The physics of God

The difference is that I'm at least doing my best to only believe things that are heavily backed up by facts and logic. If someone's explanation for why they believe something is along the lines of "it can't be explained" then they obviously don't care about facts and logic.

There's plenty of evidence of the Spirit World.

But, because you can't study spirits in a lab, or the implications of the Spirit World making people outburst with fear.

The Scientists simply brush it off.

60 percent of those studied felt they had seen a ghost in their lifetime. In addition, more than 40 percent of those surveyed think their pet has seen one too.

Chilling Reincarnation Stories: Meet 6 People Who Lived Before
There's plenty of evidence of the Spirit World.

But, because you can't study spirits in a lab, or the implications of the Spirit World making people outburst with fear.

The Scientists simply brush it off.

60 percent of those studied felt they had seen a ghost in their lifetime. In addition, more than 40 percent of those surveyed think their pet has seen one too.

Chilling Reincarnation Stories: Meet 6 People Who Lived Before

A claim alone isn't evidence, especially when concerning an extraordinary claim. People still claim to have seen Elvis.
A claim alone isn't evidence, especially when concerning an extraordinary claim. People still claim to have seen Elvis.

Oh they are real, I remember sensing a Ghost of an old lady for years to the right of my microwave in the old house, and I a psychic saw a tour video of the old house, and told me there was an old lady Ghost to the right of the microwave.

But, the thing is I never told her, she knew because she sensed it too.

Some of the scientists like the Jew Carl Sagan should be embarrassed for lying to the public.
The difference is that I'm at least doing my best to only believe things that are heavily backed up by facts and logic. If someone's explanation for why they believe something is along the lines of "it can't be explained" then they obviously don't care about facts and logic.

Social facts by theories and theologies used ancestrally dividing people by beliefs and social regulations as timed apart in reproductive points of equally displaced at the same time? Seems you are projecting you only follow the law/orders? Hey, were all pawns in societal evolution except idealists collecting royalties from people acting out their designed world theaters of doubt geographically going on currently as historically done so far.

earth, wind, water, fire= inorganic
heart, mind, body, soul = organic
midnight, dawn, noon, dusk = 24/7
solstice, equinox, solstice, equinox = 8 seasonal changes in one revolution around the star.
God, country, community, social rank
philosophy, psychology, psychiatry, philanthropist.

118 identitifed stable molecular characteristics sustaining universal positions and reproductive positions. Gaseous, liquid, mineral each having separate thresholds of shape and form when combined into 2 separate 4 dimensional planes of simultaneously here.

Stop pretending nobody knows when your body navigates those 24 constant event horizons separating each lifetime of the food chain in this atmosphere now from 8 great grandparents, 4 grandparents, 2 parents, each great grandchild added to the rotation of people never the same shape and form spaced apart now.
Oh they are real, I remember sensing a Ghost of an old lady for years to the right of my microwave in the old house, and I a psychic saw a tour video of the old house, and told me there was an old lady Ghost to the right of the microwave.

But, the thing is I never told her, she knew because she sensed it too.

Some of the scientists like the Jew Carl Sagan should be embarrassed for lying to the public.

That's not enough evidence to really say it was a ghost. Maybe when people die, they leave a pool of electromagnetic energy where they died, and that's what you both were sensing. I'm not saying that's true, but there is just as much proof of that as there is of it being a ghost. Could have even been aliens playing a trick, who knows?

I'm open to the possibility of ghosts and such, but believing in them right now is just unjustifiable.
A claim alone isn't evidence, especially when concerning an extraordinary claim. People still claim to have seen Elvis.

UFO's are real too, I've seen them.

My Mom & myself have seen cigar shaped very shiny crafts flying over our house in Pawling, NY for years.

But, that's not the most surprising one.

Over Putnam Lake, NY I saw a UFO that looked like a star, fly slowly towards the North-East for hours.

Impossible that any Star, Planet can move towards the North-East.

Impossible for any Human craft for hours across the sky.
The difference is that I'm at least doing my best to only believe things that are heavily backed up by facts and logic. If someone's explanation for why they believe something is along the lines of "it can't be explained" then they obviously don't care about facts and logic.

I spent my professional life immersed in the method of inductive reasoning, and still hold it in the utmost regard.

I have also come to the conclusion there are other ways of viewing truth, reality, and the nature of being which do not lend themselves to test tubes, mass spectrometers, and non Euclidean geometry.

I also came to believe we are severely constrained to actually know ultimate truth and the nature of reality because of our evolutionarily limited cognition and sensory perceptions. In that sense, the theologians who invoke some unknowable nature of reality are at least being more honest with themselves than are some lab scientists.
UFO's are real too, I've seen them.

