests, or advanced calculus - justice, morality, and truth, for example.

I do not think they are demanding you or I must share their beliefs about the Trinity. And I have been around enough archbishops, priests, and deacons to say that with confidence.
Smarter people than you and me spent several centuries thinking about the meaning of the Trinity in late antiquity

They obviously did not use Newtonian physics, quantum theory, or the inductive method of modern science. You and I share many beliefs that are not amenable to the principles of particle physics, laboratory tests, or advanced calculus - justice, morality, and truth, for example.

I do not think they are demanding you or I must share their beliefs about the Trinity. And I have been around enough archbishops, priests, and deacons to say that with confidence.

The difference is that I'm at least doing my best to only believe things that are heavily backed up by facts and logic. If someone's explanation for why they believe something is along the lines of "it can't be explained" then they obviously don't care about facts and logic.