My Mom & myself have seen cigar shaped very shiny crafts flying over our house in Pawling, NY for years.

But, that's not the most surprising one.

Over Putnam Lake, NY I saw a UFO that looked like a star, fly slowly towards the North-East for hours.

Impossible that any Star, Planet can move towards the North-East.

Impossible for any Human craft for hours across the sky.

Considering how many planets exist, it's extremely likely that aliens are real.
But I don't see any logical reason to believe in ghosts.
UFO's are real too, I've seen them.

My Mom & myself have seen cigar shaped very shiny crafts flying over our house in Pawling, NY for years.

But, that's not the most surprising one.

Over Putnam Lake, NY I saw a UFO that looked like a star, fly slowly towards the North-East for hours.

Impossible that any Star, Planet can move towards the North-East.

Impossible for any Human craft for hours across the sky.
I believe in them, a friend of my father, never had a drink in his life, was coming home from a football game he had reffed, it was night and he saw something standing by the road, he slowed down to see if the person needed help, as he got closer he realized it wasn’t a person, he sped up and didn’t look back, he claims he didn’t know what it was and he didn’t want to find out.
That's not enough evidence to really say it was a ghost. Maybe when people die, they leave a pool of electromagnetic energy where they died, and that's what you both were sensing. I'm not saying that's true, but there is just as much proof of that as there is of it being a ghost. Could have even been aliens playing a trick, who knows?

I'm open to the possibility of ghosts and such, but believing in them right now is just unjustifiable.

We both sensed the Ghost, but could sense that the spirit was benevolent or mild.

How come we could sense the same energy?

Well, of course Reincarnation makes sense in the first place.

Because the energy that makes us shouldn't die out, according to Science.

That's far from the only stories.

I've sensed a real heavy dark energy around a guy in a bar, and my friend with me without me saying anything, says feel that dark heaviness, that's a Demon.

When I was in elementary school, my best friend at the time, and myself went into a graveyard, and a root snapped up out of the ground.

When I wasn't sleeping because of hot weather for a few days, I got a bit delusional, but when I called 9/11 the dispatcher told me to stop other people from talking, but ONLY I was in the room.

Absolutely, I believe in Possession too.
UFO's are real too, I've seen them.

My Mom & myself have seen cigar shaped very shiny crafts flying over our house in Pawling, NY for years.

But, that's not the most surprising one.

Over Putnam Lake, NY I saw a UFO that looked like a star, fly slowly towards the North-East for hours.

Impossible that any Star, Planet can move towards the North-East.

Impossible for any Human craft for hours across the sky.

fuji or goodyear?
Considering how many planets exist, it's extremely likely that aliens are real.
But I don't see any logical reason to believe in ghosts.

Ever consider they might be inhabitants of Earth?

A lot of UFO seen are actually involved with water.

The biggest hot spots are the deepest trenches in the Oceans the Bermuda Triangle & the Devils Triangle.

It has been theorized they might live in the Earth.
Not a blimp.

My Mexican ex co-worker also took a picture of a typical flying saucer, right where we worked.

So quick to project and so unwilling to review why life became all that exists now and how does it never stay the same from now on? Life on any other planet will face the same thing life on this planet faces, occupying space as timed apart now. There is a natural order to perpetual balancing details. Nature is what lifetimes do when occupying space cradle to grave as "naturally" positioned in compounding total sum events going on here now. Here being the complete universe so far.

Hard to wrap your restrictive vocabulary around isn't it? why it is easier to sustain corruption than stop it.
I believe in them, a friend of my father, never had a drink in his life, was coming home from a football game he had reffed, it was night and he saw something standing by the road, he slowed down to see if the person needed help, as he got closer he realized it wasn’t a person, he sped up and didn’t look back, he claims he didn’t know what it was and he didn’t want to find out.

I believe it, there's a lot of weird things out there, and lots of people have witnessed these weird things.
The promise of an afterlife is no different than planning on tomorrow scientifically when living is eternally timed apart reproductions occupying space now....
Bullshit, but since I made your mom see God, I'm now a believer in the afterlife.
Ever consider they might be inhabitants of Earth?

A lot of UFO seen are actually involved with water.

The biggest hot spots are the deepest trenches in the Oceans the Bermuda Triangle & the Devils Triangle.

It has been theorized they might live in the Earth.

It's possible.
Fucking is part of life. I know it. Your mom knew it. Why don't you know it? Are you still a virgin?

natural selection verses personal choices as timed apart. Natural sellection supplies the lifetimes in charge of reality demanding everyone else ignore being timed apart now and obey their better way working against natural selection.

Humanity lost every time while increasing corruption each generation.